Events"Community Current Events: : Everyday life in the Unity.
The Flaming Sword
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Community Current Events - October 1931
by Rose Gilbert

A DELIGHTFULLY refreshing spot these days is found at our fountain; cool, clear water to drink and a feast for the eye on lovely plants are afforded. The pond for the lilies is com- pleted and will soon be stocked with the Egyptian lotus. Several brothers have been hauling beach shell and distributing it over many needed places on walks and drives. The cottage on our grounds belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Lewis has been completed and they spent their two weeks' vacation there. The house will be occupied when they leave by Sisters Rose Gilbert and Florence Graham. A beach party was given for Miss Olive Newcomb of LaBelle, who spent some time here visiting her grandmother, Sister Hattie Newcomb, and other friends. We were all a little surprised one day to have a brief call from Eugene Wyka. He spent several years with us as a child. Since leaving here he has traveled in several states, but intends to make Florida his home. Brother Laurence Bubbett is having a vacation in Miami for a while. Both brothers and sisters have been much occupied for several weeks gathering and canning guavas of which we have had a great abundance; the season is not yet over. A sale of two hundred young cajeput trees from our nursery was made to Mrs. Edna Winters of West Palm Beach. Brother Stephen Chislett is making some much needed repairs on the laundry building. A number of our brothers and sisters were delightfully entertained by Miss Lydia Pierce at her home in Fort Myers in honor of her guest, Miss Margaret Penn, of Antioch, Ohio. A most delicious dinner was served. Sister Emma Gertrude Fiske, aged 75 years, died Sunday, August 23, at 4 a. m. after a long illness hastened by a recent fall and injury to her hip. She was a native of Waltham, Massachusetts. She had been a member of the Unity for over 27 years, coming to Estero from Chicago, Illinois. For many years she had been partly invalided and her suffering was intense. Her many friends regret her loss and she will be greatly missed. She was a loyal friend and firm believer in the Koreshan doctrines. The deceased was buried in the Koreshan cemetery in Estero. Miss Cecil Hamilton visited her uncle, Brother Lou Staton, and other friends. Miss Hamilton has just returned from her home in Duquoin, Illinois, to resume her duties as principal of Gwynne Institute in Fort Myers.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J. Raby and three children of Fort Myers came one Sunday to visit us and remained to dinner. Miss Lydia Pierce and Miss Marg-aret pr-— ^'joyed a boat trip down the Imperial river, Estero Bay and up the Estero River in Ben Johnson's cabin cruiser, the Kingfisher. Others in the party were Miss Olive Newcomb, of LaBelle, Sister Cora Stephens and daughter, Alafae, and Brother Max Arendt. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ahrano and Mrs. Fred Me" Connell of Tampa, were welcome visitors. Mr. Ahrano returned to Tampa, accompanied by Alafae Stephens who visited with relatives in Tampa. Mrs. Ahrano and Mrs. McConnell remained for a visit of several days. Miss Margaret Penn who is visiting with Miss Lydia Pierce, of Fort Myers, was the guest for several day of Mrs. B. S. Boomer, at Mirasol Grove. The appearance of the dining hall has been greatly improved by the repainting and rescreening with canvas of the doors and windov^s. Mrs. J. M. Ahrano and Mrs. Fred McConnell, daughters of Brother William McCready and Sister Abbie McCready, were entertained at a beach party at Bonita Beach. A number of the Unity members and friends .attended, and needless to say, the occasion proved to be an enjoyable one. Schools are all in full swing now. Sister Cora Stephens' son. Wade, is attending high school in Fort Myers this year. We were pleased to have Lloyd Graham of Miami with us for a short time. While here he and his sister Florence motored to Tampa and St. Petersburg. Our readers will be interested and pleased to know that an address on the Cellular Cosmogony and the Koreshan principles of physics was given in the Rose Room of the Morrison Hotel, Chicago, before the American Electronic Research Association Convention by Dr. J. V. McManis of Kirksville, Mo. Dr. McManis reported that a good crowd of delegates and laymen were present and that he was. granted the entire evening for his address; his talk v/as well received and much interest in the Koreshan ideas was shown as a result. This is attested to by a number of inquiries we have already received as a result of the address. On the night, following the above address, Dr. McManis addressed the American Association for Medico-Physical Research, also in Convention, and he reported that this address also created much interest and found the audience favorably inclined toward the views expressed. We are indebted beyond words to Dr. McManis for his effective and enthusiastic championship of the Koreshan principles, and v/e know he has the gratitude and good will of all those interested in the progress of the Koreshan movement.