The Flaming Sword
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Community Current Events - February 1938
By Adah J. Price
NEW YEAR'S DAY brought Mr. and Mrs. George Simpson of Detroit, Michigan, to Estero for the second season. They are again camping in their trailer near the banks of the Estero River. Mrs. Maud Brown of Davenport, New York, arrived January 2. She is doing good service in our bakery together with Brothers Alfred Christensen and Conrad Schenley. Wallace Mende, a New York City artist, was our dinner guest on January 6. Sister Rose Gilbert visited her sister, Mrs. Frank Lewis, in Everglades January 7-8. She reports having had a delightful and interesting ride out in the bay, the boat threading its way among the small and numerous mangrove keys, while many wild ducks peacefully rode the quiet, waters,. Their party called at the home of some pioneer settlers who never leave unless driven by high water to seek shelter in small rivers. An electrical storm furnished variety and sent the party down in. the cabin for a brief time; then again on deck to admire and enjoy the surrounding beauty. Mrs. Bertha Phillips and daughter FlorenceMarie and Robert and Lloyd Graham of Miami were visiting relatives and friends in the Unity Sunday, January 9. With some Michigan friends Brother Alien Andrews made a trip to Sanibel and Gaptiva Islands January 10. Sanibel beach is especially alluring to tourists owing to the variety and beauty of its sea shells. Early history tells us it is the only beach in South Florida lying east and west. On Captiva Island are located a large number of attractive winter homes, many of which are the homes of writers and artists. Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Lewis of Everglades were our welcome dinner guests January 16. We are glad to report that the new concrete bridge across the Estero River is completed and opened to traffic. It has, been closed since October 4. On January 19 Brother Alien Andrews gave a talk on the Koreshan conception of cosmogony as, a guest speaker at the Rotary Club of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. His talk was well received and created no little interest. The very fact that Brother Alien was invited to discuss the Koreshan System of Cosmogony indicates, that people are becoming more and more interested in the world in which we live! Sister Emily Bessemer reports that her son Louis, who lived in the Unity a number of years ago, has been appointed mayor of Greenbelt, Maryland, where one of the government's housing projects is located. Brother Daniel MacNamara is now supplying the kitchen with nice fresh vegetables from the gardens he has tended so faithfully. They are greatly appreciated. At our Sunday evening service of January 23 we were favored by a violin solo, "Salute d'Amour," by Elgar, by Brother Laurie Bubbett. Under the efficient and energetic management of our new member, Brother Arthur Moore, our general store has taken on a new lease of life. Many of the old customers have returned to trade here and the store enjoys, a thriving business,. Brother Arthur is a very accommodating and genial host to his many customers. Brother Jesse keeps busy with the home and outside printing work. At the Sunday evening services of January 23 we listened to the reading of the following article written by KORESH: "The higher aim of the Koreshan Unity is the attainment of immortal life. By immortal life is meant the condition to be reached in the body, in which the corruptible is transformed to incorruptibility, and the mortal to immortality. This is to be accomplished in this world, not in some other. Immortality is an attainment as the fruit of the dispensation, not fruit already ripe. This, fruition is the manifestation of the Sons of God. "The world is now consummating the time of the end, and is to be astonished with the greatest wonder of all ages—namely, the unfoldment of the new and higher genus of beings to inhabit the earth. They are to be the biune product of the Father-Mother God; and their right to their inheritance is in the fulfilment of law wrought in them, by which the laws of life are understood and applied in contradistinction with the uses of life as conducted in the world at large and regarded as the application of the principles of life, but which are but the application of the principles of death. In the line of the application of the law's, of immortality the Koreshan Unity is established, that in its separation from the institutions of the world the new life may be functioned according to the laws of order and the attainment of immortality accomplished. "Immortality is not a permanent condition of natural life. It is the arch-natural state, in which the material Sonsi of God are manifest; a condition in which there is the possibility of living both in the natural and the spiritual, at the will of the one in whom the condition obtains. The condition will obtain during the Golden Age, which we are now entering with the passage of the sign Aries into the constellation Aquarius. The Sons of God will be biune, neuter beings."
