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March 2013

From the Koreshan Archives:

 —  This month, we want to let you know of a valuable new addition to the archives. It isn’t an “original” document, but a photocopy taken from microfilm. The Clerk of Courts in Lee County was about to dispose of some old microfilm and it so happens that this reel contained documents relating to the suit that Gustave Damkohler filed against the Koreshans in his attempt to have his land returned to him. We first heard about this from the friend of the archives, FGCU Professor Lyn Milner. The folks at the Clerk’s office were kind enough to donate the photocopies.

 —  After donating his land to the Koreshans, Damkohler obviously had a change of heart. In his suit he said he had been mislead by the Koreshans. They eventually settled the suit. The document is 237 pages and is sometimes difficult to read. You will find it in the archives exhibit

The Archives of the Koreshan Unity (excepting the small collection here at the Park) are now housed in the State Archives in Tallahassee. They are being processed and although there is much to be done, they have made great progress. The Florida Memory Project has an exhibit for the Koreshan Unity Collection. Worth reading and seeing online.

Last, but not least, we want to (once again) direct you to some of the archival holding of the New York Times, with regard to the Koreshans. The Times articles concering the Koreshans can be found by going to our Special Page.

Categories: Monthly Feature.

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