The Flaming Sword
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Community Current Events - October 1937
By D.J. Richards
THE SOLAR ANNIVERSARY on Monday, October 18, will soon be with us and it is the one event of the year eagerly anticipated by all in the Home here. Many of our friends on the outside have also assured us by their encouraging letters in the past what the day has meant to them and regretting their inability to be with us in person but would be with us here "in spirit." The breaking up of the old order of things would indicate a more intense yearning for the Master and we sincerely hope that our friends will be with us this. year more than ever for your sustaining influence means more to the movement than we can express in mere words. As in the past, the principal exercise of the day will be the Anniversary Service at the Art Hall in the evening. Much is to be done by way of preparation, but our greatest task in that of cleaning up the park, and a number are already at work doing what they can in this respect. We are in receipt of the new Lee County booklet issued by the Chamber of Commerce of Fort Myers,. Florida is considered the playground of the nation and a glance through this booklet will prove that this county does all possible to uphold this tradition. It is most attractively gotten up with a wealth of pictures portraying the beauties of this section and the many advantages found here with its marvelous beaches and surf bathing second to none; its wealth of sea shells, fishing, golf course, attractive homes, hotels and business houses' and the many inducements to those contemplating coming here as winter visitors or those seeking to make Lee County their permanent home. The cover page has an attractive picture of Royal Palms on First Street, Fort Myers, which must be seen to be appreciated, and underneath is the wording: "Gate City to the Tropical Everglades National Park"; inside is an excellent picture of the late Thomas A Edison and Mr. Harvey Firestone, taken on the Edison estate, and on the back cover i& the picture of the Fort Myers New Yacht Basin, now in course of construction. A postal card to the Lee County Chamber of Commerce, Fort Myers, Florida, will no doubt bring a copy of this attractive booklet to anyone desiring it. With reference to'Estero we find the following: "Located sixteen miles south of Fort Myers. on the Tamiami Trail. Estero is the home of The Koreshan Unity, a religious community. They have extensive grounds beautifully landscaped with many tropical trees, fruits and shrubs. An attractive nursery, general store and other business enterprises lend color to this busy settlement." Our readers who have been to Estero will appreciate the following bit of news, for the old adage of "All things come round to him [those] who wait/' is literally being fulfilled at last. The M. S. Ryan, Construction Company of Tampa, Fla., appeared on the scene on Thursday, September 23, to begin operations on the new bridge across Estero river. This bridge will be of standard construction, 100 feet long by 30 feet wide with a 25 foot roadway and sidewalk. We had hoped for a concrete construction, but the abutments only will be built of concrete with creosoted piling. Traffic will be detoured for the next two or three months along the Immokalee road and across the upper bridge over the Estero river and out to the Floweree road. This piece of road is now being graded and hardsurfaced with oyster shell and when completed will give us a looped highway around Estero; a very much needed improvement. Local agitation has been loud and long for this new bridge and while it will retard business to our local store and gasoline station, the thought of having a new bridge will more than make up for the loss, and motoring through Estero hereafter will be a pleasure instead of an hazardous venture over the one way structure we have had these many years. After completing this. bridge, the above company will move their equipment to Bonita Springs, the village seven miles to the south of us. and put in a new bridge there, and the cost of both will be less than $20,000. Mr. Fred McConnell and son Duane of Tampa, Fla., stopped off at the Unity on Friday, September 6, en route for Miami. They were accompanied from here by Mrs. McConnell, who had preceded them a few days; also by Brother Jesse Putnam. Miss Bertha M. Boomer returned to Estero on Thursday, September 7, after sojourning the summer in Tallahassee, Fla., where she took a teacher's course at the state college, and afterwards at Philadelphia, where she was a guest of her sister, Mrs. Walter Thomas and Mr. Thomas. Brother Alien H. Andrews and Sister Florence Graham motored to Miami on Friday, September 17, returning the following Monday, accompanied by Sister Ella Graham, who, for the past six weeks had been staying with her sons Robert and Lloyd Graham in the magic city. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis of Everglades, Florida, were dinner guests of the Unity on Sunday, September 26. During the month, Sister Rose Gilbert spent several days with her sister, Mrs. Lewis and Mr. Lewis. in the above city. Sister Ida Fischer, our most efficient cook, spent a pleasant day with her son Irwin and family at Coconut on Sunday, September 12.
