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James H. Bubbett

January 8th marks the 166th anniversary of the birth of James H. Bubbett, one of the early Koreshan pioneers. Born in Washington County Pennsylvania in 1844, James eventually ended up in Quincy Illinois, and then Chicago, which is where it is believed that he took an interest in Cyrus Teed and Koreshanity.

According to Marie McCready, James directed the mechanical phases of the printing and publishing operations. At the departure of Annie Ordway in 1909, he became president of the K. U. until his death in 1924. He also played second violin in the Koreshan Orchestra.

Along with his wife, Evelyn, James was one of the early followers of Teed. His three children, Imogene, who married Claude Rahn, mentioned in our first post. He had two sons, LeRoy, who did not stay in Estero, but returned to Chicago, although he supposedly remained a Koreshan, and Laurence, known as “Laurie” who remained in Estero, eventually becoming K.U. President himself and becoming one of the few remaining Koreshans until his death in 1960.

You can read more of the Bubbett Geneaology on our website.

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