The Flaming Sword
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Community Current Events - October 1930
As The Eighteenth of October will soon be with us, it is well that we call the attention of our readers, especially our new readers, to the fact tha.t on the above date we shall celebrate the ninety-first anniversary of our beloved Master. If the reader will turn to Isaiah 44 :28 and 45 :1, he will find . it predicted that CYRUS (Hebrew, KORESH) is the chosen one to perform all God's pleasure, and tJ.1at he is the Lord's Anointed, "whose right hand I have holden to subdue nations before him." We are in receipt of a letter from a friend in New York City in which he says: "Well, the old world rushes on, apparently getting a little more muddled each day. The economic situation is at low ebb-Iots of unemployment with considerable stagnation of busi- ness. On the surface I gee little evidence of distress, although I know it exists. Perhaps the system will crack all of a sudden, like the Florida boom and the stock market crash. Popular sentiment attributes the present difficulties to overproduction, which I know to be the case in the manufacture of our equipment. We are producing more manufactured arti,cles through highly developed labor-saving machinery than we have need of. No doubt this will have the tendency to rQ- duce hours that labor will be required to perform, just as the Master has foretold." KORESH is the Light of this age, and his followers have surely been favored to have had the eyes of their understanding opened sufficiently to recognize. God's Messenger. In 1870 KORESH restored to the world "the keys of knowledge," and from then on to the pres- ent his light has been shining as the noonday sun, yet only a few people, comparatively speaking, have been able to recognize it. This undoubtedly is as it should be, for the prophet Isaiah speaks of another people: "If therefore the light that is in thee be dark- ness, how great is that darkness !" The import of that statement is not hard to understand, for on every hand we see the evidence of it. In the field of science our foremost institutions of learning cling to the falla- cious Copernican system of astronomy. In theology there are about two hundred different cult~, all pray- ing to the same God, which to them is "everywhere and nowhere, infinite and incomprehensible," for they generally all uphold the old system of astronomy, with its illimitable space and incomprehensible distances. No wonder, as our friend says, "the old world rushes on, apparently getting a little mo}1e muddled each da~ " . We know of many Koreshan friends throughout the country who would like to be with us in Estero on the Eighteenth; others will be thinking about us. But what a force could be sent to the central storehouse if all our readers could lay aside a certain period of the day and direct their thoughts to Him who is destined to "make the crooked places straight: .and cut in sunder the bars of iron. ...That they may kntlw from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the Lord, and there is none else." (Isa. 45 :2, 6.) , , KORESH says: "We rejoice iJi the hea6ing up of the money power. We have made the predictions for thirty years." (Thi& ,is from THE FLAMING SWORD, O,ctober, 1908.) "The centralization of the wealth of the world is the false imperialism which, when fully ripened, will inaugurate that other great battle -the battle of Armageddon. This is the power of evil against truth and good, the imperialism of Jehovah. This battle is that of the wealth of the world and the power of the competitive system against the riches of truth, equally centralized and all-powerful. "There will come a great conflict. This is not the battle of Gog and Magog, but the battle of Armaged- don. It is the final power of the hells against the power of God and his Anointed. God himself will end the strife through his power to conquer the world, and in this power alone is the hop,e of the world against the evils into which the great political powers of the nation and the w.orld have led us. Koreshanity is the ark of safety. God has prepared this place and ark of safety from the storms of revolution about to sweep the face of the earth, the storms through which the old heavens and the old earth will be made to pass away. The old church and state are grown hoary with age and iniqui- ty; with the besom of destruction they are to be swept away in the new light and glory of the ages." It gives us much pleasure to state in this issue that Mrs. C. P. Camphausen and Miss Elin Lindberg, of the Estero Rustic Tea Garden, have returned to Estero from Williams Bay, on Lake Geneva, Wis., where dur- ing the summer they conducted a similar establishment to the one here. A Koreshan axiom is: the only way to j udge things is by comparison and contrast; the above ladies are very much pleased to be back in Estero and are more in love with the place than ever. Their place of bu:siness on the Tamiami Trail will soon be open to the public. They say there is a great difference in the class of l)atrons they attract in favor of Estero to their northern establishment, so here's hoping their business will greatly increase this coming season. Mr. Arthur Gomez of Key West, Florida, who un- doubtedly will be the democratic state senator from .this district, was our guest during the month. Messrs. Alfred Graham, his son Robert and daugh- ter, Mrs. Victor Phillips, with Mr. Phillips, of Miami, Florida, were guests of the Unity over Labor Day. At the present writing Mrs. Frank S. Lewis of Everglades is our guest. Sister Rose Gilbert, our post- mistress, returned with Mrs. Lewis, whom she visited for a week at Everglades, Florida.
