The Flaming Sword
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Community Current Events - March 1927
IN THE FEBRUARY ISSUE of THE SWORD we wrote about President Warfield of the Sea- board Air Line arriving in Estero aboard his Orange Blossom Special with six hundred guests. In appreciation for the showing made by the people of Estero, Mr. Warfield wrote the following to Brother George W. Hunt : "Dear Mr. Hunt: I am taking the first opportunity, having just returned to Balti- more from Florida and a trip over the lines, to thank you for the many courtesies of the citizens of Estero who were kind enough to extend us such an unusual welcome on the occasion of the ceremonies at Estero incident to the opening of the new lines. I appreciate more than I can say what you have all done for the Seaboard and its President, also our guests. . "With best wishes a~ asking that you will extend my thanks to those who so kindly took part in the ceremonies, belieye me, very sincerely yours, S. Davies Warfield, Presi- dent." , Uncle Sam is now bringing the mail to Estero via the Seaboard Air. Line. The new schedule took effect Tuesday, F'ebruary 15; the incoming mail arrives at 11 :05 a. m., and the outgoing leaves at '4 :05 p. m. For years, before the advent of the automobile, the Unity carried the mail in and out of Fort Myers on horse- back and it was an all day job, inasmuch as it took four hours to go and four to come, rain or shine, besides the lay-over of several hours daily in Fort Myers. For the last twelve years or so the mail has been coming to Estero by auto, and now that it is ~ coming by rail, the evolution of Uncle Sam's business is decidedly a noticeable one to the early pioneers of this section. Sister Orline Thacher had a pleasant visit from her cousins, Mrs. Orline Brock of Chicago, als.' J ennie Hut ton and Mr. Gordon Hut ton of Kissimmee, Florida. Mrs. Jeannie Miller of Hood River, Oregon, and Fort Myers, spent an enjoyable week at the Unity with her many friends, who were delighted with her visit. Brother Allen Andrews motored to Sanford, Flori- da, to meet his brother, Dudley Andrews, of N ew York City, and Mrs. Andrews and her. mother, Mrs. Perkins. Dudley and family expect to spend the winter months. in Florida; they are now residing in Fort Myers. Mrs. Camphausen, with her sister, Mrs. Johnson, and Miss Lindberg of Tarpon Springs, Florida, mo- tored to Estero and were guests of Sisters Berthaldine and Bertha M. Boomer, at their home, Mirasol Grove. The ladies were also guests of the Unity one evening for supper, after which" an impromptu concert was
IN THE FEBRUARY ISSUE of THE SWORD we wrote about President Warfield of the Sea- board Air Line arriving in Estero aboard his Orange Blossom Special with six hundred guests. In appreciation for the showing made by the people of Estero, Mr. Warfield wrote the following to Brother George W. Hunt : "Dear Mr. Hunt: I am taking the first opportunity, having just returned to Balti- more from Florida and a trip over the lines, to thank you for the many courtesies of the citizens of Estero who were kind enough to extend us such an unusual welcome on the occasion of the ceremonies at Estero incident to the opening of the new lines. I appreciate more than I can say what you have all done for the Seaboard and its President, also our guests. . "With best wishes a~ asking that you will extend my thanks to those who so kindly took part in the ceremonies, belieye me, very sincerely yours, S. Davies Warfield, Presi- dent." , Uncle Sam is now bringing the mail to Estero via the Seaboard Air. Line. The new schedule took effect Tuesday, F'ebruary 15; the incoming mail arrives at 11 :05 a. m., and the outgoing leaves at '4 :05 p. m. For years, before the advent of the automobile, the Unity carried the mail in and out of Fort Myers on horse- back and it was an all day job, inasmuch as it took four hours to go and four to come, rain or shine, besides the lay-over of several hours daily in Fort Myers. For the last twelve years or so the mail has been coming to Estero by auto, and now that it is ~ coming by rail, the evolution of Uncle Sam's business is decidedly a noticeable one to the early pioneers of this section. Sister Orline Thacher had a pleasant visit from her cousins, Mrs. Orline Brock of Chicago, als.' J ennie Hut ton and Mr. Gordon Hut ton of Kissimmee, Florida. Mrs. Jeannie Miller of Hood River, Oregon, and Fort Myers, spent an enjoyable week at the Unity with her many friends, who were delighted with her visit. Brother Allen Andrews motored to Sanford, Flori- da, to meet his brother, Dudley Andrews, of N ew York City, and Mrs. Andrews and her. mother, Mrs. Perkins. Dudley and family expect to spend the winter months. in Florida; they are now residing in Fort Myers. Mrs. Camphausen, with her sister, Mrs. Johnson, and Miss Lindberg of Tarpon Springs, Florida, mo- tored to Estero and were guests of Sisters Berthaldine and Bertha M. Boomer, at their home, Mirasol Grove. The ladies were also guests of the Unity one evening for supper, after which" an impromptu concert was