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Daily Life of Koreshans

Although Dr. Teed died in 1908, the Koreshan Unity continued for over 50 years. The beliefs of Koreshanity were still there, but it was probably more the notion of communal living that kept them going into the 1960’s.

Members would sometimes leave the Unity only to return some time later. The ‘Community Current Events’ column that ran in the ‘Flaming Sword’ each month gives us some insight into daily living. We are fortunate to also have some personal papers of members.

One such example is Laurence W. Bubbett, known as ‘Laurie’, he came to the Unity with his parents, James and Evelyn in the early days in Chicago. Laurie left the Unity on more than one occasion. He lived in Brooklyn New York and Miami, but he eventually returned. He was the President of the Unity from 1947 until his death in 1960.

During the days of the depression, Laurie took care of his mother. His father had died in 1924. His sister, Imogene died in 1932 and his mother was failing (she eventually died in 1935). For reasons unknown, Laurie kept a small expense book. It gives us insights not only into his life at the time, but also life in general. For example, gasoline as about 20 cents per gallon. You could by a meal in Miami for about 35 cents.

Evelyn received a pension which amounted to $36.00 per month. This was turned over to the Unity and she was then given about $6.00 for personal expenses.

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