Events"Community Current Events: : Everyday life in the Unity.
The Flaming Sword
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By Adah J. Price
JULY BRINGS us needed, refreshing showers. On the warm, dark nights we observe the vivid luminosity of the fireflies, causing them to appear as flitting stars a:mong the shrubbery and trees. The Unity entertained the following friends at Sunday dinner recently: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Moreland and their three sons, Harold, Jr., Patrick and Ted Morris; Mr. Henry Moreland and son Floyd, of Fort Myers ; Mrs. J ennie Campbell and daughter, Mrs. Edith Trebell, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Trebell, of Estero. Owing to the kindness of our northern guests, the Bessemer brothers, we enjoyed delicious ice cream and cake for our evening m.eal, which was heartily enjo,yed and greatly appreciated. The special floral decorations arranged by Sister Vesta N ewcomb for the occasion brought forth favorable comments. On July 1 Sister Emily Bessemer's sons, Louis, Alton and Milton, left via Miami for their northern homes. We were sorry to have them leave, as their presence radiated good-will and cheer. Mrs. Jennie Campbell and Mrs. Edith Trebell entertained the Bessemer brothers and a small party of friends at an evening tea the night before the Bessemers left.. As usual, the refreshments were enjoyed and the evening pleasantly spent with these genial hostesses. Brother Allen Andrews returned J uly 4 after an absence of ten days in Miami at the sanitarium of Dr. E. L. Rasmussen, where he underwent treatment for a combination of sinus and ear trouble. Sister Florence Graham returned on the Fourth from her vacation, and reports the time enjoyably spent with her relatives in Miami. On July 8 our Fort Myers friends, Mrs. Anna Camphausen and Miss Elin Lindberg, accompanied by Miss Lindberg's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Farmer, of Miami Springs, visited friends in the Unity, and also the nursery. Mr. Farmer chose some of Brother Theodore N aeselius's plants for his home grounds. Sister Tracy Weaver made a trip July 8 to spend the week-end with her Fort Myers friends, Miss Meta Monsees and Mr. and Mrs. Max Arendt. On July 9 Brother Samuel Armour, our efficient filling station manager, made a business trip to Fort Myers.. On July 10 Brother John Watson, who faithfully performs his part of the work in our general store, accompanied Brothers Charles Hunt, George Hunt and Arthur Moore on a trip to Naples and Gordon's Pass. Gordon's Pass is the southernmost point to which the line of the Koreshan Geodetic Survey was run in the years 1896-97. Miss Lydia Pierce and Mrs. W. R. Wade of Fort Myers were callers on Unity friends" July 10. Mr. W. Paul Phillips, nurseryman from 'Orlando, Florida, and collector of rare plants, remained overnight at the Unity on July 11. He was much interested in our nursery and made several exchanges in different plants. We are glad to report that Brother Weller Shearer , after some months of indisposition, is, again able to do uses, mowing weeds, waiting upon the sick and so willingly lending a hand wherever he may be needed. Miss Bertie Boomer spent the week-end of July 16 with Unity friends. On Sunday we were fortunate to be one of a party of Koreshan sisters to accompany her to Fort Myers Beach on Estero Island. One member of our party remarked that the first time she set foot on Estero Island there were only three houses. Now there are about 200 buildings. The work being done by Brother Lou Staton and George Dore on the wharf below the post office and barber shop is a great improvement. Brother William Fischer, aged 56, passed away on July 19. He had been in poor health for over a year) and for some months he had been under a doctor's care. Brother William has always been appreciated for his, honesty and sincerity of purpose. He is survived by two sisters, one in Monongahela, Pa., and another, Miss Marie -Fischer, in West Palm Beach, Florida. On July 20 Sister Ella Graham, left for Miami. She will visit her sons, Robert and Lloyd, and her daughter, Mrs. Victor Phillips. We are pleased to have with us Mr. Moses Weaver of St. Petersburg, Florida, one of the early followers of KORESH. He arrived on July 21 to visit old friends in the Unity. Brother Arthur Moore, on J\}ly 24, made several trips to Bonita Beach for shell with which to improve the road leading into the Unity grounds from the Tamimami Trail. July 25 Sister Rose Gilbert, our postmistress, returned from a vacation of two wee'ks at Miami Beach. Her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis of Ever.glades, had secured an apartment at the Beach so that they might spend .their vacation together. Sister Rose reports the time pleasantly spent. Our guest, Brother Moses Weaver , is doing some needed repair work on the demonstration globe in the Art Hall. This mechanical globe represents a cell, showing the world on the inner surface. Brother Moses was one of its original designers, and the globe was placed on exhibition at the Buffalo, N ew York, Exposition in 1901.