The Flaming Sword
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June 1943
MRS. CORA NEWCOMB and friend Miss Inez McGill of LaBelle visited the nursery recently and secured enough bamboo with which to construct a trellis. The bamboo lends itself very admirably to ornamental construction. At present Brother Theodore is working on an order for a novelty concern in the North for a number of small novelties made of bamboo, but Brother Theodore has so many irons in the fire he is at a loss sometimes to know which one to finish off first.
Easter Day, April 25th, passed off very quietly at the Unity since most of us are past the Easter egg age. Neither are we inclined to fashionable attire, so we had no parade of fashion as they do in the style centers of our more populous cities.
Brother Arthur Moore and Roger Perry made a trip May 5 to Punta Gorda with a load of trees for Mr. Arnold, who maintains a winter home there.
On May 6 Mrs. L. M. Boomer of New York City called for Sister Vesta Newcomb and took her for a vacation to Fort Myers Beach, where the Boomers had taken a cottage. Unfortunately they were called back to New York by some important business, which terminated their sojourn at the beach, also cutting short Sister Vesta's vacation. However, she had several days outing which she thoroughly enjoyed.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Graham and Robert Graham of Miami arrived on the evening of May 8 to spend Sunday, Mother's Day, with their mother, sister and friends at the Unity. They returned to Miami on Sunday evening.
Speaking of Mother's Day, we had a little change in the usual way of observing it. The little bob-tailed store cat had just recently become a, mother so those of us who are fond, of cats and kitties made a call on her and her newly-acquired family on that day. She took it all as a matter of course, but most of the time kept a protecting paw across her babies.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Coleman of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, called on Brother Lou Staton, Sunday the 9th. Mrs. Coleman is Brother Lou's niece,
Well, the baby chicks arrived on the 10th and what fun they are. Already they have outgrown the small run prepared for them. We have now given them the run of half the chicken house and are they satisfied? No. Their natural curiosity is aroused by the little fence we strung across the house. What is on the other side? So with a flap of their little new wings up they go to perch precariously for a moment on the swaying wire fence, then down on the other side, and to them there is a whole new world to investigate. One of them caught a horsefly the other day and then what a commotion. The fly, of course, set up a great buzzing and the chick that had it probably thought his head was. about to be blown off but he was .game and held on, while all the others took after him. A football game had nothing on that chase. They blocked and tackled; intercepted and counter-attacked, first one then another grabbing the prize. Well, it was a hot day and fearing they might overdo themselves in the heat, I entered the chase with a cloth which I threw over the one carrying the prize at the moment of his passing me, and so ended the game and none too soon for they were tired out, but they surely had a good time while it lasted.
Mrs. Julia Home spent the weekend—14th to 17th with friends at, the Unity and the neighborhood.
Sister Rose Gilbert came up from Everglades on the 17th ,to spend a week or two with us.
At last the drought is broken. Several good show ers have been "showered" upon us during the past ten days.
Miss Meta Monsees of Fort Myers and Mrs. Lillian Rugg of Estero were dinner guests at the Unity on Sunday the 23d.
Sister Florence Graham went to Miami Friday, 21st, to spend the weekend with her brothers, Robert and Lloyd Graham. On Sunday the 23d, accompanied by Mrs. Lloyd Graham, they all motored to their sister's new home near Stuart to participate in a house-warming. As I mentioned in a, previous edition of THE SWORD the Phillips have purchased a tract of land near Stuart, Florida. They have built a nice, comfortable house and have built in such a way that it can very teasily be enlarged and made more roomy and convenient as time goes on. They have some summer crops in and are no doubt working like beavers to get everything in ship shape and in good running order by fall which is the time for planting the winter crops. Sister Florence returned on the evening of the 24th.
Brother Arthur Moore and Roger Perry made two trips, to Bonita Springs recently to secure a, quantity of flower pots which the Unity purchased from Mrs. Codwise for the nursery. Brother Theodore is now well supplied with containers of all sizes for repotting his much loved plants.
If we all seem to look a bit droopy or drippy just lay it to the summer heat which has descended upon us with a vengeance. And what with the Eastern war time it seems like the days are much longer and hotter than in the "good old days."
