The Flaming Sword
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Community Current Events - April 1931
THE WRITER, in company with Dr. James Russell Price and Sister Adah Price, spent four days in St. Petersburg, Florida, recently, at- tending the 46th annual conyention of the Southern Homeopathic Medical Society, of which Dr. Price is a member. The convention was held at the Suwanne Hotel, and was one of the most successful ever held by the organization, due largely to the untir- ing energy of its president, Dr. William A. Guild, of St. Petersburg and Chicago. Dr. Guild, who, at the behest of President Hoov- er's crime commission, recently investigated criminal cases in the Federal penitentiary at Atlanta, Georgia, read a most illuminating dissertation on "Surgery and Its Relation to Criminals." The Doctor said in part : "'There are men in the Federal prisons who have the will power to behave themselves if we could correct flaws that exist in their physical bodies. No amount of religion, education, or punishment will correct it ; the one way we can help these criminals is to give them healthy bodies." Dr. Price read a paper on "Homeopathy Alchem- ically Considered." He said in part: "Wonderful things have been accomplished in the name of chem- istry , while in reality the results obtained were the work of alchemy. ...I never was able to see this clearly until I came upon the writings of the Master Alchemist of this new age, who made the discovery and proclaimed to the world the form and function of the universe in the year 1870. This great honor came through a physician of the State of New York, DR. CYRUS R. TEED, whose writings portray universal laws which have no exceptions." St. Petersburg is an ideal convention city, and everything possible was done by the officials of the city to make the visit of the hundreds of physicians and their wives a memorable one. Dr. Price and Sister Adah were guests of Dr. and Mrs. Guild while in St. Petersburg. The writer was a guest of Mrs. Alice Fox Miller, one of the early disciples of KORESH when the movement was first launched in Chicago, in the 80's. Mrs. Miller contributed a number of articles to THE FLAMING SWORD years ago, and her one hope now is to see the fulfilment and triumph of the Koreshan Cause. Returning to Estero by way of Lakeland, Florida, we called at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Alex McKay and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Lamb, and as usual were heartily received by these Koreshan friends. We stopped over night with them, and drove through miles . of the finest orange and grapefruit groves to be found in the state. Lakeland has two outstanding institu- tions in the Carpenters' Union Home, an international organization, and the Southern College, where there are between four hundred and five hundred students. We were greeted in the reception hall of the Southern College by Miss Margarite Wills, dean of the woman's department. Dr. Price favored Miss Wills with some of his original poems, among which was "Grannyand the Stars." This introduced the subject of the Cellular Cosmogony to Miss Wills, of which she had never heard before. A very pleasant haif hour was spent in this institution. Miss Ann Eytel of New York City, and Miss Helen Ross of Brooklyn; New York, were recent .guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Campbell of Estero. The ladies attended the Sunday evening Service at the Unity Art Hall, and Miss Ross, who possesses a very sweet so- prano voice, favored us with a song. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Acuff of Orlando, Florida, were guests of the Unity during the month. Miss Annie Brown of Washington, D. C., a cousin of Brother Allen H. Andrews, stopped off in Estero, while on a vacation tour of the state. She was accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Barnes, and Miss Florence Claque, also of Washington. Miss Brown has a fine position with the National Geographic Society; Miss Claque is with The Pathfinder, and Mr. Barnes is with the Government printing plant. They were very much interested with what they saw here. Messrs. Robert E. Murphy, of the Miami Herald, and C. Clinton Page, farm editor of the same paper, stopped off in Estero while en route recently, and were delighted with the Unity grounds. They evinced much interest in the talk given on the Cellular Cosmogony. It isn't often we meet a minister of the gospel as liberal as the Rev. William G. Clinton, who was willing to learn something ,concerning the gospel of Koreshan Universology. We had the pleasure of conducting the Rev. and Mrs. Clinton over the Unity grounds, and enlisting their interest in the great truths taught by KORESH. Mr. Clinton is pastor ,of the Tamiami Temple Methodist Episcopal Church of Miami, Florida. Mr. Paul C. Camphausen was a recent visitor in Estero and remained here for several days, prior to taking up his duties with the Sarasota Terrace Hotel of Sarasota, Florida. Mr. Camphausen is a most genial personality, and a visit from him is always a great pleasure. - Sister Emma Norton visited a number of, days with Miss Lydia Pierce of Fort Myers. Sister Rose Gilbert, our postmistress, visited her sister, Mrs. Frank Lewis, at Everglades, and the Unity was favored by a visit from Mrs. Lewis later . During the month Mr. Ben Johnston favored the following members of the Unity with a motor trip to Miami, Florida: Brothers Frank Wilson, Samuel Ar- mour, Stephen Chislett, Peter Blem, Charles Hunt, and Sisters Vesta Newcomb, Florence Graham, and Miss Bertha M. Boomer.
