Mrs. Harriet L. BONNELL (RIN: 063) was born 28 January 1828 in Morris, New Jersey.

Children of Mrs. Harriet L. BONNELL are:
1. Eugene E. BONNELL (RIN: 064)
2. Mary BONNELL (RIN: 065)

Notes for Mrs. Harriet L. BONNELL:

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn: Mrs. Harriet L. Bonnell; Born: 28 Jan 1828 in Morris Co., N.J.

THE FLAMING SWORD; October 1938; Page 15: After Moravia, an establishment was started in Syracuse, N. Y., which also lasted about two years. Then followed two years of trying times in New York City. From there Koresh went to Chicago about 1887, securing enough converts to start the Home at College Place on September 6 the following year. Shortly thereafter others entered the Home in increasing numbers: the Graham family--Alfred and Ella Graham, Florence, Bertha, Robert and Lloyd; the L'Amoreaux family; Susan and Barbara Ehrisman; the Bonnells; Victoria; Elizabeth Robinson; the MacCumbers; etc.

Notes for Eugene E. BONNELL:

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn: Eugene E. Bonnell; Died Aug 1891, Chicago.

LETTER SENT TO DEAN STITZ FROM Michael Mohr of Steinway & Sons concerning the original ownership of the Steinway grand piano located in the Art Hall of the Koreshan State Historic Site, Estero, Florida; March 1, 1994: "According to our log book records Steinway and Sons serial number 53097 is a model A grand which was manufactured here in our New York factory. This instrument was finished in ebony, its length is 6' and contains an eighty-five note keyboard. It was completed on March 30, 1885. On April 21, 1885 the piano was purchased by Mr. E. Bonnell, a teacher from Morristown, New Jersey. The original retail price was approximately eleven hundred dollars.(signed Michael Mohr, Director, Service Administration; Steinway & Sons")

Project list: Walter Horstmann Thomas (1876-1948);
Bonnell Residence; Client: Bonnell, Henry H.; Type: dwelling; Location: 418 W. Mermaid Ln.; Philadelphia, PA (It may be a coincidence, but there was a Bonnell family who joined the Koreshans in the late 1800's and donated the Steinway piano which is located in the Art Hall at the Koreshan State Historic Site. This Bonnell project is one of many in which Walter Horstmann Thomas was the architect.) *See Walter Horstmann Thomas

THE FLAMING SWORD; October 1938; Page 15: After Moravia, an establishment was started in Syracuse, N. Y., which also lasted about two years. Then followed two years of trying times in New York City. From there Koresh went to Chicago about 1887, securing enough converts to start the Home at College Place on September 6 the following year. Shortly thereafter others entered the Home in increasing numbers: the Graham family--Alfred and Ella Graham, Florence, Bertha, Robert and Lloyd; the L'Amoreaux family; Susan and Barbara Ehrisman; the Bonnells; Victoria; Elizabeth Robinson; the MacCumbers; etc.

Notes for Mary BONNELL:


THE FLAMING SWORD; October 1938; Page 15: After Moravia, an establishment was started in Syracuse, N. Y., which also lasted about two years. Then followed two years of trying times in New York City. From there Koresh went to Chicago about 1887, securing enough converts to start the Home at College Place on September 6 the following year. Shortly thereafter others entered the Home in increasing numbers: the Graham family--Alfred and Ella Graham, Florence, Bertha, Robert and Lloyd; the L'Amoreaux family; Susan and Barbara Ehrisman; the Bonnells; Victoria; Elizabeth Robinson; the MacCumbers; etc.