The Flaming Sword
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Community Current Events
September 1921
MISS Annie Ray Andrews, who has been visiting the Unity for the last two months, left for her home in New York City. Her brother, Mr. Dudley Andrews, also of New York, has been here for a week's visit.
Dudley has grove property in Estero under the management of his brother Alien, which is planted to citrus, mangoes, and avocados, principally. Receiving a small shipment of the Haden variety of mangoes, at his home in New York, shortly before coming South, he interested himself and visited a number of commission houses with a view to ascertain, the market possibilities of this most delectable fruit. He found it most encouraging, and disposed of what mangoes he had at $4.00 a dozen. We are told that this fruit retails at 75 cents and $1.00 each in New York, so $4.00 a dozen is not exorbitant. It speaks volumes for this section of Florida and its possibilities.
Avocados and mangoes should be planted on soil that salt water cannot reach; the Unity has had the experience, and found that out to its sorrow. We had about six acres of these wonderful fruit bearingtrees planted on Estero Island, and, according to Mr. Wilson Popenoe, the Government expert, it was the finest young grove he had seen in all his travels,—and he ought to know, for he has been all over the world collecting species of avocado for the Government and had made this subject a study for many years. But alas and alack, a tidal wave swept over the Island, and in 24 hours our dream: of a thrifty, grove vanished.
We had the pleasure of visiting the above Island the latter part of August, going there for the first time by auto, and driving its full length, up to where the above mentioned grove is situated. We were naturally curious to see what was left of the grove, and were prepared for the worst, of course; but what we saw revived our hopes somewhat, as we counted sixty trees still living, and some doing fairly well. But we are afraid to exult over these, and we do not worry over what we lost,
The above incident is too trivial in comparison with the beauties of Estero Island as we tried to record them in our last issue, and these features transcend any agricultural failures we may attribute to the Island. . One really has to visit the place to realize its full import. Jack DeLysle is still the chief center of attraction; he employs a hundred or more men, and the transformation that is taking place is simply wonderful. We saw other important developments going on, among them a dredge at work excavating a channel across the Island to come within three hundred feet of the Gulf. On each side of this channel the land is platted into building lots, most of them already sold, providing those fortunate enough to own one a private water way.
The threemile stretch of road loading from McGregor Boulevard to the Island is not built to stand up under the heavy traffic it has already been put to, so the publicspirited citizens of this county are going to build, by popular subscription, a cement road 16 feet wide; the work is to begin soon, and is expected to be completed by the first of the year. According to the Fort Myers Press, a million dollars has already been spent in this county for development in the last eight months, and this is simply a scratch on the surface.
Mr. L. M. Boomer of New York City and Estero has recently purchased thirteen acres of Estero Island property from the Koreshan Unity. The land is now being cleared, and he expects to put up a building for occupancy between now and winter.
We were. delighted recently with a visit from Miss Margaret Penn of this state, and Miss Lydia Pierce of Philadelphia, .Pa. Miss Penn has been a student of Koreshan science for some years, and is quite anxious for Miss Pierce to partake of the same joys; needless to say that they were well pleased with this, their first visit.
On Saturday evening, August 20, the following educational reels were shown at the Art Hall: "The Royal Gorge of the Arkansas River;" "Romance of Rails and Power;" two reels on "Making the Desert Blossom;" "How Text Books Are Made," and a comedy, "Superstitious Sammy," a .selection to satisfy the most exacting, and greatly appreciated by all present.
Sister Berthaldine and her daughter, Miss Bertie Boomer, left Estero Sept. 3 for Philadelphia and New York City; .they expect to be gone about two months.
The Unity tractor is being used these days breaking up land for a Massachusetts developing concern, two and one half miles north of our colony. This new company has a tract of over 500 acres, which they intend planting in avocados, selling young groves in ten acre tracts. They have engaged our boat, "The Estero," to go to Bokeelia, Fla., for a load of nursery stock soon. Some newcomers have already moved to this neighborhood, due to this developing concern.
This is supposed to be our rainy season, but we have had the least rainfall so far this summer in the recollection of some of our oldest settlers. It remains to be seen what this and next month have in store for us.
