Fred PAULSON (RIN: 506) in Norway. Fredericka PAULSON (RIN: 507) in Norway.
Notes for Fred PAULSON:
THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn: Fred and Fredericka Paulson
FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready: "Husband and wife from Norway. She helped when Mamma and I were both ill in the little cottage among the mulberry trees."
Notes for Fredericka PAULSON:
THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn: Fred and Fredericka Paulson.
FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready: "Husband and wife from Norway. She helped when Mamma and I were both ill in the little cottage among the mulberry trees."
MEMORIES, MEMORIES--DAYS OF LONG AGO chronicled by Marie McCready with participation by Lovelle McCready: Fredericka Paulson, a pleasant little Norwegian woman who watched after the McCready girls when their mother had rheumatism.
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