John Stephen SARGENT (RIN: 579) was born 20 March 1846 in Hutton, Coles, Illinois. He died 22 September 1932.

Children of John Stephen SARGENT and are:
1. Pearl SARGENT (RIN: 151) See COX & Pearl SARGENT
2. Paul SARGENT (RIN: 580)
3. Opal SARGENT (RIN: 798) See HODGE & Opal SARGENT

Other Marriages/Unions for John Stephen SARGENT:
See John Stephen SARGENT & ?

Notes for John Stephen SARGENT:

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn: John Stephen Sargent: Born: 20 Mar 1846, Hutton, Coles County, Illinois. Served 68th Illinois Inf., Co., Civil War; joined K.U. 1892; Died: 22 Sep 1932.

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready: John Sargent; "A civil War veteran on the Union side and, perhaps because of his beard, I could always picture him in his blue cap and uniform. Belle Cox engineered having a federal marker placed at his grave. One of Lovelle's two favorite men there."

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1900; Koreshan Community; Enumeration date: 27 Jun 1900; Enumerator: A. A. Gardner; Precinct 6; Microfilm number: 1240172; SD: 2; ED: 77; Sheet number: 16; Page number: 26: Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff: John S. Sargent; Relation to head of family: Partner; Color: white; Sex: male; Born: Mar 1846; Age 54; Married 30 years; Place of birth: Illinois; Place of birth of father: New Hampshire; Place of birth of mother: Kentucky; Occupation: assistant; Can read and write: yes; Can speak English: yes.

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1910; Koreshan Unity; Enumeration Date: 25 Apr 1910; Enumerator: Walter S. Turner, Jr.; Microfilm No.: Fl 1910-H T624; ED: 80; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, January 1995: John S. Sargant; Sex: male; Race: white; Age 64; Marital status: Married one time; Number of years married: 35; Place of birth: Illinois; Place of birth of father: New Hampshire; Place of birth of mother: Kentucky; Language spoken: English; Occupation: farmer; Employer or worker: worker; No. of months not employed: 0; Can read and write: yes.

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1920; Enumeration date: Jan 2, 1920; Enumerator: Henry D. Silverfriend; ED: 109; SD: 1; Fourth Precinct; Microfilm roll number: 1820221; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, Dec 1994: John S. Sargent; House number: FM; Dwelling number 11; Family visitation number: 13; Relation to head of family: Head; Place of residence: farm; Age 73; Widower; Place of birth: Illinois; Place of birth of father: New Hampshire; Place of birth of mother: Kentucky; Occupation: farmer and journalist\K.U. farm.

U.S. Federal 1930 Census; Estero, Lee County, Florida; Election Precinct 12; Koreshan Unity Home; Enumeration Date: May 5, 1930; Enumerator: William Howell; ED: 36-17; SD: 6; Page 199; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, January 2003: John S. Sargent; Radio set: none listed; Sex: Male; Color: white; Age at last birthday: 84; Marital condition: widower; Attended school since Sep 1, 1929; no; Whether able to read and write: yes; Place of birth: Illinois; Place of birth of father: New Hampshire; Place of birth of mother: Kentucky; Whether able to speak English: yes; Occupation: farmer and writer; Industry: farming; Whether actually at work yesterday or the last regular working day: yes; Veteran: no..

Burial: Koreshan Unity Cemetery--lot 8; Inscription: John Sargent/1846-Sept 1932. (Federal Civil War tombstone gives following inscription: John S. Sargent; Company C; 68th Illinois Infantry; Born: Hutton, Coles County, Illinois; Mar. 20, 1846; Died: Sept. 22, 1932.)

MEMORIES, MEMORIES--DAYS OF LONG AGO chronicled by Marie McCready with participation by Lovelle McCready: John Sargent, a favorite of Lovelle McCready, was in charge of the stock in our early days.--Page 85

Sources for John Stephen SARGENT:

  1. The Koreshan Unity Membership List by Claude Rahn,
  2. Koreshan Unity Cemetery, Lot #8John Sargent; 1846--Sept. 1932

Notes for Paul SARGENT:

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn: Paul Sargent, Son of John S. Sargent and a fine artist.

THE FLAMING SWORD, Community Current Events by Max E. Arendt; June 1932:
"Mr. Paul Sargent, who had been visiting at the Unity for several weeks, left for his home at Charleston, Illinois. He was accompanied as far as Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, by Sister Cora Stephens and her daughter, Alafae, who will visit relatives there. Before his departure Mr. Sargent exhibited some of the paintings which he had partly or completely finished during his visit, much to the enjoyment of those who appreciate the high quality of his work. Needless to say, we will miss Mr. Sargent's presence and hope for visit soon again." "Paul Sargent has painted another portrait of Dr. J. R. Price, and needless to say, it is excellently done."

Flaming SWORD, Community Current Events by Adah J. Price, April 1938: "News comes to us of progress in the art world of Mr. Paul T. Sargent of Charleston,
Illinois, son our our late beloved Brother John S. Sargent. Mr. Sargent had on exhibit in the Lieber Gallery of Indianapolis, Indiana, nineteen canvases.
Several of Mr. Sargent's paintings are now on display in our Art Hall, which he painted in Estero several years ago when here visiting his father."

THE FLAMING SWORD, Community Current Events, Apr 1946, p. 10: "The Unity
recently received news of the sudden death of Mr. Paul Sargent, son of Brother John Sargent one of the early Koreshan pioneers and writer on THE SWORD staff. Paul spent some time with us and several of his paintings are on exhibit in the Art Hall. He died sitting at his library table of heart trouble. His brotherJohn came into the room, noticed his lamp chimney seemed to be tipping off, went to him and found Paul's spirit gone on to his new spiritual sphere."