Notes for Ward STOCKHAM

Return to Ward STOCKHAM

Notes for Mary Esther STOTLER

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Mary Esther Stotler;
Born:  23 Oct 1852; Died:  7 Aug 1932

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready:  Esther Stotler--"Came from
Pittsburgh after the death of her husband; a first cousin of Andrew Mellon;
taught dancing to the girls, and was pianist in the orchestra when first

Burial:  Koreshan Unity Cemetery--lot 6; Inscription:  Esther
Stotler/1852-Aug. 1932.

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1900; Koreshan Community;
Enumeration date:  27 Jun 1900; Enumerator:  A. A. Gardner; Precinct 6;
Microfilm number:  1240172; SD:  2; ED:  77; Sheet number:  16; Page number: 
26: Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff:  Mary E. Stotlar; Relation to head of
family:  partner; Color:  white; Sex:  female; Birth:  Oct 1852; Age 47;
Widow; Mother of 0 children; Place of birth: Pennsylvania; Place of birth of
father:  Connecticut; Place of birth of mother:  Pennsylvania; Occupation: 
assistant; Can read and write:  yes; Can speak English:  yes.

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1910; Enumeration date:  23 Apr
1910; Koreshan Unity; Enumerator:  Walter S. Turner, Jr.; Microfilm number: 
Fl 1910-H T624; ED:  80; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 4 Jan 1995:  Mary
E. Stotler; Sex:  Female; Race:  white; Age 57; Marital status:  Widow; Place
of birth:  Pennsylvania; Place of birth of father: Connecticut; Place of birth
of mother:  Pennsylvania; Language spoken:  English; Occupation: Seamstress;
Employer or worker:  worker; No. of months not employed:  0; Can read and
write:  yes.

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1920; Enumeration date:  Jan 2,
1920; Enumerator:  Henry D. Silverfriend; ED:  109; SD:  1; Fourth Precinct;
Microfilm roll number:  1820221; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, December
1994:  Mary Esther Stotler; Place of residence:  Planetary Court; Relation to
head of family:  Boarder; Age 67; Widow; Place of birth:  Pennsylvania; Place
of birth of father:  Connecticut; Place of birth of mother:  Pennsylvania;
Occupation:  Seamstress/K.U. Home.

U.S. Federal 1930 Census; Estero, Lee County, Florida; Election Precinct 12;
Koreshan Unity Home; Enumerated on May 5, 1930; Enumerator:  William Howell;
ED:  36-17; SD:  6; Page:  199; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, January
2003:  Mary B. (?) Stotler; Radio set:  none listed;  Sex:  female; Color: 
white; Age at last birthday:  77; Marital condition:  Widow; Age at first
marriage:  22; Attended school since Sep 1, 1929:  no; Whether able to read
and write:  yes; Place of birth:  Pennsylvania:  Place of birth of father: 
Connecticut; Place of birth of mother:  Connecticut; Whether able to speak
English:  yes; Occupation:  House Keeper; Industry:  General work; Whether
actually at work yesterday or the last working day:  Yes.

MEMORIES, MEMORIES--DAYS OF LONG AGO chronicled by Marie McCready with
participation by Lovelle McCready:  Esther Stotler, a Pittsburgher and first
cousin of Andrew Mellon, gave the girls dancing lessons.--page 76.  Esther
Stotler played the piano.--Page 78.

THE FLAMING SWORD:  Community Current Events, Sep 1932:  "It is with sorrow
that we report the passing of Sister Esther Stotler early Sunday morning,
August 7.  Sister Esther became a member of the Unity in Chicago in 1893.  The
following year she came to Estero with the first large party to settle here,
remaining here at the Unity up to the time of her death.  As the result of a
fall, Sister Esther had her hip broken some four and a half years ago and was
an invalid since that accident, being confined to her room a greater part of
the time.  A few days before her passing, she took suddenly ill and grew
steadily worse.  Sister Esther is survived by her sister, Mrs. Henry Preston,
of Los Angeles, California.  She was a cousin of Andrew D. Mellon, late
secretary of the United States Treasury.  She was born in Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, in October 1852.  She married Emanuel Stotler, going to Kansas
City, where she lived until Mr. Stotler's death about eight years later.  She
returned to Pittsburgh and subsequently became interested in the teachings of
KORESH.  Sister Esther's services to the cause were invaluable and will be
long remembered."
Return to Mary Esther STOTLER

Notes for David STRAIN


FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready:  David Strain--"He was a
man with steel nerves.  Pappa said Addison Graves, the dentist, told him he
had drilled into the line nerve in David's tooth and he never
McCready.  Later he had his name legally changed to David K. Temple.--Rosalea
Return to David STRAIN

Notes for Milia Francina STREETER

1910 U. S. Federal Census; State:  Florida; County:  Lee; Town:  Ft. Myers;
Enumeration date:  5 (?) 1910; Enumerator:  Edward M. Williams; Address:  1st
Street; SD:  (?); ED:  (?).   Name:  Milia Case; Relation to head of family: 
wife; Sex:  female; Color:  white; Age:  48; Marital status:  Married 1 time;
Number of years married:  28; Mother of how many children:  2; Number of those
children living:  1; Place of birth:  Ohio; Place of birth of father:  Maine;
Place of birth of mother:  Ohio; Language spoken:  English; Occupation:  none;
Can read and write:  yes.
Return to Milia Francina STREETER

Notes for Jerome STRICKLAND

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Jerome Strickland.
Return to Jerome STRICKLAND

Notes for Myron W. STRICKLAND

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Myron W. Strickland

THE FLAMING SWORD; Community Current events by Claude J. Rahn; April 1936: 
"Mr. M. W. Strickland in charge of our filling station visited his daughters
living in Wauchula on the second."

