Bridges and mounds — Koreshan Unity Grounds
Catalog Date:
Stephens Collection
Item ID:
Also see: Reeves Study — pp. 127—8
The White Victorian Bridge. This was some—
what larger and of quite a different de—
sign from the Rustic Wooden Bridge. It—
combined intricate wood turning with mas—
onry in a Victorian style and the entire
bridge was painted white, making it one of
a very few structures in the Unity that
about 15'—1;8' in length and about 6'—7'
high painted white.26 The second trellis
bordered the semi—circular walk behind the
landing at the top of the steps and con—
sisted of two sections on either side of
the bamboo clump directly behind the con—
crete steps. Each section was approxi—
mately 50' in length and subdivided into
five 10' sections with double vertical 4" x
4" posts and a 2" x 12" horizontal rail at
the top and a 2" x 4" horizontal rail about
three feet off the ground. The overall
height was about 10 feet and it too was
painted white.27 There is no way to deter—
mine for certain what type of wood it was
constructed of but it quite possibly was
pine since it no longer existed in photo—
graphs taken a few years later.
The White Victorian Bridge. This was some—
what larger and of quite a different de—
sign from the Rustic Wooden Bridge. It—
combined intricate wood turning with mas—
onry in a Victorian style and the entire
bridge was painted white, making it one of
a very few structures in the Unity that
about 15'—1;8' in length and about 6'—7'
high painted white.26 The second trellis
bordered the semi—circular walk behind the
landing at the top of the steps and con—
sisted of two sections on either side of
the bamboo clump directly behind the con—
crete steps. Each section was approxi—
mately 50' in length and subdivided into
five 10' sections with double vertical 4" x
4" posts and a 2" x 12" horizontal rail at
the top and a 2" x 4" horizontal rail about
three feet off the ground. The overall
height was about 10 feet and it too was
painted white.27 There is no way to deter—
mine for certain what type of wood it was
constructed of but it quite possibly was
pine since it no longer existed in photo—
graphs taken a few years later.
Print Size:
3 x 5 in.
Although identified as "Manor Bridge", only shows a portion of the bridge. It is somewhat unique, however, due to the fact that it shows the bridge and the surrounding area as it is not usually seen. A cabbage palm and numerous banana plants can be seen.
[Also see Notes and the 'Related' tab — right].
[Also see Notes and the 'Related' tab — right].