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Estero Historical Society

This article is from the Fort Myers News Press

The Estero Historical Society will have its monthly meeting at 2 p.m. Monday (October 11) at the Estero Community Park’s Recreation Center, 9220 Corkscrew Palms Blvd. (off the south side of Corkscrew Road a mile east of U.S. 41).

Information on upcoming events and progress on restoring the historical houses will be discussed. The public is invited.

Ruth Campbell Mason will present information on the Campbell family’s life in early Estero. The Campbells were members of the Koreshan community.

Also, the historical society will hold a fundraising Texas-style barbecue from 5-7:30 p.m. Oct. 23 at Estero Community Park.

Homemade beef brisket, drinks and dessert will be served. The cost is $30 for individuals and $50 for couples.

The public is invited. For more information, contact Jean Pryal at 498-5296 or

The proceeds will be used to help restore the 1904 Estero School. The school and circa 1906 Hall-Hanson-Collier House were moved to the park from Highlands Avenue in Estero in 2009.

Restoration of the Hall-Hanson-Collier House will be completed in December. Work on the school and ramp connecting the two will start next year as funds become available.

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