The following reels were exhibited at the K. U. Art Hall, Saturday evening Sept. 3rd: "Jupiter's Thunderbolts;" "Kilanoo Volcano;" "Camouflage in Modern Warfare;" "Coalfield to Cornfield;" and a "Mutt and Jeff" Comedy,—"Cold Tea." The titles are not very illuminating, and a little synopsis of each film will not be amiss. In "Jupiter's Thunderbolts," Ben. Franklin and son were depicted flying a kite, testing and proving his claims that the atmosphere is surcharged with electricity. From then on to the present day the various discoveries made along electrical lines; the process of manufacturing galvanic'batteries, the picture ending with an automobile entering a garage to have its batteries recharged, showing the wonderful progress and the high state of efficiency attained through the development of electricity. Yet we know from the writings of KORESH, that electricity is only in its infancy, and that time awaits a genius who can apply the spigot, "tapping the universe of space so as to pour out its metallic and mineral wealth for the uses of mankind."
"Kilanoo Volcano," in the Hawaiian Islands, taken by the Ford Film Corporation, portrays the wonders of Nature in its eruptive state, flowing in great streams of lava. KORESH describes volcanos as: "The result of chemical pustules sometimes produced by the igneous union of natural gas, petroleum, and coal mines, in the rind or skin of the great hollow sphere."
"Camouflage in Modern Warfare," produced by the United States Government, shows the artifices carried out in the late war to deceive the enemy, thereby saving thousands of lives. This picture should be seen in order to gain a full appreciation of what the word "camouflage" really means.
"From Coalfield to Cornfield" was a truly remarkable reel, showing how coal is mined with modern improvements; transported by electrical power; transformed from coal to coke in immense coke ovens, and the byproducts extracted therefrom to be utilized again in assisting Nature to grow two blades where she only grew one.
"Mutt and Jeff" in "Cold Tea," amused the younger people very much, and in fact was enjoyed by all present.
Brother Lou Staton's niece, Cecil Hamilton, of DuQuoin, 111., made the Unity a visit recently. She has accepted a position as teacher in the Fort Myers Grammar School for the present term.
Mrs. Jennie Campbell left Estero, Sept 8, for New York City.
September 1921
MISS Annie Ray Andrews, who has been visiting the Unity for the last two months, left for her home in New York City. Her brother, Mr. Dudley Andrews, also of New York, has been here for a week's visit.
Dudley has grove property in Estero under the management of his brother Alien, which is planted to citrus, mangoes, and avocados, principally. Receiving a small shipment of the Haden variety of mangoes, at his home in New York, shortly before coming South, he interested himself and visited a number of commission houses with a view to ascertain, the market possibilities of this most delectable fruit. He found it most encouraging, and disposed of what mangoes he had at $4.00 a dozen. We are told that this fruit retails at 75 cents and $1.00 each in New York, so $4.00 a dozen is not exorbitant. It speaks volumes for this section of Florida and its possibilities.
Avocados and mangoes should be planted on soil that salt water cannot reach; the Unity has had the experience, and found that out to its sorrow. We had about six acres of these wonderful fruit bearingtrees planted on Estero Island, and, according to Mr. Wilson Popenoe, the Government expert, it was the finest young grove he had seen in all his travels,—and he ought to know, for he has been all over the world collecting species of avocado for the Government and had made this subject a study for many years. But alas and alack, a tidal wave swept over the Island, and in 24 hours our dream: of a thrifty, grove vanished.
We had the pleasure of visiting the above Island the latter part of August, going there for the first time by auto, and driving its full length, up to where the above mentioned grove is situated. We were naturally curious to see what was left of the grove, and were prepared for the worst, of course; but what we saw revived our hopes somewhat, as we counted sixty trees still living, and some doing fairly well. But we are afraid to exult over these, and we do not worry over what we lost,
The above incident is too trivial in comparison with the beauties of Estero Island as we tried to record them in our last issue, and these features transcend any agricultural failures we may attribute to the Island. . One really has to visit the place to realize its full import. Jack DeLysle is still the chief center of attraction; he employs a hundred or more men, and the transformation that is taking place is simply wonderful. We saw other important developments going on, among them a dredge at work excavating a channel across the Island to come within three hundred feet of the Gulf. On each side of this channel the land is platted into building lots, most of them already sold, providing those fortunate enough to own one a private water way.
