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Koreshan Photographs, Articles and Clippings

In case you hadn’t noticed… There has been a lot of activity of late with regard to the Koreshans. First some printed articles. In the November issue of Gulfshore Life Magazine, our friend Lyn Millner had an article entitled Koreshans-The Legacy and the Questions The magazine’s online edition does not include the article, but you can see it by clicking on the title on this page.

The second article, by Amy Bennett Williams of the Fort Myers News-Press, is called College of Life Foundation Changing Direction. It includes a Koreshan “time line” as well as a well written article linked to the timeline.

Not to be out done, the State Archives of Florida which now houses the Koreshan Unity Archives, thanks to the gift of the “College of Life” (originally the K.U.) back in 2009, finally received a grant to begin processing the archive. The two State Archvists who are processing the material, Beth Golding and Bethanie Yetso, have been writing about the experience on the Florida Memory Blog (The link will give you all eight of the articles thus far). In addition, the State Archives already has over 600 photos digitized and online. They can be seen on that same Florida Memory website. You can save yourself some time and searching by simply clicking Here for a listing of the photos answering to a search for “Koreshan”.

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