THE FLAMING SWORD; Community Current Events by Claude J. Rahn; May 1936: After
the death of Franklin F. Jacke the management of the Koreshan store was placed
in the care of Mr. Marion F. Strickland who for some time had been managing
our gasoline filling station, and who has had considerable experience in a
similar business in this state.  (See THE FLAMING SWORD; Community Current
Events; July 1936 for additional information about "Mr. Strickland" and the
flooding of the store on June 14.)
Return to Myron W. STRICKLAND

Notes for Wynn SWEET


FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready:  Winn Sweet--"Came into the
Unity at Chicago as a young man.  For some reason he took an interest in me as
a youngster (then 10 or 11) and taught me to play chess, his favorite game.  I
can remember sitting playing it for long periods in the assembly room; married
Myran Lane and they lived in Chicago, but understand they separated later on."
Return to Wynn SWEET

Notes for Mary Magdalene (Mollie) TALLEY

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K. U. by Marie McCready:   "The Acuffs came from
Texas shortly before the birth of Arthur, who was born in the thatched 
cottage on the river bank.  Mollie, who had apparently been something of a
beauty in her younger days, abandoned the family, including Arthur, and left
before long.  Maude was one of those who died during the typhoid epidemic."

Return to Mary Magdalene (Mollie) TALLEY

Notes for TANNER

Return to TANNER

Notes for Amanda TAYLOR

Return to Amanda TAYLOR

Notes for Agnes TEED

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Agnes Teed; was with the
New York group.
Return to Agnes TEED

Notes for Alice Zannetta TEED

THE FOUNDER AND HIS FAMILY (Family portrait):  VII.  Alice Zannetta Teed,
(Nettie)  May 6, 1853; d. unm.

1860 U.S. Federal Census; State:  New York; County:  Oneida; Town:  New
Hartford; P.O.:  Washington Mills; Call No.:  Series M653, Roll:  826; Page: 
292; Enumeration date:  16 Jul 1860; Enumerator:  Normal Merrill; Page:  100;
Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 16 Mar 2004; Line:  39; Name:  Zanetta
Teed; Age:  10; Sex:  female; Color:  none listed; Occupation None listed;
Birthplace:  New York; School in year:  yes.

1870 U.S. Federal Census; State:  New York; County:  Delaware; Town: 
Tompkins; Roll:  924; Page:  515; Series M593.   Name:  Zanetta Teed; Age: 
20; Sex:  female; Color:  white; Place of birth:  New York.
Return to Alice Zannetta TEED

Notes for Charles Jackson TEED

THE FOUNDER AND HIS FAMILY (Family Portrait):  IV.  Charles Jackson Teed, b.
July 3, 1843; served in Union army abt. 3 yrs.; m. Feb. 23, 1874, Amelia
McLaughlin.  1.  Ella, May 6, 1875.

1860 U.S. Federal Census; State:  New York; County:  Oneida; Town:  New
Hartford; P.O.:  Washington Mills; Call No.:  Series M653, Roll:  826; Page: 
292; Enumeration date:  16 Jul 1860; Enumerator:  Normal Merrill; Page:  100;
Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 16 Mar 2004; Line:  37; Name:  Chas. B.
Teed; Age:  17; Sex:  male; Color:  none listed; Birthplace:  New York; School
in year:  yes.

1870 U.S. Federal Census; State:  New York; County:  Delaware; Town: 
Tompkins; Roll:  924; Page:  515; Series M593.   Name:  Chas. Teed; Age:  26;
Sex:  male; Occupation:  Laborer; Place of birth:  New York; Eligible to vote: 
Return to Charles Jackson TEED

Notes for Cyrus Read TEED

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Dr. Cyrus Read (Koresh)
Teed; Born:  18 Oct 1839, Trout Creek, New York; Died:  22 Dec 1908; Died: 
9:30 a.m. on Estero Island.

Office of Vital Statistics/State of Florida--Certificate of Death:  Place of
Death:  Lee County; Sex: Male; Color and Race: White, American; Widowed; Date
of birth:  October 18, 1839; Age:  69 years, 2 months, 4 days; Occupation: 
Scientist and Teacher; Birthplace:  Tompkins Township, Del. Co., New York;
Name of father:  Jesse S. Teed; Birthplace of father:  New York State; Maiden
name of mother;  Sarah Tuttle; Birthplace of mother:  Conn.; Informant: A. H.
Andrews; Address:  Estero, Lee Co., Fla; Place of Burial:  Estero Island; Date
of Burial:  Dec. 27, 1905; Undertaker: (?); Date of Burial:  Dec. 27, 1905;
Address:  Estero, Fla.; Date of Death:  Dec. 22, 1905; I hereby certify that a
professional nurse attended deceased from Oct 18, 1908 to Dec 22, 1908 and
that death occurred on the date stated above.  Cause of death:  "Due to
natural causes," as stated in certificate by Drs. Hanson & Borecht, both of
Ft. Myers, Florida.  Duration:  About two months; Where contracted:  at Ft.
Myers, Fla.; Signed:  J. A. Weimer, D.D., DO; Date:  Dec. 28, 1908; Address: 
Estero, Lee Co., Fla.

