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February 2011

From the Koreshan Archives:  —  February brings us a photograph that we did not see until just a few years ago. This photo is the Art Hall. The building, which has been restored, was built about 1905. It was the center for cultural, social, educational and religious activities of the Koreshan settlement. Theatrical productions, lectures and musical events were held here. The building housed paintings done by Douglas Arthur Teed, son of Cyrus Teed, as well as paintings done by members of the Koreshan Unity. The stage of the Art Hall used to hold original instruments from the Koreshan Band and Orchestra which performed here. Once the restoration is complete, the curatorial staff at the Park will be attempting to make the inside look like it did in the time of Teed.

Art Hall - Click for a larger image

This photograph, from over 100 years ago, shows us the stark reality of the landscape in Estero at that time. You will notice that there is no US-41, nor any road for that matter. This view, looking south, shows us no Melaleuca trees devouring the landscape either. This photos, once again, reminds us that the Koreshans were true pioneers in every sense of the word. (Click on the photo for a larger view).
[Photograph from the Ritter Collection]

    February Birthdays:

  • Jesse Putnam (1869-1950) – February 5
  • Henry Silverfriend (1864-1949) – February 6
  • John A. Grier (1855-?) – February 20
  • Douglas Arthur Teed (1860-1929) – February 21
  • William McCready (1854-1926) – February 21
  • Emma G. Fiske (1856-1931) – February 27

Categories: Monthly Feature.

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