Events"Community Current Events: : Everyday life in the Unity.
The Flaming Sword
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February 1943

WELL, HERE I am back on the job after several weeks, of enforced idleness, during which time I seem to have lost touch with the happenings of the community and the goings on of Nature.
Now, take the weather, for instance; that good old standby of conversation. One time in particular, the "weather man" warned us of dangerously low temperature on a certain, date for our section of the state, and while my friends were dragging in wood to keep me comfortable, did it turn cold? No, quite the contrary. It turned warmer, until once again we are enjoying summer weather right in the middle of January.
And not only the weather went on "weathering," but other things seemed to go right on too. Naturally, I expected that all things, .at least in my immediate neighborhood, would stand still and wait for me, but they didn't. The Christmas holidays, with their increased business at the post office, came and went, and even the New Year was ushered in without any help from me. The Christmas rose bloomed and faded; the mango trees, came into bloom, and the birds, fooled by the warm weather, think it's nesting time. And so, however important I may have felt, I am constrained to admit that life does go on, regardless.
Mrs. Elinor Clark, who arrived on December 19, from Jacksonville, is doing relief duty at the post office. Both she and Sister Adah Price stepped right in and took over the work at the post office during the absence of the postmaster.
Sisters, Ella, and Florence Graham and Hedwig Michel and L. W. Bubbett spent Christmas and the weekend with relatives and friends in Miami.
Brothers Alien Andrews and Henry Silverfriend went to Miami on January. 7. Brother Allen returned the following Monday, while Brother Henry remained to visit with a friend.
Sister Emily Bessemer returned from Miami on the 11th, having spent the holidays with her son's family.
Mrs. Cora Newcomb of LaBelle arrived on the 14th to visit with friends at the Unity, returning home on the 16th.
Mrs. Julia Home and son Bobby of Tice visited with us and other friends in the community on Sunday the 17th.
Mrs. Marie McConnell and Mrs. Lovelle Ahrano of Tampa have been spending some time at the Unity, having been summoned by the illness of their mother, Sister Abbie McCready. They returned to Tampa on the 23d.
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Lewis spent Sunday the 24th with us at the Unity; Sister Rose Gilbert returned with them to Everglades.
Mrs. Lillian Rugg was a dinner guest on Sunday the 24th.
Brother Lou Staton is looking after the filling station business, which is not too brisk since the rationing of gas, rubber, etc., so Brother Lou has installed his barber shop equipment in the filling station and is thereby using up some of his spare time in tonsorial activities.