William Sylvanus ACUFF (RIN: 001) was born February 1854 in Tennessee. He died 05 August 1928 in Estero, Lee, Florida. Mary Magdalene (Mollie) TALLEY (RIN: 007).
1. Roy ACUFF (RIN: 005), b. 24 July 1894 | |
2. Clara (Fannie) ACUFF (RIN: 009), b. abt. 1891 | |
3. Maude ACUFF (RIN: 010), b. abt. 1887 | |
4. Eustace Lloyd ACUFF (RIN: 013), b. 19 April 1899 | |
5. Rupert ACUFF (RIN: 015), b. 13 August 1896 | |
6. Arthur Vincent ACUFF (RIN: 016), b. 05 July 1901 | |
7. Elbert ACUFF (RIN: 828), b. 24 July 1889 | See Elbert ACUFF & Una Mary OWEN |
Other Marriages/Unions for Mary Magdalene (Mollie) TALLEY:
See MAYFIELD & Mary Magdalene (Mollie) TALLEY
Notes for William Sylvanus ACUFF:
THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn: Born: Feb 1854 in Tennessee; Died: 6 Aug 1928
FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K. U. by McCreadys and Vesta Newcomb; "The Acuffs came from Texas shortly before the birth of Arthur, who was born in the thatched cottage on the river bank. Mollie, who had apparently been something of a beauty in her younger days, abandoned the family, including Arthur, and left before long. Maude was one of those who died during the typhoid epidemic."
U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1910; Koreshan Unity; Enumeration Date: 25 Apr 1910; Enumerator: Walter S. Turner, Jr.; Microfilm No.: Fl 1910-H T624; ED: 80; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, January 1995: William S. Acuff; Sex: male; Race: white; Age 60; Marital status: Divorced; Born: Tennessee; Place of birth of father and mother North Carolina; Language spoken: English; Occupation: farmer; Employer or worker: worker; No. of months not employed: 0; Can read and write: yes
Burial: Horseshoe Bend on the River--Koreshan Unity Cemetery--lot 21; Inscription: William Acuff; Aug 5, 1928;
BROTHERS' LAUNDRY LIST: William Acuff #130
THE EFFECT OF THE KORESHAN UNITY ON ONE FAMILY by Coleene Acuff Huddlestun, daughter of Elbert Acuff, presented to the Historical Society, February 10, 1984, Hall of Fifty States. (See Coleene Acuff Huddlestun's notes)
COMMUNITY CURRENT EVENTS--SEPTEMBER 1928 - "We reluctantly record in this issue the passing of Broterh William Acuff, on August 5, at the age of 74.
Sources for William Sylvanus ACUFF:
Notes for Mary Magdalene (Mollie) TALLEY:
Also known as: MollieFOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K. U. by Marie McCready: "The Acuffs came from Texas shortly before the birth of Arthur, who was born in the thatched cottage on the river bank. Mollie, who had apparently been something of a beauty in her younger days, abandoned the family, including Arthur, and left before long. Maude was one of those who died during the typhoid epidemic."
Sources for Mary Magdalene (Mollie) TALLEY:
Notes for Roy ACUFF:
FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U by Marie McCready: "The Acuffs came from Texas shortly before the birth of Arthur, who was born in the thatched cottage on the river bank. Mollie, who had apparently been something of a beauty in her younger days, abandoned the family, including Arthur, and left before long. Maude was one of those who died during the typhoid epidemic."
SOCIAL SECURITY DEATH INDEX; VOLUME 1; A-L: Roy Acuff; Date of birth: 24 Jul 1894; Social Security applied for in Florida; SS#: 263-76-6212; Date of death: Feb 1977; Residence: Jacksonville, Florida.
FORT MYERS PRESS; Fort Myers, Lee County, Florida; Thursday, March 19, 1908: TOOK THE BOY---This week K. B. Harvey, who runs a line of steamers between this city and Sanibel, had a peculiar experience according to his account which is as follows: "Last Saturday as I was coming up the river, a launch containing Dr. Teed and Messrs. Hunt and Gray, of the Koreshan Unity, came alongside my boat and said I had a boy on board that belonged to their colony and for whom they had a warrant for running away. They wanted the boy and I asked that they would wait until I got to the dock and unloaded my boat when we would see what was the matters. We went to the dock and I started to unload, when I had some business down at the express office to which place I went. When I returned to my boat the men had the boy and were gone. I saw them out in the river and called to the boy who said he was under arrest. They went off with him. The boy had run away but I was an innocent party in the matter, and think they should have shown some consideration. We do not know what Mr. Harvey intends to do in the matter, but give the story as told by him." (See Coleene Acuff Huddlestun Notes)
FORT MYERS PRESS; Fort Myers, Lee County, Florida; Thursday, April 2, 1908:
THE OTHER SIDE; The Eagle Gives Reply to K. B. Harvey Regarding Runaway Boys. "In the issue of March 19th, The Press contained an article from K. B. Harvey, relative to a boy that was taken away from him by Dr. Teed and others of the Koreshan Unity. Below we give a reply from the Eagle. We have nothing in common to do with the question, but publish in reply in a spirit of fair play. This is what the Eagle says:"
In the first place, Mr. K. B. Harvey (without the consent of parents or guardians) was harboring and giving employment to a minor who had run away from home. He neglects to tell the public that he was also harboring and employing a younger brother of the above mentioned young man who had been enticed away from home. The boys are aged respectively nineteen and fourteen years. The older one says Mr. Harvey promised before long to place him in charge of the launch Pastime at a salary of one hundred dollars a month. Quite a pretty salary, indeed, to promise a boy of nineteen for running a launch! As for the smaller boy, of course Mr. Harvey will say that he did not employ him, but the facts are that he was found living and working on the Pastime, and it makes no difference whether an agreement existed between the two or not.
