The Flaming Sword
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Community Current Events - February 1939:
By Adah J. Price
MRS. ELEANOR CASTLE has now convalesced after an auto accident of several weeks ago in which she and Miss Dawn Castle were involved. A tire exploded when they were passing a truck, throwing them into the ditch. Fortunately both escaped without serious, injuries. Brother Lou. H. Staton's niece Miss Cecil Hamilton and .Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Raymond of Fort Myers were visiting at the Unity. Mr. and Mrs. James Newcomb and daughter Margaret, of LaBelle,and Mrs. Gordon Chauvan, another daughter, of Houma, Louisana, were visiting friends at the Unity. On J anuary 8 an inventory of the Unity General Store was taken by Brother Arthur Moore and several assistants. Overnight guests of the Unity were F. A. Has,tings of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and Albert F. McDonald, son of A. L. McDonald, of Aliquippa, Pennsylvania, a long-time friend of the Unity who visited here several successive winters and a subscriber of THE FLAMING SWORD. Will McDonald, another son, was a member of the Koreshan Home in Chicago in the earlier days and a valued helper in the printing department. Mrs. Maude Brown of New York returned January 8 and is now occupying her accustomed place in the General Store and in the Bakery department. Brothers Arthur Moore and Roger Perry made trips to the woods on J anuary 26 to replenish the diminishing wood supply. " J anuary 9, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Fisher and family, of Spring Creek, spent the day with his mother, Mrs. Ida Fischer . January 12, Mr. and Mrs. John Fergurwn called to see Sister Emma N orton at the request of their next door neighbor in Lincoln, Nebraska, Mrs. Hattie Robinson, who is, a niece of Sister Emma. They were pleasantly impressed with our beautiful grounds and the large number of choice plants and shrubs; also the store, filling station and printing-plant were of interest to them. Most of all was the alert, keen, " Aunt Emma" who piloted them from place to place proving herself to be a wonder at ~ighty-two years of age. Mr. and Mrs,. Ferguson are, spending two weeks at Fort Myers Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Simpson of St. Clair Shores, Michigan, recently arrived to spend their third winter season in Estero. Brothers Lou H. Staton, Allen Andrews and Samuel Armour motored to Sarasota with Mr. Simpson January 13 to get his car which he had left at Treasure Island, having come to Estero by boat from there. Mrs. Simpson took admirable charge of the Filling Station in Brother Samuel's absence. We are pleased to have Brother Claude J. Rahn, of East Orange, New Jersey, with us again for a several week's sojourn. We were pleasantly surprised to have Sister Jennie Campbell with us again at the Supday evening Services; of January 15. She is greatly improved '!rom her recent illness. Sister Etta Silverfriend Claude J. Rahn and Allen Andrews made a business' trip to our neighbor town, Bonita Springs o:n January 16. Brothers Theodore Naeselius and Claude J. Rahn visited the Lee County Museum in Fort Myers, January 19. Mr. arid Mrs. Geo, Simpson, Claude J. Rahn and A. H. Andrews on January 12 motored to the Seminole Indian Reservation some seventy miles from Estero. Surrounded on three sides by Cypress, swamps the reservation headquarters occupies about an acre, well fenced, with green lawn. There are now about 86 Seminoles on the reservation and in their dealings with one another they show a high code of truthfulness and honesty, and a morality that is far above the ethical standards of the average paleface. No effort is made to induce the Seminoles to live in houses, the general plan being to leave them free to live their lives as they have been accustomed to do for past generations,. However, supervision is maintained over general sanitation and efforts made to preserve tidiness around the camps. Most of the Seminoles have come to feel the government is. trying to help them and are willing to co-operate. Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Lewis of Everglades were our dinner guests on January 22. Mr. and Mrs,. W. A. Baum of Forest Hills, Long Island, New York, were visitors in Estero on January 24. Mrs,. Baum is a granddaughter of the late Sister Elizabeth Robinson, one of the early pioneers of the Unity. Sunday, January 29, the Unity entertained at dinner Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Simpson of Estero and Michigan, Mr. Harold Thomas of Bonita Springs and London, Mr. Stanley Hanson of Fort Myers, and an Indian, Jimmie Osceola, an expert Chinese checker player. Mr. Hanson brought with him a radio, the music being appreciated by those present. We are again enjoying the green, leafy vegetables grown in Brother Daniel McNamara's garden. ..On Wednesday evening January 25, Mrs. Jennie Campbell and Mrs. Edith Trebell entertained in their home in honor of Claude J. Rahn, a party of Brothers and Sisters from the Unity. The delicately prepared viands were highly enjoyed, and during the evening the game of Chinese Checkers being played with marbles, afforded considerable amusement for the guests.
