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June 2012

From the Koreshan Archives:
 —  This month we are taking a different approach. First, I am repeating a post from June of 2009 and instead of featuring a particular picture or person from the Koreshan past, we want to feature something from the present. Everyone knows about the place where the Koreshans settled, in Estero, Florida. We also know that they came from many places to settle here, although in a corporate sense, they came from one place in particular and that place is Chicago. Even though Cyrus Teed was born in New York, it was in Chicago that he drew most of the followers who were to accompany him to his “New Jerulsalem”.

Where did the Koreshans live while in Chicago? Well, the answer is that they lived in a number of locations. Most of these places have long since been been torn down to make way for new buildings or highways.

Using the addresses found on Koreshan publications and stationary, we’ve put together a map, using “Google Maps to create a map that will show the places that the Koreshans lived and worked while in Chicago.

Just click on any of the blue tabs for more information on that particular location. Also, click on the “+” or “-” to make the map zoom in or out.

Click here to view Koreshan Addresses in a larger map

 —  Secondly, as you may or may not be aware, the bulk of the Archives of the Koreshan Unity always remained with the Unity (now known as the “College of Life”) a few years ago, the Koreshan Unity donated their archives to the State of Florida and with the help of State Historic Site staff, the archives were boxed up and transported to the State Archives in Tallahassee. The items that were already here at the State Park remained here.

The State Archives finally received a grant to process the Koreshan Archive and work has begun. The archivists have create a blog to allow us to follow the progress of the processing. Part one is available by going to the State Archives Blog Page. As of this writing, two articles are now available.

Categories: Monthly Feature.

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