Notes for George PONAROUSE

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  George Ponarouse.
Return to George PONAROUSE

Notes for POOLE

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready:  Mr. and Mrs. Poole and
several children;  "Did not stay long; understand he was later Mayor of
Clearwater.--William McCready
Return to POOLE

Notes for John Milton PORTER

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  John Milton Porter;
Born: 29 Dec 1869; Pennsylvania

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1910; Koreshan Unity;
Enumeration date:  23 Apr 1910; Microfilm number:  Fl 1910-H, T624; ED:  80;
Enumerator:  Walter S. Turner, Jr.; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff,
January 1995:  John M. Porter; Sex:  Male; Race:  White; Age: 40; Single;
Place of birth:  Pennsylvania; Place of birth of mother and father: 
Pennsylvania; Language spoken:  English; Occupation: Carpenter; Nature of
trade:  general carpentry; Employer or worker:  worker; No. of months not
employed:  0; Can read and write:  yes.

U.S. Federal Census/Estero, Lee County, Florida--1930; Precinct 12; Koreshan
Unity Home; Enumeration date:  May 5, 1930; ED:  36-17; SD:  6;  Page:  199;
Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, January 2003:  John M. Porter; Radio set: 
none listed; Sex:  Male; Color:  White; Age at last birthday:  60; Marital
status:  single;  Attended school since Sep 1, 1929; Whether able to read and
write:  yes; Place of birth:  Pennsylvania; Place of birth of father: 
Pennsylvania; Place of birth of mother:  Pennsylvania; Whether able to speak
English:  yes; Occupation:  Truck (?); Industry:  Farm; Whether actually at
work yesterday (or the last regular working day):  yes; Veteran:  no.

COURT RECORD/Lee County Court House--WARRANTY DEED:  Milton J. Porter; 25 Apr
1924; No. 26759; Deed Book 70, Page 209, Entry Number 1.

BROTHERS' LAUNDRY LIST:  Milton Porter #114

THE FLAMING SWORD; Community Current Events by L. W. Bubbett; January 1935: 
"As a rule Christmas is not made much of at the Unity, for on the eighteenth
of October, the Master's birthday, is held our main celebration of the year. 
Yet is is hard to entirely break away from old customs, so the twenty-fifth
was observed to the extent of indulging in a delicious roast duck dinner with
all the "trimmin's", thanks to Brother Milton Porter, our poultry-man, and the
cooks, who did themselves proud in preparing the feast.  And thanks also to
the generosity of our kind friends Mrs. Edith Johnson, who is visiting Mrs.
Camphausen and Miss Lindberg for the winter, and Mrs. Fred McConnell of Tampa,
we enjoyed some very fine apples.  At dinner, numerous cards from friends the
country over were read expressing best wishes for the occasion and the coming
New Year.  We wish the twenty-fifty of December could be sandwiched in the
calendar more frequently!
Return to John Milton PORTER

Notes for POST

Return to POST

Notes for A. Mary POTTER

Return to A. Mary POTTER

Notes for Amanda Tidd POTTER

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Amanda T. Potter; Born: 
31 Jan 1841, Liberty, Waldo Co., Maine.  Joined the K. U. in San Francisco in

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready; Amanda Tidd:  "Don't think
she ever approved very much of the younger people, but must give her credit
for refraining from voicing her opinion; lost her mind in her old age and
disappeared while at the island when she left the house during the night.  A
search when her absence was discovered failed to find her and she was thought
to have waded into the water and perhaps was eaten by sharks."--Lovelle and
Rosalea McCready.

1900 U. S. Federal Census; Calument Township; Chicago, Cook, Illinois; Film
Roll No. 285; Page No. 285; SD No. 1; ED No. 986; Sheet No. 12; Enumeration
Date:  13 June 1900; Enumerator:  Ernest E. Ellington; Transcribed by Joyce
Nelle Ratliff, 24 May 1999; Koreshan Unity::  Amanda Potter; Residence:  99th
Street; Dwelling 133; Relation to head of family:  Boarder; Color, white; Sex,
female; Month of birth:  October; Year of birth:  1839; Age at last birthday: 
60; Married; Number of years married:  1*; Mother of how many children:  0;
Number of these children living:  0; Place of birth: Maine; Place of birth of
father:  Maine; Place of birth of mother: Maine; Occupation:  Nothing listed;
Can read, yes; Can write, yes; Can speak English, yes.  (*Except for 5
residents, all residents living in this dwelling listed their number of years
married as 1.)
Return to Amanda Tidd POTTER