1880 U.S. Federal Census; Sandy Creek, Oswego, New York; Family History
Library Film:  1254915; NA Film Number:  T9-0915; Page Number:  99A;; Name:  Cyrus R. Teed; Relation to head of family:  Other
(Cyrus R. Teed is living with the Charles E. Moore family); Marital status: 
Married; Gender:  Male; Race:  white; Age:  40; Occupation:  Physician;
Father's Birthplace:  New York; Mother's Birthplace:  Connecticut.

1900 U. S. Federal Census/Calumet Township; Chicago, Cook, Illinois; Film Roll
285; Page No. 285; SD No. 1; ED No. 986; Sheet No. 12; Ward of City, 31;
Enumeration date:  13 Jun 1900; Enumerator:  Ernest E. Ellington; Transcribed
by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 24 May 1999:  C. A. Teed; Residence:  99th Street;
Relation to head to family:  Head; Color, white; Sex; Male; Month of birth: 
October; Year of birth:  1839; Age at last birthday:  60; Married; No. of
years married:  1*; Place of birth:  New York; Place of birth of father:  New
York; Place of birth of mother:  New York; Occupation:  Minister; No of months
not employed:  0; Can read, yes; Can write, yes; Can speak English, yes; Home
owned or rented:  owned; Home owned free or mortgaged:  Mortgaged;  Farm or
house:  House. (*Except for 5 persons, all residents in this dwelling listed
their number of years married as "1".)

CYRUS TEED-Civil War Record:  9 Aug 1862-15 Oct 1863; Corporal, Company F,
127th New York Infantry volunteers.  Koreshan State Historic Site-BK-102
Military and Pension.  Cyrus Teed, Corporal, Washington:  National Archives;
24 p.; Copies from original records in the National Archives. (Physical
description of Cyrus Read Teed--5 feet 6 inches high; light complexion; brown

THE FOUNDER AND HIS FAMILY; Family photo poster in possession of Koreshan
State Historic Site:  Cyrus Romulus Teed, b. July 3, 1839; served 15 mo. in
Union army; stud. med. with his uncle, Dr. S. F. Teed; grad. Eclectic Med.
Col. of the city of N.Y. and recd. M.D. degree.  Has prac. med. several years;
he is now devoting himself to the inculcation and spread of his peculiar views
of the true Christian life and doctrine; he has published several numbers of
The Herald, which contain a series of writings in which his system of soul
evolution is ably set forth and defended.  To Mr. Teed I am indebted for this
record of the Teed family; marr. April 13, 1859, Delia M. Rowe of Meredith,
N.Y., dau. of Wm. and Polly Maria Tuttle Rowe, children:  Arthur, Born Feb.
21, 1860, portrait and landscape painter.

IN THE NAME OF HUMANITY;  The Koreshan Unity; (unpublished Master's thesis,
University of South Florida, 1974); pp 38-55 by Robert Lyn Rainard.

Chester, Lord (Cyrus R. Teed):  Pen name for the book "The Great Red Dragon."

THE STORY OF FORT MYERS by Karl H. Grismer; 975-948:  The founder of New
Jerusalem (Estero, Florida) was Dr. Cyrus R. Teed, described in the Chicago
Herald in April 1894, as "an undersized, smooth shaven man of 54 whose brown,
restless eyes glow and burn like live coals.  He directs the destinies of a
'new race of man,' the 'sons of God'.  He exerts a strange, mesmerizing
influence over his converts, particularly the other sex........."

DEATH--Obituary:  The New York Times; December 25, 1908; Page 8, Column 7.

CYRUS TEED by Peter Hicks; Koreshan State Historic Site; Estero,
Florida--BK-119:  Cyrus Read Teed was born on October 18, 1839, near Trout
Creek, Delaware County, New York.  He was the second son born into a family of
eight children.

As early as 1637, Teeds had lived in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.  By 1757,
they had migrated to Tompkins township in Delaware County, New York, settling
near Trout Creek in an area that was known as Teedsville, fifteen miles from
Walton.  His father, Jesse Sears Teed, was born there on June 24, 1814, and
died at the Koreshan Unity home in Chicago, Illinois, on March 9, 1899.

On his mother's side, he was directly descended from John Read who came to
America in 1630, settling in Rehoboth, Massachusetts.  His great grandmother
Lydia married the Reverend Oliver Tuttle of Bristol, Connecticut.  His mother,
Sarah Ann Tuttle was born on October 27, 1815, in Bristol, Connecticut and
died at Moravia, New York, October 25, 1885.

Shortly after Cyrus was born, the family moved to New Hartford, New York, on
the land of grandfather Oliver Tuttle.  At the age of eleven, Cyrus quit
school and went to work on the tow path of the Erie Canal.  His family wanted
him to become a Baptist minister like his grandfather Tuttle, but Cyrus chose
to follow another relative and began studying medicine with his uncle, Dr.
Samuel F. Teed (a twenty-five year old allopathic physician) in Utica, New
York.  At this same time on April 13, 1859 he married his second cousin,
Fidelia M. Rowe of Merideth, New York.  Delia was the daughter of William and
Polly Maria Tuttle Rowe.

