The Flaming Sword
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November 1942
ON SEPTEMBER 28 Sister Rose Gilbert returned from Everglades where she had been visiting for several weeks.
Mrs. Fred McConnell and Mrs. Lovelle Ahrano of Tampa arrived on Saturday the 3d to spend Sunday with their parents and friends at the Unity. Besides these two guests for dinner on Sunday the 4th there were Miss Meta Monsees of Fort Myers and Mrs. Lillian Rugg of Estero.
Some of the men of the Unity have been busy the past several weeks mowing the weeds, and grass in the home grounds, Brother Laurie Bubbett doing the major part of the mowing with a power machine while Brother Arthur Moore and others nobly assisted with hand cutters, which all brought about a great improvement in the appearance of the grounds.
The Golden Rain tree (Koelreuteria) just across the highway from the store has been blooming for some time now, and while the golden-colored blossoms are very beautiful, to my mind they do not compare with the dusty rose coloring of the seed pods. which now cover the tree. Perhaps; the seed pods are showier because of their size, as they are much larger than the blossom.
October 18 once more rolled around in the inexorable march of time, and we commemorated the day as the 103d Anniversary of the birth of KORESH, our Founder and Leader. It was a typical Indian Summer day, warm and hazy, with a gentle breeze blowing, and but for the droning of planes overhead reminding us of the war in progress, it would have been absolutely perfect. The day's ceremonies were begun at breakfast by the reading of a prayer written by KORESH for these special occasions. The dining room had been very tastefully decorated with bamboo' for grace, and for color, the always beautiful crotons and other plants and flowers, gathered from the fields, that were found to harmonize with and also represent the Koreshan colors—red, green and gold. All this greenery and color transformed the dining room into a veritable fairyland. At the ringing of the bell at noontime "all paths led to the diningroom," where we partook of a very appetizing dinner prepared by Sister Ida Fischer and helpers.
During the dinner hour excerpts from letters! from absent friends were read. After dinner a group of photographs which had been enlarged from some drawings, made in the very early days of Koreshan life at Estero by the artistic and always versatile Sister Edith Trebell, was the center of attraction, recalling to the older members the earlier days with their hope's and ambitions, joys and sorrows.
In the evening refreshments were served, and at 7:30 Services were held at the Art Hall, which was very beautifully decorated for the occasion, KORESH'S picture, draped with the Koreshan colors, as usual occupying the position of honor in the center of the stage.
The program was as followis:
1. 'Reverie'' Fauconier
String Ensemble
2. SONG "The Resurrection" Koresh
Read by Brother Henry Silverfriend
4. "Elegie" Fauconier
String Ensemble
5. ORATION Koresh
Read by Sister Etta Silverfriend
6. "Resignation" Fauconier
String Ensemble
7. ORATION Koresh
Read by Brother Henry Silverfriend
8. TRIO a. "On Wings of Song" Mendelssohn
b. "I Send Thee Violets" Meyer-Helmzmd
Violin, H. W. Manley; Cello, L. W. Bubbett
Piano, Edith Trebell
9. SONG "The Messenger"
10. PRAYER Koresh
Read by Sister Etta Silverfriend
Response by the Congregation
11. SONG "Lift Up Your Heads, 0 Ye Gates"
12. RECESSIONAL "Regrets" Fanconier
String Ensemble String Ensemble: Violins, Harry Manley, Alien H.
Andrews; Viola, Paula Manley; Cello, L. W.
Bubbett; Piano, Hedwig Michel
Guests for the day were: Mrs. Hilda Lamb, Lakeland ; Miss Meta Mousees, Miss Lydia Pierce, Mrs. Geo. Briggs, Mr. Henry Moreland, Mr. and Mrs. Manley, Harry Manley, Paula Manley and Mr. McCoy, Fort Myers; Mrs. Julia Home, Tice; Mr. Osborne, Bonita Beach; Mrs. Jennie Campbell, Mrs. Edith Trebell, Mrs. Lillian Rugg, Evelyn Luettich, Estero; and Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Lewis, Everglades.
At noontime on the Birthday w^ien some of the brothers were on their way to dinner, their right of way was challenged by a large diamond back rattler which had coiled close to the walk at o'ne end of the footbridge just southeast of the log house. He was' ready for action, but unfortunately for him, however, his code of ethics prompted him to give warning to his enemy by violently vibrating the rattles which form the end of his tail, and by this chivalrous action he brought about his own destruction.