Notes for Emma L. PRALL

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Mr. J. M. Prall (his
wife:  Emma L. Prall) from Des Moines, Iowa.  They located on Mulock Creek,
Lee Co., 15 Jan 1907.
Return to Emma L. PRALL

Notes for Erma PRALL

Return to Erma PRALL

Notes for Harlan PRALL

Return to Harlan PRALL

Notes for J. M. PRALL

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Mr. J. M. Prall (his
wife:  Emma L. Prall) from Des Moines, Iowa.  They located on Mulock Creek,
Lee Co., 15 Jan 1907.
Return to J. M. PRALL

Notes for Louise PRATER

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready:  Louise Prater
Return to Louise PRATER

Notes for Louise PRETRE

Return to Louise PRETRE

Notes for Adah J. PRICE

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Adah J. Price, (Dr.
James R. Prices' wife); Born:  1 Aug 1866, Illinois.

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready:  Ada Price; "Husband and
wife.  Doctor Price (whose given name no one seems to remember) was an orator
and actor.  One of his favorite readings was "Darius Green and his Flying
Machine."--William McCready.

COURT RECORD/Lee County Court House--WARRANTY DEED:  Adah J. Price; 25 Apr
1924; No. 26759; Deed Book 70, Page 209, Entry Number 1.

U.S. Federal 1930 Census; Estero, Lee County; Florida; Precinct 12; Koreshan
Unity Home; Enumeration Date:  May 5, 1930; ED:  36-17; SD:  6; Page:  199;
Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, January 2003:  Adah J. Price; Radio set: 
none listed; Sex:  female; Color:  white; Age at last birthday:  63; Marital
condition:  married; Age at first marriage:  unreadable; Attended school since
Sep 1, 1929:  no; Able to read and write:  yes; Place of birth:  Illinois;
Place of birth of father:  New York; Place of birth of mother:  Vermont;
Whether able to speak English:  yes; Occupation:  none.

ESTERO POST OFFICE; Established March 26, 1895:  ....Subsequent Masters of the
Post in order were:  Ada Price, sisters Rosa Gilbert and Anna Lewis (whose
home still remains as part of the Koreshan State Recreational Area), Marie
Fisher (the last Koreshan member to be Postmaster.)

Notes of Evelyn Horn:  Dr. James Price and wife Ada;
Dr. Price was a poet.  Sister Ada was assistant postmaster.  They lived down
the river west of the Koreshan home in a house called "The Ammity." The
married couples had to live away from the communal home.  Dr. Price lived a
very private life down the river.

As a young girl, I remember him lecturing at the Sunday evening performances
at the Art Hall.  He taught Dr. Teed's theory on the doctrine.  He also was
very witty and often recited his poetry.
Return to Adah J. PRICE

Notes for James Russell PRICE

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Dr. James R. Price;
Born: 21 May 1847, Belleque, Prince Edward Island;  Died:  23 Sep 1932.

Burial:  Koreshan Unity Cemetery--lot 9; Inscription:  James Price/1847-Aug

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready:  Doctor Price; "Husband and
wife.  Dr. Price (whose given name no one seems to remember) was an orator and
actor. One of his favorite readings was "Darius Green and his Flying
Machine."--William McCready

COURT RECORD/Lee County Court House--WARRANTY DEED:  James Russell Price; 25
Apr 1924; No. 26759; Deed Book 70, Page 209; Entry Number 1.

U.S. Federal 1930 Census; Estero, Lee County, Florida; Precinct 12; Koreshan
Unity Home; Enumeration Date:  May 5, 1930; ED:  36-17; SD:  6; Page:  199;
Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, January 2003:  James R. Price; Radio set: 
none listed; Sex:  Male; Color:  white;  Age:  81; Marital condition: 
married; Age at first marriage:  32(?); Attended school since Sep 1, 1929: 
no; Whether able to read and write:  yes; Place of birth:  Can., Eng., E
Ireland (?); Place of birth of father:  Canada; Place of birth of mother: 
Canada; Language spoken in home before coming to the U.S.:  English; Year of
immigration to the U.S.:  1855; Naturalized:  yes; Whether able to speak
English:  yes; Occupation:  teacher; Industry:  teaching; Whether actually at
work yesterday (or the last regular working day):  yes; Veteran:  no.