On February 21, 1860, a son, Douglas Arthur Teed was born.  Cyrus moved his
small family to New York City in 1862, living in Brooklyn and continuing his
medical studies.  He enlisted in Company F, 127th New York Infantry of the New
York volunteers as a corporal on August 9, 1862, at the age of twenty-two.  On
April 12, 1863, he was assigned to Brigade Headquarters.  While on the march
near Warrenton, Virginia, on August 1, 1863, he suffered sunstroke which led
to paralysis of his left arm and leg.  He was assigned to Ward 2, bed 71 at
the General Hospital in Alexandria, Virginia, where he was treated for 61days
until his release (August 7, 1863-October 16, 1863.)  He was granted a
discharge from the army and returned to New York City to complete his medical
studies at the Eclectic Medical College of the City of New York, graduating in
February 1868.

He returned to Utica and rejoined his uncle.  Below their office, they hung a
sign in foot high letters which said "He who deals out poison, deals out
death."  They were referring to drugs--a very busy pharmacy, the Watford Drug
Store, a half block away shows no record of the Teeds ever writing a
prescription.  However, below the doctor's office was a tavern, and people
found this reference to poison very humorous.  This was a brief, happy time.

In 1869, he lived in Deerfield, just outside of Utica.  Next to his home he
set up a laboratory.  In the autumn of 1869, Cyrus had what he later referred
to as his "Illumination."  While working in his laboratory, he claimed to have
changed lead into gold--alchemy.  He called this knowledge the "Philosopher's
Stone."  Later that evening he had a vision in which he saw God in the form of
a beautiful woman and learned the secret of the Universe and his place in it
(Isaiah 11:10, Isaiah 44:28.) The Koreshan God had a male-female aspect. 
Later Koreshan prayers would be to the Mother-Father God.

He was told that he would interpret the symbols of the Bible for the
scientific age. The nature of the Universe was revealed to him.  The Earth was
enclosed and we live on the inside--the Cellular Cosmology (Isaiah 40:12.) 
Others have held the hollow earth view before him--Dr. Edmond Halley, Sir John
Leslie, John Cleves Symmes, Jules Verne in "Journey to the Center of the
Earth" in 1864, and W. F. Lyons in "The Hollow Glove" in 1868.  The experiment
on Naples beach from March through April 1897 was an attempt to prove the
Cellular Cosmology.  These beliefs--about the nature of God and the nature of
the Universe were very important to the Koreshans in later years.

Annie G. Ordway became the helper promised to Cyrus in his illumination. He
gave her the title of "dual associate."  Women were major factors in the
development of the Koreshan Unity.  Evelyn Bubbett ran the printing house in
Chicago and established a Woman's Mission there.  "We live inside" was a
popular way Koreshans addressed themselves.

The 1870's were unsettled times for Dr. Teed.  Following his illumination, his
medical practice declined and he was no longer able to support his family.  He
was known as the "crazy doctor."  He moved to Binghamton, New York, and
established a practice there.  He was aided by Dr. A.W.K. Andrews.  Dr.
Andrews and his wife Virginia became lifelong friends and could be counted
among the first Koreshans.  In 1873 Cyrus and Dr. Andrews visited the communal
home of the Harmony Society in Economy, Pennsylvania, and were entertained by
Father Henrici and the Board of Trustees.  He saw first hand the everyday
workings of a communal society, a model of celibacy and communism. 
Unfortunately, at this time Mrs. Teed's health began to fail.

From 1874-1876 he practiced medicine in Equinunk, Wayne County, Pennsylvania. 
By 1878, he was back with his parents in Moravia, New York.  In the winter of
1878-1879 he had a successful practice at Sandy Creek (between Syracuse and
Watertown) except people were slow to pay him.  He edited a daily newspaper
there called "Herald of the Messenger of the New Covenant of the New
Jerusalem".  None of these have survived although a few articles were
reprinted in The Flaming Sword on October 18, 1901.

In 1878 Dr. Teed was admitted to membership in the North Family of Shakers at
Lebanon, New York.  His contact with the Shakers and the Harmonists was laying
a foundation for his own communal group.  During this time, he also practiced
medicine in Binghamton, by Trout Creek, Connorsville, and Deposit in Delaware
County.  By August 20, 1880, he was back in Utica and by the end of the year
he had established a communal home in Moravia and was running the family mop
business.  Members of this first group were his mother and father, his sister
Zanetta, his sister Emma and her husband Albert  E. Norton, his brother
Oliver, Mrs. Sarah E. Paterson, Mrs. and Mrs. Albert Merton, and Ellen and Ada
Deane.  By this time, his wife was an invalid due to tuberculosis.  She went
to stay with her sister, Mrs. Wickham, in Binghamton.  Her son went with her.

After two years the mop business failed.  The communal home was Also
criticized when Mr. Ellen M. Woolsey left her husband to join the group. It
became necessary for Cyrus to leave Moravia and begin practicing medicine
again.  This time, he went to Syracuse, New York.  By 1883, his practice was
thriving and he was joined by his brother Oliver, who had graduated from the
Philadelphia National Eclectic Medical Association in 1868, and by his sister
Emma.  Their medical office "The Syracuse Institute of Progressive Medicine, "
located at 1 Wolf Block, West Onondaga Street, attracted the best people.

The good times came to an end on August 9, 1884, when he was sued by Mrs.
Charles Cobb and her mother, Mrs. Willis of Camden, New York.  He was accused
of obtaining money from them by saying he was the second Christ. Dr. Teed
answered the suit by saying he considered the money a donation and that he
would gladly return it.  The amount was $25 ($5 from Mrs. Cobb's son's piggy
bank) which was returned and the matter dropped. Cyrus gave a public lecture
on August 31, 1884, titled "The Science of Immortal Life."