By Adah J. Price
NEW YEAR'S DAY brought Mr. and Mrs. George Simpson of Detroit, Michigan, to Estero for the second season. They are again camping in their trailer near the banks of the Estero River. Mrs. Maud Brown of Davenport, New York, arrived January 2. She is doing good service in our bakery together with Brothers Alfred Christensen and Conrad Schenley. Wallace Mende, a New York City artist, was our dinner guest on January 6. Sister Rose Gilbert visited her sister, Mrs. Frank Lewis, in Everglades January 7-8. She reports having had a delightful and interesting ride out in the bay, the boat threading its way among the small and numerous mangrove keys, while many wild ducks peacefully rode the quiet, waters,. Their party called at the home of some pioneer settlers who never leave unless driven by high water to seek shelter in small rivers. An electrical storm furnished variety and sent the party down in. the cabin for a brief time; then again on deck to admire and enjoy the surrounding beauty. Mrs. Bertha Phillips and daughter FlorenceMarie and Robert and Lloyd Graham of Miami were visiting relatives and friends in the Unity Sunday, January 9. With some Michigan friends Brother Alien Andrews made a trip to Sanibel and Gaptiva Islands January 10. Sanibel beach is especially alluring to tourists owing to the variety and beauty of its sea shells. Early history tells us it is the only beach in South Florida lying east and west. On Captiva Island are located a large number of attractive winter homes, many of which are the homes of writers and artists. Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Lewis of Everglades were our welcome dinner guests January 16. We are glad to report that the new concrete bridge across the Estero River is completed and opened to traffic. It has, been closed since October 4. On January 19 Brother Alien Andrews gave a talk on the Koreshan conception of cosmogony as, a guest speaker at the Rotary Club of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. His talk was well received and created no little interest. The very fact that Brother Alien was invited to discuss the Koreshan System of Cosmogony indicates, that people are becoming more and more interested in the world in which we live! Sister Emily Bessemer reports that her son Louis, who lived in the Unity a number of years ago, has been appointed mayor of Greenbelt, Maryland, where one of the government's housing projects is located. Brother Daniel MacNamara is now supplying the kitchen with nice fresh vegetables from the gardens he has tended so faithfully. They are greatly appreciated. At our Sunday evening service of January 23 we were favored by a violin solo, "Salute d'Amour," by Elgar, by Brother Laurie Bubbett. Under the efficient and energetic management of our new member, Brother Arthur Moore, our general store has taken on a new lease of life. Many of the old customers have returned to trade here and the store enjoys, a thriving business,. Brother Arthur is a very accommodating and genial host to his many customers. Brother Jesse keeps busy with the home and outside printing work. At the Sunday evening services of January 23 we listened to the reading of the following article written by KORESH: "The higher aim of the Koreshan Unity is the attainment of immortal life. By immortal life is meant the condition to be reached in the body, in which the corruptible is transformed to incorruptibility, and the mortal to immortality. This is to be accomplished in this world, not in some other. Immortality is an attainment as the fruit of the dispensation, not fruit already ripe. This, fruition is the manifestation of the Sons of God. "The world is now consummating the time of the end, and is to be astonished with the greatest wonder of all ages—namely, the unfoldment of the new and higher genus of beings to inhabit the earth. They are to be the biune product of the Father-Mother God; and their right to their inheritance is in the fulfilment of law wrought in them, by which the laws of life are understood and applied in contradistinction with the uses of life as conducted in the world at large and regarded as the application of the principles of life, but which are but the application of the principles of death. In the line of the application of the law's, of immortality the Koreshan Unity is established, that in its separation from the institutions of the world the new life may be functioned according to the laws of order and the attainment of immortality accomplished. "Immortality is not a permanent condition of natural life. It is the arch-natural state, in which the material Sonsi of God are manifest; a condition in which there is the possibility of living both in the natural and the spiritual, at the will of the one in whom the condition obtains. The condition will obtain during the Golden Age, which we are now entering with the passage of the sign Aries into the constellation Aquarius. The Sons of God will be biune, neuter beings."