Events"Community Current Events: : Everyday life in the Unity.
The Flaming Sword
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Community Current Events - August 1940
By Rose Gilbert ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ON JULY 7 Robert L. Graham, L. W. Bubbett and Eleanor Phillips were over from Miami visiting Estero friends and relatives and were dinner guests of the Unity. Mr. Graham's mother, Mrs. Ella Graham, returned with them and will visit for some weeks in Miami. We all rejoice to have Sister Jennie Campbell with us. again, much improved by the little rest she forced herself to take. On July 7 she and Sister Edith took dinner with us. They brought some beautiful litchi nuts,enough for all to test the flavor and admire the beauty. Sister Emily Bessemer left on the bus, July 13, for an extended visit with relatives in Washington, D. C., and New York City. We miss her, but are glad she may have a much needed change. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Trebell left July 16 on a motor trip to Colorado, where they will enjoy the cooler regions and visit with friends and relatives for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Bessemer with daughter Alice and son Raymond arrived on July 16 from Washington, D. C., for a short visit with Unity friends. It was a surprise to them to learn that Alton's mother, Sister Emily Bessemer, had left a few days; earlier to visit with them. They, no doubt, passed on the road. They remained until July 19. Brother Alien Andrews and Sister Florence Graham went to Miami on July 19, returning July 22. Sister Florence had a pleasant time visiting with her mother and other relatives. Sister Rose Gilbert returned July 22 from a delightful and most beneficial vacation of two weeks spent at Miami Beach as guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis of Everglades. Sister Emma Norton had her home invaded by a persistent swarm of bees a few weeks ago. By con stant and careful vigil they were at last persuaded to seek another abode. Most of our members visited the river bank some time ago in the black darkness, there to behold the marvelous sight of fifty or more blooming cereus whose blo'ssoms defy description and may only be viewed at night as they close with the dawn. We have discontinued for a few weeks our weekly meetings where we assembled to hear the readings of KORESH'S profound, but simple presentations of exact truths. Mr. George C. Earnist of Cincinnati has purchased four Gulf front lots' at Bonita Beach from the Koreshan Unity. He will combine them into one beach front estate, 400 x 200 feet, and will begin building an at tractive bungalow as soon as a. roadway is cleared north from the Bonita Beach Road to his property, so that building materials may be hauled in. This will be the first house to be constructed on Bonita Beach, and no do'ubt, others will soon follow. Dinner guests the past month included Miss Bertha M. Boomer and Mrs. Lillian Rugg. The Trail resurfacing job between Estero and Fort Myers is apparently finished, as work has stopped all along the line. Though much better than before, the surfacing job lacks considerable of being smooth and the shoulders have been left in an unfinished condition. Possibly that is, to be done under another contract. Brother Alien Andrews made a trip to the fishing settlement at Coconut three miles southwest of Estero on the bay recently to investigate a rumor that blackberries were growing there. He found that "Blackberry bushes have gone native on the premises of Mr. Slusser, who has been selling large quantities of the berries this season. He was shown the berry patch by Mrs. Slusser and it is a sight to behold, the bushes having run riot among brush and weeds taller than one's head and covering several acres. It was near the end of the fruiting season and the berries were smaller than several weeks ago, but were of good quality and had the real blackberry flavor." Also he writes: "While on the subject of berries it might be interesting to note that for twenty five years or more there has been growing back of The Eagle office at Estero a patch of gigantic raspberry bushes that receive no attention whatever, but grow vigorously from, year to year, the canes frequently measuring eight or ten feet in length and an inch in diameter at the base." We quote from "The Great Red Dragon" by Lord Chester (KORESH) : ". . . the creation of substance is the result of industry . . . men can build houses, manufacture machinery, provide clothing, cultivate the mind and carry forward the enterprises which conduce to the necessaries, comforts and luxury of existence, through that kind of economic order which may create and dis tribute without any medium of exchange except the means of transportation. It will be understood that environment does not in any sense constitute the cause of the moral status of society; but that the conditions of progress toward the perfection of the human organ ism determine environment. . . . The price of labor, the cost of production, overproduction and public and private supply and demand, elasticity of the circulating medium, are terms and conditions which are entirely eliminated from the nomenclature of the new economy. Every one must produce; and all the products of industry shall belong to the public storehouses of the new social order."