However, things were never to be the same in Syracuse and he soon left for New
York City.  His residence there was a third floor flat at 135th Street near
8th Avenue in a communal home with four ladies--one his sister and another his
cousin.  Hard times forced the end of this small group.  By 1886, he was not
able to continue.  Then he received an invitation to speak at the convention
of the National Association of Mental Science in Chicago.  Mrs. Thankful H.
Hale, who had known Dr. Teed in New York, got him the invitation and also sent
him money for the trip.

The convention was held at the Church of the Redeemer on Washington Boulevard
from September 8 through September 13.  Dr. Teed spoke on Saturday and on
Sunday; the last day of the convention he gave a lecture entitled, "The
Brain," which was followed by faith healing.  He cured a woman who couldn't
walk and was a great success.  Two days before the convention, on September 6,
1886, a communal home was organized  in Chicago.  In a very short time The
Guiding Star Publishing House, the Assembly of the Covenant (Church
Triumphant), and The World College of Life--a school of metaphysics--had been
established, mostly with member of the Mental Science Group.  Mrs. Annie G.
Ordway, who was to be a key figure in following years, became the head of the
Society Arch Triumphant (general membership) in 1887.  Dr. Teed's message was
attractive to middle class educated women.  Another communal home was begun at
2-4 College Place, the corner of 33rd Place and Cottage Grove Avenue opposite
Groveland Park.  This building had been occupied by the Seventh Day
Adventists.  The Koreshans signed a three-year lease.

The year 1890 began with Dr. Teed seeking to expand his community.  Mrs. Mary
Singer started a colony in California at 218-20 Noe Street in San Francisco. 
It was dissolved in 1892 and moved to Chicago with twenty-five people.  Henry
Silverfriend was sent to Economy, Pennsylvania to live with the Harmony
Society for a year.  It was a dream of Dr. Teed's to unify the many utopian
communities into a "Confederation of Celibate Societies."  He was in contact
with Thomas Lake Harris of the "Brotherhood of the New Life" at Fountain
Grove, near Santa Rosa, California; Frederick Evans of the Shakers; and John
Duss of the Harmony Society.  In the Spring of 1892, Koresh and three Sisters
visited the Shakers.  Annie Ordway was made a member of the North Family of
Shakers at Mt. Lebanon, New York.

Dr. Teed was described at this time as 5 foot 6 inches tall and weighing 165
pounds.  Up until 1891, he had never shaved and he wore a full beard.  After
1891 he was clean shaven and always wore spectacles.  His hat size was 7 and
his neck size was 15 inches.  He had a deep voice and a penetrating stare.  He
spoke in a forceful manner and his lectures and sermons rarely lasted less
than two hours.  In 1891, he began to write as and refer to himself as Koresh.

On May 1, 1892, the Koreshans rented an estate at 99th and Oak in Washington
Heights, Illinois, that they named Beth Oprah (home of Gidion 6:11.)  There
was a mansion and seven cottages on eight and a half acres.  A printing office
was established in what had been the barn.  In later years, it would be
remembered as a place with beautiful flower beds and three-lined walks.  Two
ponds were perfect for ice skating in the winter.  And there was room enough
for Annie Ordway to take over one of the cottages for her cats.  At this time
there were one hundred and ten member of which eighty-three were women.

Two lawsuits were brought against Koresh at this time--Miller Vs. Teed; Case G
103382; Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois, and Cole Vs. Teed; Case G
103461; Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois.  Both suits had the same
attorney, William H. Hill, and the same wording, dealing with Dr. Teed's views
on womens' rights.  They were dropped, the first on March 13, 1894, and the
second on June 23, 1897.  On May 25, 1892, he was sued by A. A. Exline; Case G
104606, for $200.  This was settled for $59 and costs.  These suits were
mostly harassment, but they had an effect.

In 1893, Koresh was riding a train from Pittsburgh to Chicago after a speaking
engagement when a fellow traveler told him about a development for sale on
Pine Island in Southwest Florida.  Passes were available for those interested
and Koresh was able to get three.  On December 6, 1893, he got on the train
from Chicago to Punta Gorda, accompanied by Annie Ordway and Bertie Boomer. 
They met a Mr. Whitehead who showed them the property at St. James City.  The
cost was too much for the Koreshans, $150,000.  They regretfully returned to
Chicago.  But before they left, Koresh gave the postmaster at Punta Rassa
copies of The Flaming Sword. When Gustave Damkohler, of Estero, Florida, came
to pick up his mail, he read The Flaming Swords.  He wrote to Koresh and
invited him down.  The letter was sent in a Watchtower of Zion envelope,
covered with prophetic sayings, and even though Damkohler had written in
German and it took some time to get it translated, they felt it contained good

On December 26, 1893, Koresh, Mary Mills, Bertha Boomer, and Annie Ordway left
Chicago for Punta Gorda.  Mrs. Boomer sold some land that she had and used the
money to finance the trip.  The party took the train from Chicago to Punta
Gorda and then took a boat to Punta Rassa.  They spent the night at the
abandoned cattlemens' hotel there and were met by Damkohler and his son Elwin
the next morning.  Damkohler borrowed a boat (the "Guide") from a friend and
they sailed on to Mound Key where they ate supper.  Then they transferred to
two rowboats to proceed up the Estero River, arriving at what is now Bamboo
Landing at 10:00 p.m. on January 1, 1894.  On January 7, Dr. Teed spoke at the
Baptist Church in the afternoon and evening.