THE WRITER, in company with Dr. James Russell Price and Sister Adah Price, spent four days in St. Petersburg, Florida, recently, at- tending the 46th annual conyention of the Southern Homeopathic Medical Society, of which Dr. Price is a member. The convention was held at the Suwanne Hotel, and was one of the most successful ever held by the organization, due largely to the untir- ing energy of its president, Dr. William A. Guild, of St. Petersburg and Chicago. Dr. Guild, who, at the behest of President Hoov- er's crime commission, recently investigated criminal cases in the Federal penitentiary at Atlanta, Georgia, read a most illuminating dissertation on "Surgery and Its Relation to Criminals." The Doctor said in part : "'There are men in the Federal prisons who have the will power to behave themselves if we could correct flaws that exist in their physical bodies. No amount of religion, education, or punishment will correct it ; the one way we can help these criminals is to give them healthy bodies." Dr. Price read a paper on "Homeopathy Alchem- ically Considered." He said in part: "Wonderful things have been accomplished in the name of chem- istry , while in reality the results obtained were the work of alchemy. ...I never was able to see this clearly until I came upon the writings of the Master Alchemist of this new age, who made the discovery and proclaimed to the world the form and function of the universe in the year 1870. This great honor came through a physician of the State of New York, DR. CYRUS R. TEED, whose writings portray universal laws which have no exceptions." St. Petersburg is an ideal convention city, and everything possible was done by the officials of the city to make the visit of the hundreds of physicians and their wives a memorable one. Dr. Price and Sister Adah were guests of Dr. and Mrs. Guild while in St. Petersburg. The writer was a guest of Mrs. Alice Fox Miller, one of the early disciples of KORESH when the movement was first launched in Chicago, in the 80's. Mrs. Miller contributed a number of articles to THE FLAMING SWORD years ago, and her one hope now is to see the fulfilment and triumph of the Koreshan Cause. Returning to Estero by way of Lakeland, Florida, we called at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Alex McKay and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Lamb, and as usual were heartily received by these Koreshan friends. We stopped over night with them, and drove through miles . of the finest orange and grapefruit groves to be found in the state. Lakeland has two outstanding institu- tions in the Carpenters' Union Home, an international organization, and the Southern College, where there are between four hundred and five hundred students. We were greeted in the reception hall of the Southern College by Miss Margarite Wills, dean of the woman's department. Dr. Price favored Miss Wills with some of his original poems, among which was "Grannyand the Stars." This introduced the subject of the Cellular Cosmogony to Miss Wills, of which she had never heard before. A very pleasant haif hour was spent in this institution. Miss Ann Eytel of New York City, and Miss Helen Ross of Brooklyn; New York, were recent .guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Campbell of Estero. The ladies attended the Sunday evening Service at the Unity Art Hall, and Miss Ross, who possesses a very sweet so- prano voice, favored us with a song. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Acuff of Orlando, Florida, were guests of the Unity during the month. Miss Annie Brown of Washington, D. C., a cousin of Brother Allen H. Andrews, stopped off in Estero, while on a vacation tour of the state. She was accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Barnes, and Miss Florence Claque, also of Washington. Miss Brown has a fine position with the National Geographic Society; Miss Claque is with The Pathfinder, and Mr. Barnes is with the Government printing plant. They were very much interested with what they saw here. Messrs. Robert E. Murphy, of the Miami Herald, and C. Clinton Page, farm editor of the same paper, stopped off in Estero while en route recently, and were delighted with the Unity grounds. They evinced much interest in the talk given on the Cellular Cosmogony. It isn't often we meet a minister of the gospel as liberal as the Rev. William G. Clinton, who was willing to learn something ,concerning the gospel of Koreshan Universology. We had the pleasure of conducting the Rev. and Mrs. Clinton over the Unity grounds, and enlisting their interest in the great truths taught by KORESH. Mr. Clinton is pastor ,of the Tamiami Temple Methodist Episcopal Church of Miami, Florida. Mr. Paul C. Camphausen was a recent visitor in Estero and remained here for several days, prior to taking up his duties with the Sarasota Terrace Hotel of Sarasota, Florida. Mr. Camphausen is a most genial personality, and a visit from him is always a great pleasure. - Sister Emma Norton visited a number of, days with Miss Lydia Pierce of Fort Myers. Sister Rose Gilbert, our postmistress, visited her sister, Mrs. Frank Lewis, at Everglades, and the Unity was favored by a visit from Mrs. Lewis later . During the month Mr. Ben Johnston favored the following members of the Unity with a motor trip to Miami, Florida: Brothers Frank Wilson, Samuel Ar- mour, Stephen Chislett, Peter Blem, Charles Hunt, and Sisters Vesta Newcomb, Florence Graham, and Miss Bertha M. Boomer.