As The Eighteenth of October will soon be with us, it is well that we call the attention of our readers, especially our new readers, to the fact tha.t on the above date we shall celebrate the ninety-first anniversary of our beloved Master. If the reader will turn to Isaiah 44 :28 and 45 :1, he will find . it predicted that CYRUS (Hebrew, KORESH) is the chosen one to perform all God's pleasure, and tJ.1at he is the Lord's Anointed, "whose right hand I have holden to subdue nations before him." We are in receipt of a letter from a friend in New York City in which he says: "Well, the old world rushes on, apparently getting a little more muddled each day. The economic situation is at low ebb-Iots of unemployment with considerable stagnation of busi- ness. On the surface I gee little evidence of distress, although I know it exists. Perhaps the system will crack all of a sudden, like the Florida boom and the stock market crash. Popular sentiment attributes the present difficulties to overproduction, which I know to be the case in the manufacture of our equipment. We are producing more manufactured arti,cles through highly developed labor-saving machinery than we have need of. No doubt this will have the tendency to rQ- duce hours that labor will be required to perform, just as the Master has foretold." KORESH is the Light of this age, and his followers have surely been favored to have had the eyes of their understanding opened sufficiently to recognize. God's Messenger. In 1870 KORESH restored to the world "the keys of knowledge," and from then on to the pres- ent his light has been shining as the noonday sun, yet only a few people, comparatively speaking, have been able to recognize it. This undoubtedly is as it should be, for the prophet Isaiah speaks of another people: "If therefore the light that is in thee be dark- ness, how great is that darkness !" The import of that statement is not hard to understand, for on every hand we see the evidence of it. In the field of science our foremost institutions of learning cling to the falla- cious Copernican system of astronomy. In theology there are about two hundred different cult~, all pray- ing to the same God, which to them is "everywhere and nowhere, infinite and incomprehensible," for they generally all uphold the old system of astronomy, with its illimitable space and incomprehensible distances. No wonder, as our friend says, "the old world rushes on, apparently getting a little mo}1e muddled each da~ " . We know of many Koreshan friends throughout the country who would like to be with us in Estero on the Eighteenth; others will be thinking about us. But what a force could be sent to the central storehouse if all our readers could lay aside a certain period of the day and direct their thoughts to Him who is destined to "make the crooked places straight: .and cut in sunder the bars of iron. ...That they may kntlw from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the Lord, and there is none else." (Isa. 45 :2, 6.) , , KORESH says: "We rejoice iJi the hea6ing up of the money power. We have made the predictions for thirty years." (Thi& ,is from THE FLAMING SWORD, O,ctober, 1908.) "The centralization of the wealth of the world is the false imperialism which, when fully ripened, will inaugurate that other great battle -the battle of Armageddon. This is the power of evil against truth and good, the imperialism of Jehovah. This battle is that of the wealth of the world and the power of the competitive system against the riches of truth, equally centralized and all-powerful. "There will come a great conflict. This is not the battle of Gog and Magog, but the battle of Armaged- don. It is the final power of the hells against the power of God and his Anointed. God himself will end the strife through his power to conquer the world, and in this power alone is the hop,e of the world against the evils into which the great political powers of the nation and the w.orld have led us. Koreshanity is the ark of safety. God has prepared this place and ark of safety from the storms of revolution about to sweep the face of the earth, the storms through which the old heavens and the old earth will be made to pass away. The old church and state are grown hoary with age and iniqui- ty; with the besom of destruction they are to be swept away in the new light and glory of the ages." It gives us much pleasure to state in this issue that Mrs. C. P. Camphausen and Miss Elin Lindberg, of the Estero Rustic Tea Garden, have returned to Estero from Williams Bay, on Lake Geneva, Wis., where dur- ing the summer they conducted a similar establishment to the one here. A Koreshan axiom is: the only way to j udge things is by comparison and contrast; the above ladies are very much pleased to be back in Estero and are more in love with the place than ever. Their place of bu:siness on the Tamiami Trail will soon be open to the public. They say there is a great difference in the class of l)atrons they attract in favor of Estero to their northern establishment, so here's hoping their business will greatly increase this coming season. Mr. Arthur Gomez of Key West, Florida, who un- doubtedly will be the democratic state senator from .this district, was our guest during the month. Messrs. Alfred Graham, his son Robert and daugh- ter, Mrs. Victor Phillips, with Mr. Phillips, of Miami, Florida, were guests of the Unity over Labor Day. At the present writing Mrs. Frank S. Lewis of Everglades is our guest. Sister Rose Gilbert, our post- mistress, returned with Mrs. Lewis, whom she visited for a week at Everglades, Florida.