They stayed with Damkohler for six weeks, and he agreed to sell his 320 acres
to the Koreshans.  Title was transferred on November 19, 1894. Meanwhile, the
first group of Koreshans left Chicago on January 11 and arrived on January 20
with five people, followed by a group of twenty who left Chicago on January 31
and arrived February 6.  The new colony was in full swing.  Dr. Teed also
bought land from William T. Dodd in 1894 at what was to become Horseshoe Bend
(Lee County closed index of deeds, L-Z Grantee from 1887--July 1, 1922.) 
Dodd's house had fallen apart and was known as skeleton house.  Later, the
Koreshans put their first cemetery there

The Florida colony grew and became more important than Chicago.  On September
23, 1903, the Koreshan Unity was incorporated using the structure of the
Standard Oil Company of New Jersey as its guide. Capitol stock in the amount
of $1000 was issued, with Evelyn Bubbett having 45 shares, Henry Silverfriend
having 45 shares, and Dr. Teed having the remaining 10 shares for a total of
100 shares.  Later, capital stock was increased to $2000 with Dr. Teed having
289 shares, a majority.

On November 17, 1903, the last Koreshans left Chicago, bringing with them 15
train car loads of possessions and equipment.  There were 200 people at Estero
as 1904 began.  On September 1, 1904, a meeting was held to incorporate
Estero.  The Koreshans had 58 registered voters, many more than the 25 needed. 
At that time there were 49 Republican voters and 446 Democrats in the county. 
One hundred ten square miles of land was included in Estero, 28 of them water. 
Between 1894-1908, the Koreshans acquired 5,736 acres of land at a cost of

Businesses at Estero included: Utilities and Electrical Works, Sculpture and
Concrete Works, Tin Works, Mattress Making Shop, Hat and Basket Weaving Shop,
Shoe Shop, Blacksmith Shop, Print Shop, Laundry, Dining Hall, Bakery, Fishing,
Saw Mill, and Boat Works.  They bought a furniture plant at Bristol,
Tennessee, in 1906 for $75,000 and were negotiating with the government of
Honduras for a grant of 200,000 acres of land for colonization.  They bought
the San Carlos Hotel in St. James City as a possible site for the World
College of Life.  However, it burned down on July 26, 1905, while it was being
remodeled.  Acreage on Mound Key was bought from Frank Johnson.

Political problems arose and The American Eagle newspaper was begun June 7,
1906.  The Koreshans felt that they weren't getting their fair share of road
taxes and ran a slate of candidates in the election of 1906. They were
prevented from running on the Democratic ticket because they caucused
separately, and they had voted as a block for Teddy Roosevelt in the 1904
election.  It began as fun with the Koreshan band playing and the newspaper
attacking the  other candidates, but this changed on October 3, 1906.

While meeting the 1:30 p.m. Atlantic Coast Line train from Baltimore, a group
of Koreshans got into a fight in front of R. W. Gillans grocery store in Ft.
Myers.  Dr. Teed tried to break it up, but was attacked by town Marshal S. W.
Sanchez.  Dr. Teed was injured and arrested along with Richard Jansch and
Claude Rahn.  They were taken to the Lee County Bank at the corner of 1st and
Hendry Street where they posted bail of $10 each.  They never returned for
trial and the matter was dropped. However, Koresh's condition from the beating
worsened as time went on and was believed to be the cause of his death two
years later.

He died on December 22, 1908, (the Winter Solstice.)  Many of his followers
believed he would be resurrected on Christmas Day.  Annie Ordway returned to
Estero from Washington D. C. where a new Koreshan colony had begun.  Dr.
William Hansen and Dr. J. E. Brecht pronounced him dead and made the Koreshans
bury him.  He was entombed at the southern end of Estero Island on December
27, 1908.


FT. MYERS PRESS:  Thursday, October 11, 1906:  GRAFT IN LEE COUNTY.


FORT MYERS PRESS; Thursday, October 18, 1906:  FOR THE PRICE OF A WIFE. Dr.
Teed the False "Christ," Sued for One Hundred Thousand Dollars Damages.  THE
HIS HAREM.  The Suit Only the First of a Series and the Self-Styled "Messiah"
Will Also Be Prosecuted Criminally--Indignation Meeting to Be Held in the
Auditorium Soon (From the Chicago Times.)

FORT MYERS PRESS--No date:  TEED POSES AS A MARTYR;  The Koreshanite "Messiah"
AND ORTHODOX PREACHERS.  (From the Chicago Times.)

FT MYERS PRESS; Thursday, October 25, 1906:  MRS WATSON EXPOSES TEED.


FORT MYERS PRESS; Thursday, November 1, 1906:  HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF! When
Citizens of Chicago Exposed Him Koresh Posed as a Martyr, and Now When Exposed

Terms of Capitulation to the Town of Fort Myers.  RECEIVES A SPEEDY REPLY FROM


FT MYERS PRESS--No Date:  A KORESHAN SUIT.  D. Arthur Teed Wants $7,500
Damages from Unity.
Return to Cyrus Read TEED

Notes for Douglas Arthur TEED

DOUGLAS ARTHUR TEED, An American Romantic, 1860-1929; Catalogue compiled &
written by Pamela Beecher, Published by the Arnot Art Museum--November 5 -
December 31 1982, Library of Congress # 82-083 621; Copyright 1982.

