Events"Community Current Events: : Everyday life in the Unity.
The Flaming Sword
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June 1941

CHERRIES, CHERRIES, (Surinam;) in such opulent abundance, in all stages of development from tiny green balls to large crimson and black corrugated globes, shining and glistening in great allure, is the sight which greets the visitor who would gather basketfuls in our patch for beauty, jelly and jam.

Last month two of our buildings, Planetary Court and the laundry, received much needed new roofs.

Our dinner guests on May 4 were Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Lewis of Everglades, Mrs. Hedwig Michel, Miss. Bertie M. Boomer, Miss Meta Monsees of Fort Myers and Mrs. Lillian Rugg of Estero.

Brothers George Hunt, Charlie Hunt, Arthur Moore .and Lester Wintersgill had an enjoyable motor trip to Gordon's Pass at Naples on Sunday, May 4.

On May 4, Brother Lou H. Staton. received a visit from his niece. Miss, Cecil Hamilton, a teacher at Gwynne Institute in Fort Myers. In the afternoon they motored to Naples.

Sisters Ella Graham and her daughter, Florence Graham, returned from Savannah, Missouri, May 6. Sister Ella went there for treatments' and now we are happy to relate she is much improved in health.

Mr. and Mrs. Victor Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Graham, and Robert Graham came from Miami on May 11 to visit with their miother, Sister Ella, and many friends in the Unity who always give them a warm welcome.

Mrs. A. L. Camphausen and Mrs. Eleanore Castle of Fort Myers made us a short call on May 11.

On May 18, Sisters Vesta Newcomb, Florence Graham and Emily Bessemer went with Bertie Boomer and Mrs. Hedwig Michel to Fort Myers Beach, where they enjoyed the sky, the water, the beach and a good picnic supper.

Mr. Ernest F. Coe was a recent caller in, Estero when en route to Miami. He is secretary of the Everglades Park Association.

A cylinder press was sold by the Unity to George E. Hosmer of Fort Myers, being moved in two truckloads on Saturday and Monday. Brother Jesse Putnam superintended moving and erecting the press.

Through, the kindness of a friend all the members of the Unity were given an opportunity to attend the movie "Gone With The Wind" which was shown in Fort Myers early in May.

Laurie Bubbett has returned to Miami. He was with us about two months assisting in the printing office in various ways on Eagle and SWORD while Sister Florence was in Savannah, Missouri.

Brother Arthur Moore motored to Punta Gorda with a load of household goods for Mrs. Helveston.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Houghton of St. Petersburg were callers in Estero. Mr. Houghton, formerly of Binghamton, New York, was an old schoolmate of The Eagle editor, Brother Allen Andrews.

Walter Bentz and Brother Henry D. Silverfriend attended the barbecue in Fort Myers that was given to the visiting newspaper men of the National Editorial Association who were en route to Miami after attending an annual convention in Jacksonville.

The following is a continuation of Brother Allen's brief history of The Koreshan Unity which was begun in May SWORD.

"From medical practice Dr. Teed gradually drifted into mental healing, in which he became very successful. In the fall of 1886 he went to Chicago to attend a convention, of mental scientists and was made president of the convention. He then opened up downtown offices, lecturing and healing many of the sick who flocked to his doors. About that time a monthly magazine was established, entitled The Guiding Star.

"Dr. Teed held the competitive system to be a ruthless outgrowth of paganism, a form of economic cannibalism, so to speak, in which the big fish swallow up the lesser ones, and predicted that it would ultimate in world revolution, warfare and bloodshed. The equitable system of human relations he believed to be that practiced by the early Christian Church wherein those who were converted sold their possessions and brought the price of the things they had sold and laid it at the Apostles' feet, and they had all things in common.

"It is obvious, however, that this principle of collective ownership could be practiced only through the gathering together of those so minded into groups, and thus it was that The Koreshan Unity was organized on September 6th, 1888, with headquarters at 2 and 4 College Place, Chicago. The name 'Koreshan,' by the way, is from 'KORESH' a nom de plume of the founder, being the Hebrew word for Cyrus.

"A general printing and publishing plant was the first industry established. Dr. Teed was much of the time on the road lecturing in various parts of the country, and in 1891 established a branch community in San Francisco, with a general store and printing plant in connection.

"In 1893 the San Francisco branch was consolidated with the central body in Chicago. The original location at College Place having been outgrown by the enlarged community, a move was made into the suburbs, a portion of the membership locating in Washington Heights and the balance in Normal Park. At the latter place the members of the strange new cult met with a hostile reception, the public at large being frequently quick to condemn that which they do not understand. Indignation meetings were held and threats of eviction made, but aside from some minor annoyances, nothing resulted."