George B. SANDER (RIN: 572) was born abt. 1868 in Maryland. Anna Clara LORITZ (RIN: 573) was born abt. 1870 in Maryland.

Children of George B. SANDER and Anna Clara LORITZ are:
1. H. Roland SANDER (RIN: 574), b. 06 November 1891
2. J. Girard SANDER (RIN: 575), b. 04 July 1895
3. Bernadette SANDER (RIN: 576), b. 26 July 1897
4. Athelston (Harry L.) SANDER (RIN: 577), b. September 1906

Notes for George B. SANDER:

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn: George B. Sander; "Arrived Estero, March 1907"

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready: George Sander, Father; "This family came after I left and did not stay long enough for me to know on my visits; remembered by the others but no special items of interest cited."

U.S. Federal Census/Estero, Florida--1910: George B. Sanders; Living outside the Koreshan Unity; Age 42; Married one time; Number of years married: 20; Place of birth: Maryland; Place of birth of mother and father: Europe; Occupation: Merchant/Grocery.

U. S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/ Florida--1920; Enumerator: Henry D. Silverfriend; Enumeration Date: 5 Jan 1920; Microfilm number: 1820221-T625-221; ED: 109; Precinct 10; Outside the Koreshan Colony; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, January 1995: George B. Sanders; Place of residence: Estero Island; Age 51; Married; Place of birth: Maryland; Place of birth of mother and father: Germany; Occupation: Retail Merchant/General Store. (Living with wife Annie M. Sanders/Age 57/Born Wisconsin and 1 child, Athelston Sander)

Notes for Anna Clara LORITZ:

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn: Annie Clara Sander; (Nee Loritz)

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready: (Mother, no other name given); "This family came after I left and did not stay long enough for me to know on my visits; remembered by the others but no special items of interest cited."

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1910; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, January 1995: Anna C. Sanders; Living outside Koreshan settlement; Age 40; Married one time; Number of years married: 20; Mother of 4 children; Number of children living: 4; Place of birth: Maryland; Place of birth of mother and father: Maryland; Occupation: None.

Notes for H. Roland SANDER:

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn: H. Roland Sander; Born: 6 Nov 1891; Arrived: 13 Oct 1906

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready: Roland Sander; "This family came after I left and did not stay long enough for me to know on my visits; remembered by the others but no special items of interest cited."

Notes for J. Girard SANDER:

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn: J. Girard Sander; Born: 4 Jul 1895, Arrived Mar 1907

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready: Girard Sander; "This family came after I left and did not stay long enough for me to know on my visits;
remembered by the others but no special items of interest cited."

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1920: Girod Sanders; Living outside the Koreshan settlement; Age 15; Place of birth: Maryland; Place of birth of mother and father: Maryland; Occupation: Clerk/Grocery; Number of months not employed: 32.

Notes for Bernadette SANDER:

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn: Bernadette Sander; Born: 26 Jul 1897; Died: 19 Apr 1953; Arrived March 1907.

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready: Bernadette Sander; "This family came after I left and did not stay long enough for me to know on my visits; remembered by the others but no special items of interest cited."

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1910: Bernadette Sanders; Living outside the Koreshan settlement; Age 12; Place of birth: Maryland; Place of birth of mother and father: Maryland; Occupation: None.

Notes for Athelston (Harry L.) SANDER:

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn: Athelston (Harry L.) Sander; Born: Baltimore, Sep 1906; Arrived Estero 6 months later.

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready: Livingston* Sander; "This family came after I left and did not stay long enough for me to know on my visits; remembered by the others but no special items of interest cited." (Athelston (Harry L.) Sander and Livingston* Sander may be the same person)

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1910: Athelston Sanders; Living outside the Koreshan settlement; Age 8; Place of birth: Maryland; Place of birth of mother and father: Maryland; Occupation: None.