MEMORIES, MEMORIES--DAYS OF LONG AGO chronicled by Marie McCready with
participation by Lovelle McCready:  Arthur Teed's visit and sale of his
paintings which were placed in the Art Hall--page 60.

FORT MYERS PRESS--No Date:  A KORESHAN SUIT.  D. Arthur Teed Wants $7,500
Damages from Unity:  A suit has been instituted in the United States court
that may prove to be of much interest when the declaration is filed.  It is a
suit for $7,500 for alleged damages brought by D. Arthur Teed against the
Koreshan Unity, at Estero, Lee County, Florida.
     This is the colony of which Dr. Cyrus R. Teed is the founder and head
man.  The last session of the Florida legislature passed an act abolishing the
municipality of Estero.  The only papers yet filed in the suit is a pracipe
(sic) for summons and respondendam (sic), therefore nothing can be told of the
grounds of the suit.  There is nothing to indicate the relationship between
the person bringing the suit and the head of the Koreshan Unity, but it is
understood that he is a son of Dr. Cyrus R. Teed.  The filing of the
declaration will be watched for with interest.

1860 U.S. Federal Census; State:  New York; County:  Delaware; Town: 
Meredith; P.O.:  Meredith; Series M653, Roll:  743; Page 6; Enumeration date: 
3 Jul 1860; Enumerator:  S.B. Champion; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 10
Mar 2004; Line:  26; Name:  Douglas T. Teed; Age:  3/12; Sex:  Male; Color: 
None listed; Birthplace:  New York.

1900 U. S. Federal Census; State:  Pennsylvania; County:  Susquehanna;
Town/Township:  Great Bend township; Microfilm Roll No.:  Series T623, Roll
1488; Enumeration date:  20 Jun 1900; Enumerator:  Frederick W. Carl; SD:  5;
ED:  87; Sheet:  13; Page:  188; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 10 Mar
2004; Line:  51; Name:  D. Arthur Teed; Relation to head of family:  head;
Color:  white; Sex:  male; Month of birth:  Feb:  Year of birth:  1860; Age: 
40; Marital status:  Married; Number of years married:  3; Place of birth: 
New York; Place of birth of father:  New York; Place of birth of mother:  New
York; Occupation:  Artist; No. of months not employed:  0; Can read and write: 
yes; Can speak English:  yes; Home owned or rented:  owned; Home owned free or
mortgaged:  Mortgaged; Farm or house:  farm.

1910 U.S. Federal Census; State:  Pennsylvania; County:  Lackawanna; Name of
incorporated Place:  Scranton; Film Roll Number:  T624, Roll 1360, Page 198;
SD:  5; ED:  43; Sheet:  13B;  Ward:  17; Enumeration date:  None listed;
Enumerator:  Amy M. Cowles; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 10 Mar 2004;
Address:  Street Number:  (?), Jefferson Avenue; Name:  Douglas A. Teed;
Relation to head of family:  Boarder (Douglas and George are living in a
boarding house); Sex:  male; Color:  white; Age last birthday:  50; Marital
status:  Married one time; No. of years of present marriage:  12; Place of
birth:  New York; Place of birth of father:  New York; Place of birth of
mother:  New York; Speaks English or other:  English; Occupation:  artist; Can
read and write:  yes.
Return to Douglas Arthur TEED

Notes for Emiline (Emma) TEED

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Emma Norton (nee Teed);
Born:  8 Jan 1857, New Hartford, New York.  She died 12 Jan 1950 in Estero,
where she arrived in the fall of 1894.  She was one of the members of the
early Moravian colony."

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready:  Emma Norton--"Was Doctor's
sister and the matron at Estero.  She always made me think of a sparrow, the
way she would dart in to give her instructions and out again before anybody
could say anything, but she was good hearted."

THE FOUNDER AND HIS FAMILY (Family portrait):  VIII. Emma Teed, Jan. 8, 1857;
m. Albert E. Norton; machinist; res. Norwich, N. Y. and had Mabel, d. y.

1860 U.S. Federal Census; State:  New York; County:  Oneida; Town:  New
Hartford; P.O.:  Washington Mills; Call No.:  Series M653, Roll:  826; Page: 
292; Enumeration date:  16 Jul 1860; Enumerator:  Normal Merrill; Page:  100;
Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 16 Mar 2004; Line:  40; Name:  Emiline
Teed; Age:  3; Sex:  female; Color:  none Listed; Occupation:  None listed;
Birthplace:  New York.

1870 U. S. Federal Census; State:  New York; County:  Delaware; Deposit town
of Tompkins; Series M593; Roll:  924; Page:  515.  Name:  Emma Teed; Age:  13;
Sex:  female; Color:  white; Place of birth:  New York.  

1900 U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida; Koreshan Community;
Enumeration date:  27 Jun 1900; Enumerator:  A. A. Gardner; Precinct 6;
Microfilm number:  1240172; SD:  2; ED:  77; Sheet number:  16; Page number: 
26; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff:  Emma Norton; Relation to head of
family:  head; Color:  white; Sex:  female; Birth:  Jan 1857; Age 43; Single;
Place of birth:  New York; Place of birth of mother and father:  New York;
Occupation:  Directress; Can read and write:  yes; Can speak English:  yes;
Home owned or rented:  Owned; Home owned free or mortgages:  Free; Farm or
house:  Farm.