The Press editor concludes the published complaint with the remark: "We do not know what Mr. Harvey intends to do in the matter." Inasmuch as the return of these boys to Estero was instigated by their father, Mr. Wm. Acuff, who is a member of the Koreshan Unity, it would be advisable for Mr. Harvey not to do anything further, as he might render himself liable for prosecution. Of course we do not claim to be greatly versed in legal lore, but we believe there is a legal tradition existing somewhat to the effect that parents are supposed to exercise a sort of guardianship over minor children until they become of age. For this reason it will be argued that the father of said boys has possibly a greater claim on them than has Mr. Harvey, and it would thus be well for that gentleman to drop the matter and forget it." (See Coleene Acuff Huddlestun Notes)
Sources for Roy ACUFF:
Notes for Clara (Fannie) ACUFF:
Also known as: FannieFOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K. U. by Marie McCready; "The Acuffs came from Texas shortly before the birth of Arthur, who was born in the thatched cottage on the river bank. Mollie, who had apparently been something of a beauty in her younger days, abandoned the family, including Arthur, and left before long. Maude was one of those who died during the typhoid epidemic."
1910 U. S. Federal Census; State: Florida; County: Gadsden; Precinct G, Chattahoochee; Name of Institution: Florida Hospital for the Insane. Name: Clara Acuff; Sex: Female; Color: white; Age: 18; Marital Status: single; Place of birth: None listed; Speaks English: yes; Can read and write: no.
Sources for Clara (Fannie) ACUFF:
Notes for Maude ACUFF:
FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K. U. by Marie McCready: Maude Acuff; "The Acuffs came from Texas shortly before the birth of Arthur, who was born in the thatched cottage on the river bank. Mollie, who had apparently been something of a beauty in her younger days, abandoned the family, including Arthur, and left before long. Maude was one of those who died during the typhoid epidemic."
THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn: Mabel* Acuff. (Listed as Maude Acuff on McCready Membership List and THE EFFECT OF THE KORESHAN UNITY ON ONE FAMILY by Coleene Acuff Huddlestun.)
MEMORIES, MEMORIES--DAYS OF LONG AGO chronicled by Marie McCready with participation by Lovelle McCready: "Maude Acuff was very sick in the room at the head of the stairs. Doctor Ruth, who had come home meantime, said Maude's symptoms were more those of yellow fever than typhoid."--Page 70
Sources for Maude ACUFF:
Notes for Eustace Lloyd ACUFF:
FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. "The Acuffs came from Texas shortly before the birth of Arthur, who was born in the thatched cottage on the river bank. Mollie, who had apparently been something of a beauty in her younger days, abandoned the family, including Arthur, and left before long. Maude was one of those who died during the typhoid epidemic."
SOCIAL SECURITY DEATH INDEX; Volume 1; A-L: Eustace Acuff; Born: 19 Apr 1899; SS#: 266-22-4221, SS# issued in Florida; Date of death: March 1985; Residence: Ft. Myers, Florida.
History of Eustace Lloyd Acuff written by Coleene Acuff Huddlestun, his niece. (See Coleene Acuff Huddlestun Notes): Eustace Lloyd Acuff died in the North Fort Myers retirement home, March 3, 1985. He had lived there about nine months. My sisters and I had been given the responsibility of caring for him shortly after the story was written. We kept him after the cataract surgery till he could go back to his little house. When he would not eat properly or care for himself, we convinced him that a retirement home would be best. Always having lived alone, he had difficulty adjusting to living there. It took him several months to learn to trust people. He enjoyed the food and the loving care. We took him to visit his little house or for a ride each week. He was happy and we all enjoyed his droll sense of humor. When he died he had a lovely funeral attended by all the other residents of the retirement home, four people from his church, Uncle Rupert's children, my mother and aunt, my sisters and their husbands, and one of my sisters' daughters, and one of mine. He had been sent many beautiful flowers, and he would have been proud of the things said of him. He would have been proud to get so much attention. At our Thanksgiving reunion last year (1984), he had looked around and said, "This is my family? I didn't know I had so many!"
Sources for Eustace Lloyd ACUFF:
Notes for Rupert ACUFF:
FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready: "The Acuffs came from Texas shortly before the birth of Arthur, who was born in the thatched cottage on the river bank. Mollie, who had apparently been something of a beauty in her younger days, abandoned the family, including Arthur, and left before long. Maude was one of those who died during the typhoid epidemic."
SOCIAL SECURITY DEATH INDEX; VOLUME 1; A-L: Rupert Acuff; Date of birth: 13 Aug 1896; Social Security applied for in Florida; Date of death: Aug 1979; SS#: 262-26-3091; Residence: Ft. Myers, Florida.
Sources for Rupert ACUFF:
Notes for Arthur Vincent ACUFF:
FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready: "The Acuffs came from Texas shortly before the birth of Arthur, who was born in the thatched cottage on the river bank. Mollie, who had apparently been something of a beauty in her younger days, abandoned the family, including Arthur, and left before long. Maude was one of those who died during the typhoid epidemic." (*See Lydia Gray)
The KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn: Arthur Acuff
FLAMING SWORD; Community Current Events by D. J. Richards; December 1930: "Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Acuff of Orlando, Florida, were guests of the Unity during the month."
SOCIAL SECURITY DEATH INDEX; VOLUME 1; A-L: Arthur Acuff; Date of birth: 5 Jul 1901; SS#: 262-20-5259; Social Security applied for in Florida: Residence: Sacramento, California.
Sources for Arthur Vincent ACUFF:
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