By Adah J. Price
MRS. ELEANOR CASTLE has now convalesced after an auto accident of several weeks ago in which she and Miss Dawn Castle were involved. A tire exploded when they were passing a truck, throwing them into the ditch. Fortunately both escaped without serious, injuries. Brother Lou. H. Staton's niece Miss Cecil Hamilton and .Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Raymond of Fort Myers were visiting at the Unity. Mr. and Mrs. James Newcomb and daughter Margaret, of LaBelle,and Mrs. Gordon Chauvan, another daughter, of Houma, Louisana, were visiting friends at the Unity. On J anuary 8 an inventory of the Unity General Store was taken by Brother Arthur Moore and several assistants. Overnight guests of the Unity were F. A. Has,tings of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and Albert F. McDonald, son of A. L. McDonald, of Aliquippa, Pennsylvania, a long-time friend of the Unity who visited here several successive winters and a subscriber of THE FLAMING SWORD. Will McDonald, another son, was a member of the Koreshan Home in Chicago in the earlier days and a valued helper in the printing department. Mrs. Maude Brown of New York returned January 8 and is now occupying her accustomed place in the General Store and in the Bakery department. Brothers Arthur Moore and Roger Perry made trips to the woods on J anuary 26 to replenish the diminishing wood supply. " J anuary 9, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Fisher and family, of Spring Creek, spent the day with his mother, Mrs. Ida Fischer . January 12, Mr. and Mrs. John Fergurwn called to see Sister Emma N orton at the request of their next door neighbor in Lincoln, Nebraska, Mrs. Hattie Robinson, who is, a niece of Sister Emma. They were pleasantly impressed with our beautiful grounds and the large number of choice plants and shrubs; also the store, filling station and printing-plant were of interest to them. Most of all was the alert, keen, " Aunt Emma" who piloted them from place to place proving herself to be a wonder at ~ighty-two years of age. Mr. and Mrs,. Ferguson are, spending two weeks at Fort Myers Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Simpson of St. Clair Shores, Michigan, recently arrived to spend their third winter season in Estero. Brothers Lou H. Staton, Allen Andrews and Samuel Armour motored to Sarasota with Mr. Simpson January 13 to get his car which he had left at Treasure Island, having come to Estero by boat from there. Mrs. Simpson took admirable charge of the Filling Station in Brother Samuel's absence. We are pleased to have Brother Claude J. Rahn, of East Orange, New Jersey, with us again for a several week's sojourn. We were pleasantly surprised to have Sister Jennie Campbell with us again at the Supday evening Services; of January 15. She is greatly improved '!rom her recent illness. Sister Etta Silverfriend Claude J. Rahn and Allen Andrews made a business' trip to our neighbor town, Bonita Springs o:n January 16. Brothers Theodore Naeselius and Claude J. Rahn visited the Lee County Museum in Fort Myers, January 19. Mr. arid Mrs. Geo, Simpson, Claude J. Rahn and A. H. Andrews on January 12 motored to the Seminole Indian Reservation some seventy miles from Estero. Surrounded on three sides by Cypress, swamps the reservation headquarters occupies about an acre, well fenced, with green lawn. There are now about 86 Seminoles on the reservation and in their dealings with one another they show a high code of truthfulness and honesty, and a morality that is far above the ethical standards of the average paleface. No effort is made to induce the Seminoles to live in houses, the general plan being to leave them free to live their lives as they have been accustomed to do for past generations,. However, supervision is maintained over general sanitation and efforts made to preserve tidiness around the camps. Most of the Seminoles have come to feel the government is. trying to help them and are willing to co-operate. Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Lewis of Everglades were our dinner guests on January 22. Mr. and Mrs,. W. A. Baum of Forest Hills, Long Island, New York, were visitors in Estero on January 24. Mrs,. Baum is a granddaughter of the late Sister Elizabeth Robinson, one of the early pioneers of the Unity. Sunday, January 29, the Unity entertained at dinner Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Simpson of Estero and Michigan, Mr. Harold Thomas of Bonita Springs and London, Mr. Stanley Hanson of Fort Myers, and an Indian, Jimmie Osceola, an expert Chinese checker player. Mr. Hanson brought with him a radio, the music being appreciated by those present. We are again enjoying the green, leafy vegetables grown in Brother Daniel McNamara's garden. ..On Wednesday evening January 25, Mrs. Jennie Campbell and Mrs. Edith Trebell entertained in their home in honor of Claude J. Rahn, a party of Brothers and Sisters from the Unity. The delicately prepared viands were highly enjoyed, and during the evening the game of Chinese Checkers being played with marbles, afforded considerable amusement for the guests.