The threemile stretch of road loading from McGregor Boulevard to the Island is not built to stand up under the heavy traffic it has already been put to, so the publicspirited citizens of this county are going to build, by popular subscription, a cement road 16 feet wide; the work is to begin soon, and is expected to be completed by the first of the year. According to the Fort Myers Press, a million dollars has already been spent in this county for development in the last eight months, and this is simply a scratch on the surface.
Mr. L. M. Boomer of New York City and Estero has recently purchased thirteen acres of Estero Island property from the Koreshan Unity. The land is now being cleared, and he expects to put up a building for occupancy between now and winter.
We were. delighted recently with a visit from Miss Margaret Penn of this state, and Miss Lydia Pierce of Philadelphia, .Pa. Miss Penn has been a student of Koreshan science for some years, and is quite anxious for Miss Pierce to partake of the same joys; needless to say that they were well pleased with this, their first visit.
On Saturday evening, August 20, the following educational reels were shown at the Art Hall: "The Royal Gorge of the Arkansas River;" "Romance of Rails and Power;" two reels on "Making the Desert Blossom;" "How Text Books Are Made," and a comedy, "Superstitious Sammy," a .selection to satisfy the most exacting, and greatly appreciated by all present.
Sister Berthaldine and her daughter, Miss Bertie Boomer, left Estero Sept. 3 for Philadelphia and New York City; .they expect to be gone about two months.
The Unity tractor is being used these days breaking up land for a Massachusetts developing concern, two and one half miles north of our colony. This new company has a tract of over 500 acres, which they intend planting in avocados, selling young groves in ten acre tracts. They have engaged our boat, "The Estero," to go to Bokeelia, Fla., for a load of nursery stock soon. Some newcomers have already moved to this neighborhood, due to this developing concern.
This is supposed to be our rainy season, but we have had the least rainfall so far this summer in the recollection of some of our oldest settlers. It remains to be seen what this and next month have in store for us.
The following reels were exhibited at the K. U. Art Hall, Saturday evening Sept. 3rd: "Jupiter's Thunderbolts;" "Kilanoo Volcano;" "Camouflage in Modern Warfare;" "Coalfield to Cornfield;" and a "Mutt and Jeff" Comedy,—"Cold Tea." The titles are not very illuminating, and a little synopsis of each film will not be amiss. In "Jupiter's Thunderbolts," Ben. Franklin and son were depicted flying a kite, testing and proving his claims that the atmosphere is surcharged with electricity. From then on to the present day the various discoveries made along electrical lines; the process of manufacturing galvanic'batteries, the picture ending with an automobile entering a garage to have its batteries recharged, showing the wonderful progress and the high state of efficiency attained through the development of electricity. Yet we know from the writings of KORESH, that electricity is only in its infancy, and that time awaits a genius who can apply the spigot, "tapping the universe of space so as to pour out its metallic and mineral wealth for the uses of mankind."
"Kilanoo Volcano," in the Hawaiian Islands, taken by the Ford Film Corporation, portrays the wonders of Nature in its eruptive state, flowing in great streams of lava. KORESH describes volcanos as: "The result of chemical pustules sometimes produced by the igneous union of natural gas, petroleum, and coal mines, in the rind or skin of the great hollow sphere."
"Camouflage in Modern Warfare," produced by the United States Government, shows the artifices carried out in the late war to deceive the enemy, thereby saving thousands of lives. This picture should be seen in order to gain a full appreciation of what the word "camouflage" really means.
"From Coalfield to Cornfield" was a truly remarkable reel, showing how coal is mined with modern improvements; transported by electrical power; transformed from coal to coke in immense coke ovens, and the byproducts extracted therefrom to be utilized again in assisting Nature to grow two blades where she only grew one.
"Mutt and Jeff" in "Cold Tea," amused the younger people very much, and in fact was enjoyed by all present.
Brother Lou Staton's niece, Cecil Hamilton, of DuQuoin, 111., made the Unity a visit recently. She has accepted a position as teacher in the Fort Myers Grammar School for the present term.
Mrs. Jennie Campbell left Estero, Sept 8, for New York City.