Events"Community Current Events: : Everyday life in the Unity.
The Flaming Sword
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Community Current Events -- May 1931

Mrs. E. F. McKinney of Kansas City, Mo., paid the Unity a brief visit and we were pleased to have her with us if only for a short time. We are glad to report the return to the Unity of Emerson Saunders after an absence of several years. Brother Emerson has taken up his duties in the construction and horticultural departments. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Edison, together with Mrs. Edison's two sisters, had luncheon at the Rustic Tea Garden recently. Brother Lou Staton had an in- teresting interview with Mr. Edison on this occasion and found that many of Mr. Edison's views were unusually progressive. Mr. Paul Camphausen, who visited with the Tea Garden folks for a number of weeks, has returned to . New York City. We hope to see him back in Florida next fall. Seventeen members of the original twenty-three men who blazed the trail across the uncharted stretches of th.e lower Everglades from Fort. Myers to Miami, in April, 1923, met for their eighth annual reunion at Estero on April 4. An interesting program was given at the Art Hall, followed by a luncheon at the Rustic Tea Garden. A tree-planting ceremony in which Mrs. Thomas Edison participated was held in the afternoon. Brothers Allen Andrews, Charles Hunt, and Alfred Christensen, who were members of the party that made the original trek across the Everglades, took part in the reunion. It is with deepest regret that we report the death of Brother George Main, and his many friends in and out of the Unity feel the loss keenly. Brother George was a successful landscape gardener and possessed a large fund of valuable information concerning horticul- tural questions. For many years he spent his winters at the Unity, during which time he worked tirelessly in beautifying the Unity grounds and giving his ser- vices where required. Brother George is survived by three sons and one daughter, all of whom reside at Gloversville, New York. His son, Albert C. Main, had visited at the Unity with his father just a few weeks previously. Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to Broth- er George's family. His body was shipped to his home in New York for burial. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Boomer and children, who had been making the~r home at River Bend for some weeks, have returned to their home in N ew York City. Broth- er John Grier will act as caretaker of the River Bend estate during the summer . Alfred Graham and his son Lloyd, of Miami, paid the Unity a short visit.- Sister Florence Graham re- turned to Miami with her brother Lloyd, where she visited about two weeks. She returned later with Brother Allen Andrews, who had gone to Miami to attend the annual meeting of the State Horticultural Society. , Mrs. J. E. Johnston and Mrs. Helena Lem~ of Tampa, Florida, were recent visitors at the Unity. Dr. J. R. Price returned with them to Tampa. The purchase of a new' Ford truck by the Unity became necessary due to the breakdown of the old model T truck which had done good service for many years. Sisters Ida Fischer and Bella Armour, and Brother Sam Armour, Ben Johnston and the writer motored to Lake Wales for a visit to the Bok Singing Tower at Mountain Lake. The Singing Tower is the most unique and imposingly beautiful memorial structure in the South. The colony of bees which was formerly owned and operated by Brother Gus Faber has been combined with the colony at the Unity. Brothers Frank Wilson and Peter Blem were kept quite busy at this task for a week and did some excellent work in making the combina- tion. The many friends of Sister Louisa Bradford will learn with regret of her passing on April 23. Sister Louisa was one of the oldest members of the Unity. She had been in poor health a long time, but exhibited unusual vitality for a woman of her years. She came to Chicago with the San Francisco group of Koresh- ans, and later came to Estero, being a faithful member of the Unity until her death. An interesting and amusing program of entertain- ment given by the Parent-Teachers Association at the Estero public school was enjoyed by many of the Unity members who attended. Brother Lynn Russell took a leading part in the entertainment. Mrs. F. S. Lewis of Everglades, Florida, paid a visit to the Unity, visiting with Sister Rose Gilbert. A small group were entertained at a beach party at Bonita Beach, which was given for Alafae Stephens, whose birthday anniversary it was. Fred Christensen, who has been visiting with us and assisting in the store, accompanied Brother Allen Andrews on the trip to Miami to attend the State Hor- ticultural Society convention. An additional structure to protect nursery stock is being constructed by Brothers Theodore Naeselius and Emerson Saunders. An impromptu concert was given at the Unity Art Hall on Saturday, April 18, by the Koreshan Unity Orchestra, under the leadership of Brother Laurence Bubbett. The rendition of tuneful light music was very creditable and was greatly enjoyed by those who attended. Bathing in the Wal'ffi waters of the Gulf under sunny skies is one of the privileges available to us. With two of the finest beaches within easy reach, many enjoy frequent dips and beach parties.