Emanuel STOTLER (RIN: 759). Mary Esther STOTLER (RIN: 625) was born 23 October 1852 in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. She died 07 August 1932 in Estero, Lee, Florida.

Notes for Mary Esther STOTLER:

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn: Mary Esther Stotler; Born: 23 Oct 1852; Died: 7 Aug 1932

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready: Esther Stotler--"Came from Pittsburgh after the death of her husband; a first cousin of Andrew Mellon; taught dancing to the girls, and was pianist in the orchestra when first organized."

Burial: Koreshan Unity Cemetery--lot 6; Inscription: Esther Stotler/1852-Aug. 1932.

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1900; Koreshan Community; Enumeration date: 27 Jun 1900; Enumerator: A. A. Gardner; Precinct 6; Microfilm number: 1240172; SD: 2; ED: 77; Sheet number: 16; Page number: 26: Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff: Mary E. Stotlar; Relation to head of family: partner; Color: white; Sex: female; Birth: Oct 1852; Age 47; Widow; Mother of 0 children; Place of birth: Pennsylvania; Place of birth of father: Connecticut; Place of birth of mother: Pennsylvania; Occupation: assistant; Can read and write: yes; Can speak English: yes.

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1910; Enumeration date: 23 Apr 1910; Koreshan Unity; Enumerator: Walter S. Turner, Jr.; Microfilm number: Fl 1910-H T624; ED: 80; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 4 Jan 1995: Mary E. Stotler; Sex: Female; Race: white; Age 57; Marital status: Widow; Place of birth: Pennsylvania; Place of birth of father: Connecticut; Place of birth of mother: Pennsylvania; Language spoken: English; Occupation: Seamstress; Employer or worker: worker; No. of months not employed: 0; Can read and write: yes.

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1920; Enumeration date: Jan 2, 1920; Enumerator: Henry D. Silverfriend; ED: 109; SD: 1; Fourth Precinct; Microfilm roll number: 1820221; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, December 1994: Mary Esther Stotler; Place of residence: Planetary Court; Relation to head of family: Boarder; Age 67; Widow; Place of birth: Pennsylvania; Place of birth of father: Connecticut; Place of birth of mother: Pennsylvania; Occupation: Seamstress/K.U. Home.

U.S. Federal 1930 Census; Estero, Lee County, Florida; Election Precinct 12; Koreshan Unity Home; Enumerated on May 5, 1930; Enumerator: William Howell; ED: 36-17; SD: 6; Page: 199; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, January 2003: Mary B. (?) Stotler; Radio set: none listed; Sex: female; Color: white; Age at last birthday: 77; Marital condition: Widow; Age at first marriage: 22; Attended school since Sep 1, 1929: no; Whether able to read and write: yes; Place of birth: Pennsylvania: Place of birth of father: Connecticut; Place of birth of mother: Connecticut; Whether able to speak English: yes; Occupation: House Keeper; Industry: General work; Whether actually at work yesterday or the last working day: Yes.

MEMORIES, MEMORIES--DAYS OF LONG AGO chronicled by Marie McCready with participation by Lovelle McCready: Esther Stotler, a Pittsburgher and first cousin of Andrew Mellon, gave the girls dancing lessons.--page 76. Esther Stotler played the piano.--Page 78.

THE FLAMING SWORD: Community Current Events, Sep 1932: "It is with sorrow that we report the passing of Sister Esther Stotler early Sunday morning, August 7. Sister Esther became a member of the Unity in Chicago in 1893. The following year she came to Estero with the first large party to settle here, remaining here at the Unity up to the time of her death. As the result of a fall, Sister Esther had her hip broken some four and a half years ago and was an invalid since that accident, being confined to her room a greater part of the time. A few days before her passing, she took suddenly ill and grew steadily worse. Sister Esther is survived by her sister, Mrs. Henry Preston, of Los Angeles, California. She was a cousin of Andrew D. Mellon, late secretary of the United States Treasury. She was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in October 1852. She married Emanuel Stotler, going to Kansas City, where she lived until Mr. Stotler's death about eight years later. She returned to Pittsburgh and subsequently became interested in the teachings of KORESH. Sister Esther's services to the cause were invaluable and will be long remembered."

Sources for Mary Esther STOTLER:

  1. The Koreshan Unity Membership List by Claude Rahn,
  2. Flaming Sword, Community Current Events; September 1932
  3. Koreshan Unity Cemetery, Lot 6Esther Stotler; 1852-Aug 1932