FLAMING SWORD; Community Current Events by D. J. Richards; November 1930: 
"Harl Price Cook and Roger Rilleau, of New York City, arrived in Estero on a
motorcycle and were guests of the Unity for some days.  Harl is a grandson of
Doctor J. R. Price, and lived in the Unity for a while. The boys had a
wonderful time while here, fishing and swimming.  Harl contributes one story a
month to the True Story magazine."

FLAMING SWORD; Community Current Events by D. J. Richards; December 1930: 
"The writer in company with Dr. James Russell Price and Sister Adah Price,
spent four days in St. Petersburg, Florida, recently, attending the 46th
annual convention of the Southern Homeopathic Medical Society, of which Dr.
Price is a member.  The convention was held at the Suwanne Hotel, and was one
of the most successful even held by the organization, due largely to the
untiring energy of its president, Dr. William A. Guild, of St. Petersburg and

Evelyn Horn's notes:  Dr. Price was a poet.  Sister Ada was assistant
postmaster.  They lived down the river west of the Koreshan home.  House
called the "Ammity."  The married couples had to live away from the Communal
home.  Dr. Price lived a very private life down the river.

As a young girl, I remember him lecturing at the Sunday evening performances
at the Art Hall.  He taught Dr. Teed's theory on the doctrine.  He, also, was
very witty and often recited his poetry.

10 August 2005:
Today we received a CD from Mr. Ronald Price of Cortland Nebraska.  His Great
Grandfather was the brother of James Russell Price.  The CD contains
photographs of Dr. Price at various stages of his life.
Return to James Russell PRICE

Notes for Henry PULVERMACHER

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Henry Pulvermacher

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1910; Enumeration date:  23 Apr
1910; Koreshan Unity; Enumerator:  Walter S. Turner, Jr.; Microfilm number: 
Fl 1910-H T624; ED:  80; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff:  Henry
Pulvermacher; Sex:  Male; Race:  white; Age 29; Single; Place of birth: 
Russia; Place of birth of mother and father:  Russia; Year of immigration to
U.S.:  1902; Naturalized; Language spoken:  English; Occupation:  Mail
Carrier; Nature of trade:  U. S. Mail; Employer or worker:  worker; No. of
months not employed:  0; Can read and write:  yes.
Return to Henry PULVERMACHER

Notes for Jesse E. PUTNAM

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Jesse E. Putnam; Born: 
5 Feb 1869 in Massachusetts;  Died:  17 Sep 1950; Entered K.U. in Chicago in

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready:  Jesse Putnam;  "One of the
old timers. Was in the printing office in Chicago and came to Estero with the
last contingent; played the bass viola in the orchestra. His voice was deep
like his instrument, and he was the bass in the singing quartet."

1900 U. S. Federal Census/Lake township/Chicago/Cook/Illinois:  Film Roll No.
284; Page 14; SD No. 1; ED No. 970; Sheet No. 14; Ward of City:  31;
Enumeration date:  14 Jun 1900; Enumerator:  Martha H. Philpot; Transcribed by
Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 24 May 1999:  Jesse Putnam; Residence 6310 Harvard
Avenue; Relation to head of family:  Boarder:  Color, White; Sex, Male; Month
of birth:  February; Year of birth:  1869; Age at last birthday, 31; Single; 
Place of birth:  Massachusetts; Place of birth of father, Mass.; Place of
birth of mother, Vermont; Occupation:  Pressman; No. of months not employed,
0; Can read, yes; Can write, yes; Can speak English, yes.

