Bessemer Family on the steps of Bamboo Landing
Catalog Date:
Stephens Collection
Item ID:
This photo was copied for the granddaughter of Emily Bessemer, ___ Toth, who lived in the Miami area. She identified those in the photograph, as follows:
Mary Alice Bessemer Toth — December 8, 1924—December 4, 1997 : Daughter of Alton D. Bessemer and Mary Alice Miller Bessemer (Formerly Zoltan Boszormeny)
Emily Bessemer (formerly Emilia Boszormeny), Hungarian Jewish immigrant to the U.S. around the turn of the century, betweek 1895—1900. She was married to Gaza (Goldhammer) Boszormeny, a former socialist activist in Hungary along with "revolutionary" Bela Kuhn. Emilia and Gaza had five children — Louis, Alton (Ms. Toth's grandfather), Milton, Helen and Auriel, all raised at the Koreshan Unity.
Raymond Bessemer, shown at approximately age 10. He is a retired physician (as of 1998), living in Merced, California.
Ms. Toth did not know the identity of the young boy at the right.
In the original, there is aman at the top of the steps. The writing on the back of the original says Jessie (then George crossed out) Putnam.
Mary Alice Bessemer Toth — December 8, 1924—December 4, 1997 : Daughter of Alton D. Bessemer and Mary Alice Miller Bessemer (Formerly Zoltan Boszormeny)
Emily Bessemer (formerly Emilia Boszormeny), Hungarian Jewish immigrant to the U.S. around the turn of the century, betweek 1895—1900. She was married to Gaza (Goldhammer) Boszormeny, a former socialist activist in Hungary along with "revolutionary" Bela Kuhn. Emilia and Gaza had five children — Louis, Alton (Ms. Toth's grandfather), Milton, Helen and Auriel, all raised at the Koreshan Unity.
Raymond Bessemer, shown at approximately age 10. He is a retired physician (as of 1998), living in Merced, California.
Ms. Toth did not know the identity of the young boy at the right.
In the original, there is aman at the top of the steps. The writing on the back of the original says Jessie (then George crossed out) Putnam.
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L—R: Mary Alice Bessemer Toth, Emily Bessemer, Raymond Bessemer, [unknown], Jesse Putnam (?) [on steps]. At the Bamboo Landing taken approximately 1939—40. See Notes.
Bessemer, Emily
Bessemer, Helen
Putnam, Jesse E.
Emilia Boszormeny
Bessemer, Helen
Putnam, Jesse E.
Emilia Boszormeny