Events"Community Current Events: : Everyday life in the Unity.
The Flaming Sword
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Community Current Events - March 1937
By D.J. Richards
MR AND MRS. THOMAS W. DOUGLAS of Spokane, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Adair of Detroit, Mich., arrived in Estero, Friday, Feb. 27, remaining' over night at the Unity, while enroute from Miami to Ocala, Fla., where the Adairs have their winter home. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas are Koreshans, and both were in the Home in Chicago, in the early nineties. Mrs. Douglas (better known as Sister Hester to our people) pioneered among the early ones to Florida and was matron at the St. James Hotel on Pine Island, owned by the Koreshan Unity, and later was assistant to Sister Emma Norton at the Home here in Estero. This was Mr. Douglas' first visit to Estero, and he was simply charmed with the place. It was a delightful reunion when Mr. and Mrs. Douglas saw so many of their old friends and co-workers and all were very happy reminiscing about the days when the Master was here directing things. There were many regrets upon their leaving that they could not have tarried here a little longer for Auld Lang Syne. Brother Alfred Christensen had a delightful visit from his brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. William Christensen of Ashtabula, Ohio. The Christensens arrived at the Unity by bus. from Miami, February 18, but urgent business compelled them to leave on the 20th. Brother Alfred arranged for a boat ride for them down the river and around Mound Key, and this to them was an unexpected treat and added much to their pleasure the short time they were here. Brother Alfred had long wished for a visit from his brother and 'sister, for, as he put it: "Bill and Myra were surely good to me when I visited them in Ashtabula in 1921." It was a pleasure to have as our guests on Sunday, Feb. 7, Mr. Harold M. Thomas of London, England, and Mr. and Mrs. George Simpson of Flint Mich. Mr. Thomas spends his summers in England and France, but his winters in Florida, for he says "our climate is unexcelled," and has been coming here annually since 1918. The Simpsons, too, are in Florida for its wonderful sunshine and for the past, month have camped in their trailer car on the highway on the north side of Estero River. They have a canoe and "kicker" motor, and are completely sold on our beautiful stream and its tropical features. We shall have reason to remember Mr. Simpson, artist extraordinary that he is with brush and paint, for he painted a beautiful sign that stands between the printing office gate and the filling station, with the inscription: "Guiding Star Publishing House," in black and green letters on a white background, and in red ink, "The American Eagle, Estero, Fla.," with a picture of an eagle painted on the left and lower end. In addition to that, Mr. Simpson also painted the large sign in front of the Unity store, and the one entering our park, all done for the sheer love of doing them. The Simp sons say, if all goes well, they are surely coming back to Estero next winter, and we can assure them they'll be made most welcome. We are truly grateful to them for the nice things they have done and their co-operation in enhancing our Cause. The following friends have visited the Unity during the month: Mrs. Frantz of Fort Myers and her brother, Mr. Fred Home of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis, Everglades; Mrs. Cora Newcomb of LaBelle; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Raymond and Miss Cecil Hamilton of Fort Myers, and Mrs. Leona Howell of DuQuoin, 111. (The latter two are nieces of Brother Lou Staton) ; Mr. and Mrs. R. Percy Jones of Fort Myers, and Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Pulcifer of Fort Myers Beach, and their granddaughter, Miss Winifred Andrews, of Gloucester, Mass. Sisters Florence Graham, Adah Price and our guest, Mrs. Watkins, and Brother Jesse Putnam motored to Miami on Saturday, Feb. 20, returning ihe following Tuesday, all reporting a delightfultime. Brothers Alien H. Andrews and H. D. Silverfriend attended the South Florida Fair in Tampa the early part of February. The writer had the pleasure of visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Duss and family at New Smyrna, Fla., during the month. They are all readers of THE FLAMING SWORD and have been acquainted with the Koreshan Movement for a long time. Mr. and Mrs. Duss were the active heads of the Harmonite Society at Economy, Pa., for many years. The Master, with Dr. Andrews, visited the above society in the 70's and much has been written in the early issues of THE FLAMING SWORD pertaining to them. But the story of the Harmonite Society, however, has now been told in detail by Mr. Duss in his Memoirs, and it was our pleasure to read several chapters of his remarkable work on this visit. It is a most excellent piece of writing, which will make several volumes; the pity of it is that this wonderful work is not already out in book form, for this knowledge is sorely needed in these days of doubt and skepticism pertaining to practical Christian communism. While on this visit to New Smyrna, we had the pleasure of accompanying Mr. and Mrs. Duss and daughter, Mrs. S. S. Houston, to Juniper Springs, at the Ocala National Park, in Lake County. Space, however, will not permit a detailed account of this marvelous spot, only that Nature has been most lavish with her colors here and the entire setting is one of indescribable beauty, and our friends have our everlasting gratitude for taking us there.