June 1943
MRS. CORA NEWCOMB and friend Miss Inez McGill of LaBelle visited the nursery recently and secured enough bamboo with which to construct a trellis. The bamboo lends itself very admirably to ornamental construction. At present Brother Theodore is working on an order for a novelty concern in the North for a number of small novelties made of bamboo, but Brother Theodore has so many irons in the fire he is at a loss sometimes to know which one to finish off first.
Easter Day, April 25th, passed off very quietly at the Unity since most of us are past the Easter egg age. Neither are we inclined to fashionable attire, so we had no parade of fashion as they do in the style centers of our more populous cities.
Brother Arthur Moore and Roger Perry made a trip May 5 to Punta Gorda with a load of trees for Mr. Arnold, who maintains a winter home there.
On May 6 Mrs. L. M. Boomer of New York City called for Sister Vesta Newcomb and took her for a vacation to Fort Myers Beach, where the Boomers had taken a cottage. Unfortunately they were called back to New York by some important business, which terminated their sojourn at the beach, also cutting short Sister Vesta's vacation. However, she had several days outing which she thoroughly enjoyed.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Graham and Robert Graham of Miami arrived on the evening of May 8 to spend Sunday, Mother's Day, with their mother, sister and friends at the Unity. They returned to Miami on Sunday evening.
Speaking of Mother's Day, we had a little change in the usual way of observing it. The little bob-tailed store cat had just recently become a, mother so those of us who are fond, of cats and kitties made a call on her and her newly-acquired family on that day. She took it all as a matter of course, but most of the time kept a protecting paw across her babies.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Coleman of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, called on Brother Lou Staton, Sunday the 9th. Mrs. Coleman is Brother Lou's niece,
Well, the baby chicks arrived on the 10th and what fun they are. Already they have outgrown the small run prepared for them. We have now given them the run of half the chicken house and are they satisfied? No. Their natural curiosity is aroused by the little fence we strung across the house. What is on the other side? So with a flap of their little new wings up they go to perch precariously for a moment on the swaying wire fence, then down on the other side, and to them there is a whole new world to investigate. One of them caught a horsefly the other day and then what a commotion. The fly, of course, set up a great buzzing and the chick that had it probably thought his head was. about to be blown off but he was .game and held on, while all the others took after him. A football game had nothing on that chase. They blocked and tackled; intercepted and counter-attacked, first one then another grabbing the prize. Well, it was a hot day and fearing they might overdo themselves in the heat, I entered the chase with a cloth which I threw over the one carrying the prize at the moment of his passing me, and so ended the game and none too soon for they were tired out, but they surely had a good time while it lasted.
Mrs. Julia Home spent the weekend—14th to 17th with friends at, the Unity and the neighborhood.
Sister Rose Gilbert came up from Everglades on the 17th ,to spend a week or two with us.
At last the drought is broken. Several good show ers have been "showered" upon us during the past ten days.
Miss Meta Monsees of Fort Myers and Mrs. Lillian Rugg of Estero were dinner guests at the Unity on Sunday the 23d.
Sister Florence Graham went to Miami Friday, 21st, to spend the weekend with her brothers, Robert and Lloyd Graham. On Sunday the 23d, accompanied by Mrs. Lloyd Graham, they all motored to their sister's new home near Stuart to participate in a house-warming. As I mentioned in a, previous edition of THE SWORD the Phillips have purchased a tract of land near Stuart, Florida. They have built a nice, comfortable house and have built in such a way that it can very teasily be enlarged and made more roomy and convenient as time goes on. They have some summer crops in and are no doubt working like beavers to get everything in ship shape and in good running order by fall which is the time for planting the winter crops. Sister Florence returned on the evening of the 24th.
Brother Arthur Moore and Roger Perry made two trips, to Bonita Springs recently to secure a, quantity of flower pots which the Unity purchased from Mrs. Codwise for the nursery. Brother Theodore is now well supplied with containers of all sizes for repotting his much loved plants.
If we all seem to look a bit droopy or drippy just lay it to the summer heat which has descended upon us with a vengeance. And what with the Eastern war time it seems like the days are much longer and hotter than in the "good old days."