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May 2011

From the Koreshan Archives:
 —  This month the Koreshans go digital!! On April 13, 1930, a crew from Fox Movietone News came to Estero to film Allen Andrews explaining the Cellular Cosmogony. As far as we know, this film was never used in any of the “Movietone” newsreels and did not appear in theaters.

These were outtakes, or simply raw film that was never edited. It is interesting to note a couple of things. First, Allen Andrew’s voice. We can hear what he really sounded like. Second, it sounds as though, towards the end, that they were hurrying him up and he begins to talk rather fast. Finally, you can hear the “inner sphere” that holds the sun, moon and stars, “squeak” as it is turned.

Categories: Monthly Feature.

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