Events"Community Current Events: : Everyday life in the Unity.
The Flaming Sword
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Community Current Events - February 1933
by Max E. Arendt

MRS. PEARL COX, daughter of our Brother John S. Sargent, returned to her home in Charleston, Illinois, after a residence at the Unity of almost two years. Needless to say, her many friends here regretted to see her go, for she had endeared herself to all of them. She returned North with her son, Mr. Palmer Cox and his wife, who drove here from Charleston, Illinois, to spend a short vacation with us. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goff of Charleston, Illinois (friends of Mrs. Pearl Cox), who are spending the winter at Leesburg, Florida, were here for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Cox. While here the party enjoyed a fishing trip to the bay and Gulf. Mrs. A. Camphausen, Mrs. Edith Johnson, and the Misses Elin and. Inez Lindberg drove to Tarpon Springs recently for a visit with friends. Lynn Russell spent several days in Miami where he visited with his brother, Paul Russell. Brother Jesse Putnam, accompanied by Sisters Barbara Ehrisman and Florence Graham, drove to Miami for a visit of several days with Robert and Lloyd Graham. Sister Ella Graham, who had been visiting there, returned with them to Estero. Sister Ida Fischer was the guest for several days of Miss Lydia Pierce at Fort Myers. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Boomer and children, .and Mr. Ole Slatede returned to New York City after a brief sojourn at their River Bend estate, Sister Adah Price spent the New Year's holidays with Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Pulcifer at Estero Island beach. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Phillips and daughters Eleanor and Florence Marie, and Mr. Lloyd Williams, drove from Miami for a brief visit with relatives and friends here. Sisters Ella and Florence Graham entertained the party .and several of the Unity members. Mr. George M. Bassett of Montclair, New Jersey, arrived to spend the winter here. Mr. Bassett has been a winter visitor at the Unity for a number of seasons and we are always glad to welcome him back. Mrs. Lovelle Ahrano was here on a visit with relatives and friends. She returned by bus to Tampa. Word reached us that Mr. 0. W. Bowlus of Blackie, Alberta, Canada, succumbed to an attack of pneumonia January 3, after an illness of a few days. Mr. Bowlus was well known both here and in Canada. The tourist season is in full swing at present and a large number of tourists are finding the Unity a point of real interest and a stopover more than worthwhile. Quite a few of our visitors find Koreshan Universology of more than passing interest .as thenpurchases of literature show. Miss Alwina Lorbeer of San Fernando, California, has purchased the home of Dr. E. L. Rasmussen in Fort Myers. Miss Lorbeer has been an interested reader of THE SWORD for a number of years and intends to remain in Florida. At present she -is staying at the Unity. Interesting visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Witt Bowden of Washington, D. C. Mr. Bowden is a member of the Technocracy personnel and was in Lee County on official business gathering statistics on unemployment and economic conditions for the Technocracy survey being conducted under the supervision of Howard Scott. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hoffman of Kirksville, Missouri, stopped for a brief visit en route to Miami. Mrs. Hoffman is a sister of U. G. Morrow who formerly resided at the Unity. Mrs. Edith S. Lenders of Sauk City, Wisconsin, arrived for a visit with her Sister Etta and Brother Henry Silverfriend. Mrs. Leuders was for many years an instructor in elocution in Chicago. She had the misfortune of breaking her arm in an accident while en route to Florida. Friends who visited us recently were: Russell Kay of Tampa and Julian Langner of Orlando; Mr. and Mrs. James Newcomb and daughters Olive .and Margaret; Miss Lydia Pierce and friend, Mrs. Barton, of Fort Myers; Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Lewis of Everglades; and Miss Meta Monsees and Miss Genevieve Bisbing of Fort Myers. Beds of gladiolas, Transvaal daises, and azelias have been planted along the main walk in the Unity park; they will add much to the color and attractiveness of the grounds. A number of the members have had slight .attacks of influenza, but the epidemic reported in other parts of the country is not in evidence here. A party .commemorating the birthdays of Mrs. Cora Newcomb and. Brother Franklin Jacke w&s held at the Lewis cottage, and a pleasant time was enjoyed by those present. Brother Charles Hunt is still confined to his room but is steadily improving. Dr. J. L. Seebold of LaBelle treated a, number of the Unity to a movie in Fort Myers. Through the persistent efforts of Brothers Daniel McNamara, Albert Jacobs, and George Bielor we are enjoying fresh vegetables from the Unity gardens. Robert Graham drove from Miami for a visit of several days with friends and relatives. He returned to Miami by way of Clewiston and West Palm Beach. Brother Will Fischer accompanied him as far as West Palm Beach to visit there with his sister, Marie Fischer, whom he had not seen for several years. Mrs. Ruth Boomer Thomas was hostess to a fishing party consisting of Unity members and friends. She is visiting with her mother and sister at Mirasol Grove.