1910 U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida; Koreshan Unity;
Enumeration date:  23 Apr 1910; Microfilm number:  Fl 1910-H, T624; ED:  80;
Enumerator:  Walter S. Turner, Jr.; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff,
January 1995:  Emma Norton; Relation to head of family:  head; Age 53; Widow;
Mother of 1 child; Number of children living:  0; Place of birth:  New York;
Place of birth of father:  New York; Place of birth of mother:  Connecticut;
Language spoken;  English; Occupation:  Directress; Nature of trade:  Unity;
Employer or worker:  worker; No. of months not employed:  0; Can read and
write:  yes; Home owned or rented:  owned; Owned free or mortgaged: 
Mortgaged; Farm or house:  Farm.

1920 U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida; Enumeration date:  Jan 2,
1920; Enumerator:  Henry D. Silverfriend; ED:  109; SD:  1; Fourth Precinct;
Microfilm roll number:  1820221; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff; December
1994:  Emma V. Norton; Relation to head of family:  Matron; Place of
residence:  Directors Meeting Place; Matron; Age 62; Widow; Place of birth: 
New York; Place of birth of mother and father:  New York; Occupation: 
Matron/Koreshan Home.

1930 U.S. Federal Census; Estero, Lee County, Florida; Election Precinct 12;
Koreshan Unity Home; Enumeration date:  May 5, 1930; ED:  36-17; SD:  6; Page: 
199; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff; January 2003:  Emma V. Norton; Radio
set:  none listed; Sex:  female; Color:  white; Age at last birthday:  73;
Marital condition:  widow; Age at first marriage:  17; Attended school since
Sep 1, 1929: no; Whether able to read and write:  yes; Place of birth:  New
York; Place of birth of father:  New York; Place of birth of mother:
Connecticut;; Able to speak English:  yes; Occupation:  Housekeeper; Industry: 
General work; Whether actually at work yesterday (or the last regular working
day):  yes.

Burial:  Koreshan Unity Cemetery--lot 45; Inscription:  Emma Norton/-Jan 1950

COURT RECORD/Lee County Court House--WARRANTY DEED:  Emma Norton; 25 Apr 1924;
No. 26759; Deed Book 70, Page 209, Entry Number 1.

MEMORIES, MEMORIES--DAYS OF LONG AGO chronicle by Marie McCready with
participation by Lovelle McCready:  Sister Emma (no last name given, probably
Emma Teed), matron and homeopathic doctor--page 69.

Guardianship of Emma Norton, incompetent, to Hedwig Michel/ 27 Oct 194

Death of Emma Norton--12 January 1950.

Notes of Evelyn Horn:  Emma Norton
Sister of Cyrus R. Teed, founder of The Koreshan Unity.  Emma joined The
Koreshan Unity in 1886 in Moravia, New York.  On September 2, 1888, she moved
to a communal home in Chicago.  She came with the group of 24 to Estero from
Chicago on January 31, 1894.  Coming to the wilds of Florida, these pioneers
camped in tents, cooked on an open fire and weathered the storms and rainy

The only house on this newly acquired property was the one-room with loft
Damkohler house where the women slept.  The men lived in tents until the log
house was built in 1894.  The Founders' Home where Emma Norton lived with her
brother Dr. Teed, other sisters, and Victoria Gratia was built in 1896.

Sister Emma cared for the sick and lent a hand wherever she was able to serve. 
She mixed herbal medicines and doctored the shut-ins.  She also worked with
the school.  From "The Flaming Sword" October 1938--"Sister Emma is as busy as
a bee, sewing, making bed-sheets, pillow cases, bakery and kitchen aprons,
towels, and mending, besides making dresses for herself.  She is a master-hand
at making cordials to help suffering Brothers and Sisters.  She visits the
sick and shut-ins and gives counsel who seek it.  Emma also grows ornamental
plants and herbs.  Quite a record for one who has passed the four-score mark."

May 6, 1947:  Sister Emma took her first airplane ride at age 91.  With Sister
Jennie Campbell celebrating her 90th birthday, they flew over the city of Fort
Myers and Fort Myers Beach.  They thoroughly enjoyed the experience!

Emma died January 12, 1950, and was entered in the Koreshan Unity cemetery. 
She was a very small person, about 4 foot 8 inches tall and weighed about 95
pounds.  She had the clearest blue eyes, fair skin, and light brown hair,
greying around age 60.  She dressed very dainty.  She mostly wore white or
tiny prints and was a beautiful seamstress.  During the winter season, she
wore grey and black and always a black cape and high buttoned shoes. Emma
served on the Board of Directors in 1909.  She also was one of the first
teachers in the Koreshan School at Estero.
Return to Emiline (Emma) TEED

Notes for Ethel Vieve TEED

1880 U.S. Federal Census; State:  New York; Town:  Moravia; County:  Cayuga;
Family History Library Film:  1254814; NA Film Number:  T9-0814l Page Number: 
208B;; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 16 March 2004;
Name:  Ethel Teed; Relation to head of family:  Daughter; Marital status: 
single; Gender:  Female; Race:  white; Age:  1; Place of birth:  New York;
Occupation:  None listed; Father's Birthplace:  New York; Mother's Birthplace: 
New York.
Return to Ethel Vieve TEED