1910 U. S. Federal Census; Estero, Lee, Florida; Enumerator:  Walter S.
Turner, Jr.; Enumeration date:  23 Apr 1910; Microfilm number:  Fl 1910-H
T624; ED:  80; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, January 1995:  Jessie R.
Pittman; Sex:  Male; Race:  white; Age:  41; Marital status:  Single; Place of
birth:  Massachusetts; Place of birth of father:  Massachusetts; Place of
birth of mother:  Massachusetts; Language spoken:  English; Occupation: 
printer; Employer or worker:  worker; No. of months not employed:  0; Can read
and write:  yes.

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1920; Koreshan Unity Colony;
Microfilm roll number:  1820221; Enumeration date:  Jan 3, 1920; Enumerator: 
Henry D. Silverfriend; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff; December 1994: 
Jesse E. Putnam; Relation to head of family: head; Place of residence:  Estero
River Front; Age 50; Single; Place of birth: Massachusetts;Place of birth of
father:  Massachusetts; Place of birth of mother: Vermont; Occupation:
Printer/Printing and Publishing House

U.S. Federal 1930 Census; Estero, Lee County, Florida; Election Precinct 12: 
Koreshan Unity Home; Enumeration date:  May 5, 1930; Enumerator:  William
Howell; ED:  36-17; SD:  6; Page:  199; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff;
January 2003:  Jesse E. Putnam; Radio set:  none listed; Sex:  male; Color: 
white; Age at last birthday:  61; Marital condition:  single; Attended school
since Sep 1, 1929:  no; Whether able to read and write:  yes; Place of birth: 
Massachusetts; Place of birth of father:  Massachusetts: Place of birth of
mother:  Vermont; Occupation:  printer; Industry:  Publishing house;  Whether
actually at work yesterday (or the last regular working day):  yes; Veteran: 

Burial:  Koreshan Unity Cemetery--lot 47; Inscription:  Jesse Putman--Sep 1950

COURT RECORD/Lee County Court House--WARRANTY DEED:  Jesse E. Putnam; 25 Apr
1924; No. 26759; Deed Book 70; Page 209; Entry Number 1.

THE PIONEER CURRICULUM:  Power Press Department, Jesse Putnam, Director


MEMORIES, MEMORIES--DAYS OF LONG AGO chronicled by Marie McCready with
participation by Lovelle McCready:  Jesse Putnam played the bass viol.--Page
78.  Jesse Putnam played the cello.--Page 81.  George and Charley Hunt, Jesse
Putnam and Charley Faulkner were popular as a singing quartet.--Page 83.

Evelyn Horn's notes; Jesse E. Putnam, veteran printer:

"Jesse was born in Orange, Massachusetts on February 5, 1869.  He came to
Chicago where he joined the Koreshan movement in the early nineties.  In 1903
when the Guiding Star Publishing House was moved to Estero, he was in charge
of transportation and installation of the machinery in the printing office
building at the Estero River, east of the highway.

Putnam was one of the early followers of Koresh and a faithful believer in his
doctrine.  Jessie lived above the Koreshan Unity Store building where the
other brothers lived.  He loved cats and raised prize angora and Siamese.  He
kept them in cages on the grounds of the print shop.  Jesse's life-long friend
and associate in the printing trade was Sister Florence Graham, and her
brothers Robert and Lloyd.

Jesse was a tall thin man, about 5 foot 11 inches tall, fair skin, blue-grey
eyes.  He always wore light grey clothes, grey cotton pants, blue or grey long
sleeve shirts.  In aging years he had real pretty thick white hair.  His humor
was witty, and he was loved by all who knew him.  He died September 17, 1950,
and interment took place in the Koreshan cemetery."

Guardianship of Jesse Putnam:  22 Oct 1949; Jesse Putnam declared incompetent
because of mental incompetency (senile dementia); guardianship given to L. W.
Bubbett.  Jesse Putnam died 17 September 1950.
Return to Jesse E. PUTNAM

Notes for Edith W. QUINN

1910 U. S. Census; State:  Illinois; County:  Cook; Series:  T624, Film roll: 
246; Township or other division of county:  Tract (part of); Name of
incorporated place:  Chicago; SD:  1; ED:  354; Sheet:  14; Page:  14; Ward: 
6; Enumeration date:  26 Apr 1910; Enumerator:  Albert J. Hass?; Address: 
4744 Indiana Avenue; Line:  18; Name:  Edith W. Quinn; Relation to head of
family:  Stepdaughter; Sex:  female; Color:  white; Age last birthday:  10;
Marital status:  Single; Place of birth:  Illinois; Place of birth of father: 
England; Place of birth of mother:  Illinois; Speaks English or other: 
English; General nature of work:  None; Can read and write:  yes; Attended
school:  yes.  (Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 2 Feb 2004)
Return to Edith W. QUINN

