Dr. James Russell PRICE (RIN: 538) was born 21 May 1849 in Belleque, Prince Edward Is, Canada. He died 23 September 1932 in Estero, Florida. Adah J. PRICE (RIN: 539) was born 01 August 1866 in Illinois. She died aft. 01 March 1938.
Notes for Dr. James Russell PRICE:
THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn: Dr. James R. Price; Born: 21 May 1847, Belleque, Prince Edward Island; Died: 23 Sep 1932.
Burial: Koreshan Unity Cemetery--lot 9; Inscription: James Price/1847-Aug 1932
FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready: Doctor Price; "Husband and wife. Dr. Price (whose given name no one seems to remember) was an orator and actor. One of his favorite readings was "Darius Green and his Flying Machine."--William McCready
COURT RECORD/Lee County Court House--WARRANTY DEED: James Russell Price; 25 Apr 1924; No. 26759; Deed Book 70, Page 209; Entry Number 1.
U.S. Federal 1930 Census; Estero, Lee County, Florida; Precinct 12; Koreshan Unity Home; Enumeration Date: May 5, 1930; ED: 36-17; SD: 6; Page: 199; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, January 2003: James R. Price; Radio set: none listed; Sex: Male; Color: white; Age: 81; Marital condition: married; Age at first marriage: 32(?); Attended school since Sep 1, 1929: no; Whether able to read and write: yes; Place of birth: Can., Eng., E Ireland (?); Place of birth of father: Canada; Place of birth of mother: Canada; Language spoken in home before coming to the U.S.: English; Year of immigration to the U.S.: 1855; Naturalized: yes; Whether able to speak English: yes; Occupation: teacher; Industry: teaching; Whether actually at work yesterday (or the last regular working day): yes; Veteran: no.
FLAMING SWORD; Community Current Events by D. J. Richards; November 1930: "Harl Price Cook and Roger Rilleau, of New York City, arrived in Estero on a motorcycle and were guests of the Unity for some days. Harl is a grandson of Doctor J. R. Price, and lived in the Unity for a while. The boys had a wonderful time while here, fishing and swimming. Harl contributes one story a month to the True Story magazine."
FLAMING SWORD; Community Current Events by D. J. Richards; December 1930: "The writer in company with Dr. James Russell Price and Sister Adah Price, spent four days in St. Petersburg, Florida, recently, attending the 46th annual convention of the Southern Homeopathic Medical Society, of which Dr. Price is a member. The convention was held at the Suwanne Hotel, and was one of the most successful even held by the organization, due largely to the untiring energy of its president, Dr. William A. Guild, of St. Petersburg and Chicago."
Evelyn Horn's notes: Dr. Price was a poet. Sister Ada was assistant
postmaster. They lived down the river west of the Koreshan home. House called the "Ammity." The married couples had to live away from the Communal home. Dr. Price lived a very private life down the river.
As a young girl, I remember him lecturing at the Sunday evening performances at the Art Hall. He taught Dr. Teed's theory on the doctrine. He, also, was very witty and often recited his poetry.
10 August 2005:
Today we received a CD from Mr. Ronald Price of Cortland Nebraska. His Great Grandfather was the brother of James Russell Price. The CD contains photographs of Dr. Price at various stages of his life.
Sources for Dr. James Russell PRICE:
Notes for Adah J. PRICE:
THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn: Adah J. Price, (Dr. James R. Prices' wife); Born: 1 Aug 1866, Illinois.
FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready: Ada Price; "Husband and wife. Doctor Price (whose given name no one seems to remember) was an orator and actor. One of his favorite readings was "Darius Green and his Flying
Machine."--William McCready.
COURT RECORD/Lee County Court House--WARRANTY DEED: Adah J. Price; 25 Apr 1924; No. 26759; Deed Book 70, Page 209, Entry Number 1.
U.S. Federal 1930 Census; Estero, Lee County; Florida; Precinct 12; Koreshan Unity Home; Enumeration Date: May 5, 1930; ED: 36-17; SD: 6; Page: 199; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, January 2003: Adah J. Price; Radio set: none listed; Sex: female; Color: white; Age at last birthday: 63; Marital condition: married; Age at first marriage: unreadable; Attended school since Sep 1, 1929: no; Able to read and write: yes; Place of birth: Illinois; Place of birth of father: New York; Place of birth of mother: Vermont; Whether able to speak English: yes; Occupation: none.
ESTERO POST OFFICE; Established March 26, 1895: ....Subsequent Masters of the Post in order were: Ada Price, sisters Rosa Gilbert and Anna Lewis (whose home still remains as part of the Koreshan State Recreational Area), Marie Fisher (the last Koreshan member to be Postmaster.)
Notes of Evelyn Horn: Dr. James Price and wife Ada;
Dr. Price was a poet. Sister Ada was assistant postmaster. They lived down the river west of the Koreshan home in a house called "The Ammity." The married couples had to live away from the communal home. Dr. Price lived a very private life down the river.
As a young girl, I remember him lecturing at the Sunday evening performances at the Art Hall. He taught Dr. Teed's theory on the doctrine. He also was very witty and often recited his poetry.
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