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Koreshan “Monthly” Features

I realized that almost 20 years of work is located in this “blog”, which wasn’t available back in the mid-1990’s when I started working at the Koreshan State Historic Site, now known at the Koreshan State Park. Since that time, the holdings of the Park have been moved to Florida Gulf Coast University, which is a far safer and accessible place for them to be. Realizing that there is still information to offer, I maintained and continue to maintain the “virtual” holdings.

You can, of course, search these former holdings at on this site. However, I also invested a considerable amount of time researching these holdings and posted a ‘monthly’ (and sometimes more often) blog which featured various aspects of Koreshan life.

With that in mind, I decided to re-open the blog. I have no plans to add to it, but with six years of postings, I thought perhaps the information herein my be useful to someone. This includes the postings as well as other pages containing genealogy links, etc.

So, here you go…

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