Notes for Gordon H. QUINN

1910 U. S. Census; State:  Illinois; County:  Cook; Series:  T624, Film roll: 
246; Township or other division of county:  Tract (part of); Name of
incorporated place:  Chicago; SD:  1; ED:  354; Sheet:  14; Page:  14; Ward: 
6; Enumeration date:  26 Apr 1910; Enumerator:  Albert J. Hass?; Address: 
4744 Indiana Avenue; Line:  17; Name:  Gordon H. Quinn; Relation to head of
family:  Stepson; Sex:  male; Color or race:  white; Age last birthday:  12;
Marital status:  Single; Place of birth:  Illinois; Place of birth of father: 
England; Place of birth of mother:  Illinois; Speaks English or other: 
English; Trade or profession:  None; Can read and write:  yes; Attended
school:  yes.  (Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 2 Feb 2004)

*1920 U.S. Federal Census; State:  Illinois; County:  Cook; Township: 
Chicago; City:  Chicago; Ward:  13; Enumeration date:  2 Jan 1920; Enumerator: 
Mrs. Blanche Sullivan; Microfilm T625, Roll:  322; SD:  22; ED:  765; Sheet: 
1; Page:  209; Address:  3461 (?) Jackson Blvd.; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle
Ratliff, Feb 2004; Line:  17; Name:  Gordon Ordway; Relationship of this
person to the head of the family:  Son; Sex:  male; Color:  white; Age at last
birthday:  22; Marital status:  single; Whether able to read and write:  yes;
Place of birth:  Illinois; Place of birth of father:  New Hampshire; Place of
birth of mother:  New York; Able to speak English:  yes; Trade or profession: 
Foreman; Industry:  Roofing Co.; Employer or employee:  W.
Return to Gordon H. QUINN

Notes for Charles J. RABY


FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready:  "We knew the Rabys while
in Freedom as Charley worked in the tower with Pappa and came into the Unity
soon afterward.  Eventually he went to Fort Myers, was married and brought up
a family, although no longer young.  Ralph lived with him in Freedom and was
in Catharine's room in school.  She did not like him and when he crawled up
the aisle to her desk, she nearly broke her slate over his head.  However, he
was the one who received the reprimand, not she."

THE PIONEER CURRICULUM:  Electrical Department, Charles J. Raby, Director.

*1900 U.S. Federal Census/Lake Town./Chicago, Cook, Illinois; Film Roll No.
283; Page No. 115; SD No. 1; ED No. 949; Sheet No. 12; Ward of City 30;
Enumeration Date:  11 Jun 1900; Enumerator:  John M. Heimbach; Transcribed by
Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 25 Oct 1998:  Charles J. Raby; Residence:  West 63rd
Street; Relation to head of family:  Partner; Color:  white; Sex:  male; Date
of birth:  December 1872; Age 27; Single; Place of birth:  Ohio; Place of
birth of mother and father:  Ohio; Occupation: electrician; No. of months not
employed:  0.  (*Charles Raby is listed on two 1900 Census records)

*1900 U. S. Federal Census; Calumet township; Chicago, Cook, Illinois; Film
Roll No. 285; SD:  1; ED:  986; Page:  285; Sheet:  12; Ward:  31; Residence: 
99th Street; Enumeration date:  13 Jun 1900; Enumerator:  Ernest E. Ellington;
Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 24 May 1999; Koreshan Unity:  Charles
Raby; Relation to head of family:  Boarder; Color:  white; Sex:  male; Month
of birth:  October; Year of birth:  1869; Age at last birthday:  30; Marital
status:  single; Place of birth:  Ohio; Place of birth of father:  Ohio; Place
of birth of mother:  Ohio; Can read and write:  yes; Can speak English:  yes. 
(*Charles Raby is listed on two 1900 Census records)
Return to Charles J. RABY