By D.J. Richards
THE SOLAR ANNIVERSARY on Monday, October 18, will soon be with us and it is the one event of the year eagerly anticipated by all in the Home here. Many of our friends on the outside have also assured us by their encouraging letters in the past what the day has meant to them and regretting their inability to be with us in person but would be with us here "in spirit." The breaking up of the old order of things would indicate a more intense yearning for the Master and we sincerely hope that our friends will be with us this. year more than ever for your sustaining influence means more to the movement than we can express in mere words. As in the past, the principal exercise of the day will be the Anniversary Service at the Art Hall in the evening. Much is to be done by way of preparation, but our greatest task in that of cleaning up the park, and a number are already at work doing what they can in this respect. We are in receipt of the new Lee County booklet issued by the Chamber of Commerce of Fort Myers,. Florida is considered the playground of the nation and a glance through this booklet will prove that this county does all possible to uphold this tradition. It is most attractively gotten up with a wealth of pictures portraying the beauties of this section and the many advantages found here with its marvelous beaches and surf bathing second to none; its wealth of sea shells, fishing, golf course, attractive homes, hotels and business houses' and the many inducements to those contemplating coming here as winter visitors or those seeking to make Lee County their permanent home. The cover page has an attractive picture of Royal Palms on First Street, Fort Myers, which must be seen to be appreciated, and underneath is the wording: "Gate City to the Tropical Everglades National Park"; inside is an excellent picture of the late Thomas A Edison and Mr. Harvey Firestone, taken on the Edison estate, and on the back cover i& the picture of the Fort Myers New Yacht Basin, now in course of construction. A postal card to the Lee County Chamber of Commerce, Fort Myers, Florida, will no doubt bring a copy of this attractive booklet to anyone desiring it. With reference to'Estero we find the following: "Located sixteen miles south of Fort Myers. on the Tamiami Trail. Estero is the home of The Koreshan Unity, a religious community. They have extensive grounds beautifully landscaped with many tropical trees, fruits and shrubs. An attractive nursery, general store and other business enterprises lend color to this busy settlement." Our readers who have been to Estero will appreciate the following bit of news, for the old adage of "All things come round to him [those] who wait/' is literally being fulfilled at last. The M. S. Ryan, Construction Company of Tampa, Fla., appeared on the scene on Thursday, September 23, to begin operations on the new bridge across Estero river. This bridge will be of standard construction, 100 feet long by 30 feet wide with a 25 foot roadway and sidewalk. We had hoped for a concrete construction, but the abutments only will be built of concrete with creosoted piling. Traffic will be detoured for the next two or three months along the Immokalee road and across the upper bridge over the Estero river and out to the Floweree road. This piece of road is now being graded and hardsurfaced with oyster shell and when completed will give us a looped highway around Estero; a very much needed improvement. Local agitation has been loud and long for this new bridge and while it will retard business to our local store and gasoline station, the thought of having a new bridge will more than make up for the loss, and motoring through Estero hereafter will be a pleasure instead of an hazardous venture over the one way structure we have had these many years. After completing this. bridge, the above company will move their equipment to Bonita Springs, the village seven miles to the south of us. and put in a new bridge there, and the cost of both will be less than $20,000. Mr. Fred McConnell and son Duane of Tampa, Fla., stopped off at the Unity on Friday, September 6, en route for Miami. They were accompanied from here by Mrs. McConnell, who had preceded them a few days; also by Brother Jesse Putnam. Miss Bertha M. Boomer returned to Estero on Thursday, September 7, after sojourning the summer in Tallahassee, Fla., where she took a teacher's course at the state college, and afterwards at Philadelphia, where she was a guest of her sister, Mrs. Walter Thomas and Mr. Thomas. Brother Alien H. Andrews and Sister Florence Graham motored to Miami on Friday, September 17, returning the following Monday, accompanied by Sister Ella Graham, who, for the past six weeks had been staying with her sons Robert and Lloyd Graham in the magic city. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis of Everglades, Florida, were dinner guests of the Unity on Sunday, September 26. During the month, Sister Rose Gilbert spent several days with her sister, Mrs. Lewis and Mr. Lewis. in the above city. Sister Ida Fischer, our most efficient cook, spent a pleasant day with her son Irwin and family at Coconut on Sunday, September 12.