November 1942
ON SEPTEMBER 28 Sister Rose Gilbert returned from Everglades where she had been visiting for several weeks.
Mrs. Fred McConnell and Mrs. Lovelle Ahrano of Tampa arrived on Saturday the 3d to spend Sunday with their parents and friends at the Unity. Besides these two guests for dinner on Sunday the 4th there were Miss Meta Monsees of Fort Myers and Mrs. Lillian Rugg of Estero.
Some of the men of the Unity have been busy the past several weeks mowing the weeds, and grass in the home grounds, Brother Laurie Bubbett doing the major part of the mowing with a power machine while Brother Arthur Moore and others nobly assisted with hand cutters, which all brought about a great improvement in the appearance of the grounds.
The Golden Rain tree (Koelreuteria) just across the highway from the store has been blooming for some time now, and while the golden-colored blossoms are very beautiful, to my mind they do not compare with the dusty rose coloring of the seed pods. which now cover the tree. Perhaps; the seed pods are showier because of their size, as they are much larger than the blossom.
October 18 once more rolled around in the inexorable march of time, and we commemorated the day as the 103d Anniversary of the birth of KORESH, our Founder and Leader. It was a typical Indian Summer day, warm and hazy, with a gentle breeze blowing, and but for the droning of planes overhead reminding us of the war in progress, it would have been absolutely perfect. The day's ceremonies were begun at breakfast by the reading of a prayer written by KORESH for these special occasions. The dining room had been very tastefully decorated with bamboo' for grace, and for color, the always beautiful crotons and other plants and flowers, gathered from the fields, that were found to harmonize with and also represent the Koreshan colors—red, green and gold. All this greenery and color transformed the dining room into a veritable fairyland. At the ringing of the bell at noontime "all paths led to the diningroom," where we partook of a very appetizing dinner prepared by Sister Ida Fischer and helpers.
During the dinner hour excerpts from letters! from absent friends were read. After dinner a group of photographs which had been enlarged from some drawings, made in the very early days of Koreshan life at Estero by the artistic and always versatile Sister Edith Trebell, was the center of attraction, recalling to the older members the earlier days with their hope's and ambitions, joys and sorrows.
In the evening refreshments were served, and at 7:30 Services were held at the Art Hall, which was very beautifully decorated for the occasion, KORESH'S picture, draped with the Koreshan colors, as usual occupying the position of honor in the center of the stage.
The program was as followis:
1. 'Reverie'' Fauconier
String Ensemble
2. SONG "The Resurrection" Koresh
Read by Brother Henry Silverfriend
4. "Elegie" Fauconier
String Ensemble
5. ORATION Koresh
Read by Sister Etta Silverfriend
6. "Resignation" Fauconier
String Ensemble
7. ORATION Koresh
Read by Brother Henry Silverfriend
8. TRIO a. "On Wings of Song" Mendelssohn
b. "I Send Thee Violets" Meyer-Helmzmd
Violin, H. W. Manley; Cello, L. W. Bubbett
Piano, Edith Trebell
9. SONG "The Messenger"
10. PRAYER Koresh
Read by Sister Etta Silverfriend
Response by the Congregation
11. SONG "Lift Up Your Heads, 0 Ye Gates"
12. RECESSIONAL "Regrets" Fanconier
String Ensemble String Ensemble: Violins, Harry Manley, Alien H.
Andrews; Viola, Paula Manley; Cello, L. W.
Bubbett; Piano, Hedwig Michel
Guests for the day were: Mrs. Hilda Lamb, Lakeland ; Miss Meta Mousees, Miss Lydia Pierce, Mrs. Geo. Briggs, Mr. Henry Moreland, Mr. and Mrs. Manley, Harry Manley, Paula Manley and Mr. McCoy, Fort Myers; Mrs. Julia Home, Tice; Mr. Osborne, Bonita Beach; Mrs. Jennie Campbell, Mrs. Edith Trebell, Mrs. Lillian Rugg, Evelyn Luettich, Estero; and Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Lewis, Everglades.
At noontime on the Birthday w^ien some of the brothers were on their way to dinner, their right of way was challenged by a large diamond back rattler which had coiled close to the walk at o'ne end of the footbridge just southeast of the log house. He was' ready for action, but unfortunately for him, however, his code of ethics prompted him to give warning to his enemy by violently vibrating the rattles which form the end of his tail, and by this chivalrous action he brought about his own destruction.