Events"Community Current Events: : Everyday life in the Unity.
The Flaming Sword
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Community Current Events - June 1937
By D.J. Richards
LAWRENCE W. BUBBETT left Estero on April 27th for Baltimore, Md., in C. J. Rahn's car "Willys, Knight." He expects to be away for the summer. His editing THE FLAMING SWORD for years has been greatly appreciated and we sincerely hope his, sojourn north will prove most beneficial in every way. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore of Canterbury, England, arrived in Estero on Friday evening May 7th. We had long anticipated their coming and all were delighted upon their arrival and they were given a hearty reception. The Moore's first saw reference to Estero and THE FLAMING SWORD in an ad we carry in the magazine "How To Live," in the year 1933. Soon thereafter Arthur was in communication with The Guiding Star Publishing House, and it didn't take him long to decide that Koreshan Universology was the complete answer to his years of searching after truth. Since then he has carried on a voluminous correspondence with various ones in the Unity as well as SWORD readers on the outside. Both Mr. and Mrs. Moore are delighted with what they have seen of America, but Mrs. Moore is'a little undecided whether she is going to like the United States as well as the mother country. However "all's well that ends well." We were pleased to have Samuel Armour drop in on us on Wednesday, May 12th. Sam first came into the Home in Chicago and was there three and a half months prior to coming to Estero in 1895, where he remained many years. He has been in and out many times since his first contact with the movement but coming back is always like coming home to Sam. At present he has charge of the Unity's gasoline Filling Station. Daniel McNamara left on Monday, May 24th for a brief sojourn with friends at St. Petersburg, Fla. Brother Mac (as he is familiarly known to us) has been most faithful in keeping the Unity kitchen supplied with vegetables for the past seven or eight months and his willing services is much appreciated. The rainy season in Florida is during the summer months and most trucking is done between October and May. But there is something constantly growing to feed the inner man in this land of perpetual sunshine and following the garden truck and citrus crop, other edible things come on. Mulberries were most plentiful this spring and following them were the Surinam, or Japanese cherries. We have never seen a better crop of cherries than we had this year. At present Brother Jesse Putnam is keeping the Unity well supplied with mangoes grown on the "Publishing grounds," and from all appearances we are going to have an excellent crop of avocado pears; these are rich in protein and are about the best substitute for meat. Our bee industry, which has been at a standstill since last June, when about eighty colonies of bees were swept away by a disastrous flood, is again to be revived and will be in charge of Brother Arthur Moore. Two colonies were salvaged from the wreck by Brother Frank Wilson and these will form a nucleus for a new 'start. Richard Dumbleton, who has had experience handling bees, is coaching Arthur in the rudiments of bee culture, and it is to be hoped that our apiary will once again flourish and be brought back to its former state of efficiency, for honey is an exceedingly important item to the Koreshan Unity. Mrs. Lovell Ahrano and Mrs. Marie McConnell of Tampa, Fla., arrived in Estero on Saturday, May 8th, remaining overnight for a visit with their parents, Brother William and Sister Abbie McCready, to whom they are devotion itself. They also have a host of friends in the Unity. Mrs. Einar Christensen and her son Fred. of Miami, Florida, were guests of the Unity from Friday, May 7th, to the following Monday. They are relatives of Brother Alfred Christensen. On Sunday, May 9th, Messrs Robert and Lloyd Graham, with their sister, Mrs. Victor Phillips and her daughter, Miss Florence Marie, came over to Estero to celebrate Mother's Day, with their mother, Sister Ella Graham and their sister Florence, and were guests of the Unity for dinner. Sister Cora Stephens and her niece, Marjorie Mills, have been guests, of Miss Lydia Pierce of Fort Myers during the month. Sister Rose Gilbert visited with her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis, of Everglades. Brothers Theodore Naeselius and Alien Andrews visited Miami, Friday, May 14th, staying at Robert Graham's. They returned Monday with a car load of rare tropical plants. Brother Lou H. Staton's domicile has been moved from the Immokalee road to a lot east of the Art Hall and south of the Tea Garden. The work was done by a Fort Myers contractor. In the interim Lou has occupied a room over the Unity store, but on Saturday, May 29th, moved back into his old home which is to be wired for lights and connected up to running water. Needless to say that Brother Lou is exceedingly pleased with his new location. Brother Jesse Putnam, with the assistance of an outside man, is doing a real job of replacing some of the old pillar supports and adding new ones on cement base under the Guiding Star Publishing House.