Notes for Eric S. OLSEN

Return to Eric S. OLSEN

Notes for Peter OLSEN

Return to Peter OLSEN

Notes for David E. ORDWAY

Evelyn Horne's Notes:  Annie Ordway was married to Dr. George Ordway.

*1860 U.S. Census; State: Massachusetts; County:  Suffolk; Town or Township: 
Boston; Ward:  6; Series:  M653; Roll:  521; Page:  755; Enumeration date:  18
Jun 1860; Enumerator:  Charles Chun; Line:  31; Page:  117; Dwelling:  620;
Family No.:  656; Name:  David E. Ordway; Age:  26; Sex:  Male; Color:  white;
Occupation:  Clerk; Birthplace:  New Hampshire. (This is probably Annie
Ordway's husband) (Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 25 Feb 2004)

*1870 U.S. Census:  State:  Illinois; County:  Cook; Post Office:  Chicago;
Ward:  12; Page:  274; Enumeration date:  1 July 1870; Microfilm:  M593; Roll
No.:  206; Enumerator:  Geo. W. (?) (Heritage Quest);  Line:  12; Name:  David
Ordway; Age at last birthday:  38; Sex:  male; Occupation:  (?) Bakery; Place
of birth:  New Hampshire; Father foreign born:  yes; Mother is foreign born: 
yes; Male citizen 21 years & up:  yes.  (Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff) 
*Although some accounts give the name George Ordway for Annie Ordway's
husband, I believe David Ordway was her spouse.  Besides his wife Annie Ordway
and child William Ordway, Julia Ordway and Alice Price, a servant, are living
with David Ordway too.  Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 12 Feb 2004.

*1880 U. S. Census; State:  Illinois; County:  Cook; Town:  Chicago; Page No.: 
306D; (FamilySearch, Internet); Name:  David E. Ordway; Color:  white; Sex: 
male; Age prior to June 1st:  47; Relationship to head of house:  self;
Married:  yes; Profession or Occupation:  Bakery salesman; Place of birth: 
New Hampshire; Place of birth of father:  New Hampshire; Place of birth of
mother:  New Hampshire. (This is probably Annie Ordway's husband) (Transcribed
by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, January 2004)

*1900 U.S. Census; State:  Illinois; County:  Cook; Town or township:  Hyde
Park; Incorporated place:  Chicago; Ward:  32nd; SD:  1st Illinois; ED:  1026;
Sheet:  13; Page:  69; Series:  T623; Microfilm Roll No.:  286; Enumeration
date:  12 Jun 1900; Heritage Quest, Internet; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle
Ratliff, 2 Feb 2004; Address:  47? Calumet Avenue; Line:  8; Name:  David
Ordway; Relation to head of family:  Father; Color:  white; Sex:  male; Month
of birth:  October; Year of birth:  1833; Age:  66; Marital status:  married;
No. of years married:  36; Place of birth:  New Hampshire; Place of birth of
father:  New Hampshire; Place of birth of mother:  New Hampshire; Occupation: 
Traveling salesman, Biscuit; Can read and write:  yes; Can speak English: 

*1910 U. S. Census; State:  Illinois; County:  Cook; Township or other
division of county:  Tract g 17; Name of incorporated place:  Chicago; SD:  1;
ED:  404; Sheet No.:  2; Ward:  7; Enumeration date:  16 Apr 1910; Enumerator: 
Jeanette Lippman; Address:  6019 Calumet Avenue; Name:  David E. Ordway;
Relation to head of family:  head; Sex:  male; Color:  white; Age last
birthday:  77; Marital status:  Married 2 times; No. of years of present
marriage:  3; Place of birth:  New Hampshire; Place of birth of father:  New
Hampshire; Place of birth of mother:  New Hampshire; Speaks English or other: 
English; Trade or profession:  Commercial traveler; General nature of work: 
Wholesale fruit; Employer, employee or works on own:  W.; Out of work April
15:  no; Weeks out of work in 1909:  0; Can read and write:  yes; Home owned
or rented:  Rented; Farm or house:  House.  (Probably Annie Ordway's
X-husband) (David Ordway lives next door to his son, George T. Ordway)
Return to David E. ORDWAY

Notes for George T. ORDWAY

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  George T. Ordway, son of
Annie G. Ordway.

*1880 U. S. Census; State:  Illinois; County:  Cook; Town:  Chicago; Page No.: 
306D; (FamilySearch, Internet); Name:  George Ordway; Color:  white; Sex: 
male; Age prior to June 1st:  6; Relationship to head of house:  son; Single: 
yes; Profession, Occupation, or Trade:  school; Attended school:  yes; Place
of birth:  Illinois; Place of birth of father:  New Hampshire; Place of birth
of mother:  Massachusetts.  (*George Ordway is probably the son of the Annie
Ordway, who lived in the Koreshan Unity)  Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff,
January 2004)

*1900 U.S. Census; State:  Illinois; County:  Cook; Town or township:  Hyde
Park; Incorporated place:  Chicago; Ward:  32nd; SD:  1st Illinois; ED:  1026;
Sheet:  13; Page:  69; Series:  T623; Microfilm Roll No.:  286; Enumeration
date:  12 Jun 1900; Heritage Quest, Internet; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle
Ratliff, 2 Feb 2004; Address:  47? Calumet Avenue; Line:  9; Name:  George T.
Ordway; Relation to head of family:  Brother; Color:  white; Sex:  male; Month
of birth:  April; Year of birth:  1875; Age:  25; Marital status:  single;
Place of birth:  Illinois; Place of birth of father:  New Hampshire; Place of
birth of mother:  New Hampshire; Occupation:  Nothing listed; Can read and
write:  yes; Can speak English:  yes.  (*Probably the son of Annie Ordway)

*1910 U. S. Federal Census; State:  Illinois; County:  Cook; City:  Chicago;
SD:  1; ED:  404; Sheet:  2; Ward: 7; Enumeration date:  16 Apr 1910;
Enumerator:  Jeanette Lippman; Address:  6019 Calumet Avenue; Transcribed by
Joyce Nelle Ratliff, January 20, 2004.  Name:  George T. Ordway; Relation to
head of family:  head; Sex:  male; Color:  white; Age:  35; Marital status: 
Married 1 time; Number of years of present marriage:  5; Place of birth: 
Illinois; Place of birth of father:  New Hampshire; Place of birth of mother: 
Massachusetts; Language spoken:  English; Occupation:  Office manager; General
nature of work:  Grain commission; Employer, employee or works on own: 
worker; Out of work April 15:  no; Number of weeks out of work in 1909:  0;
Can read and write:  yes; Home owned or rented:  Rented; Farm or house: 
house. (*George T. Ordway is probably the son of Annie Ordway) (Transcribed by
Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 20 Jan 2004) (George T. Ordway lives next door to his
father, David E. Ordway)

*1920 U.S. Federal Census; State:  Illinois; County:  Cook; Township:  6th
ward; City:  Chicago; Ward:  6; Microfilm T625 Roll:  310; SD:  1; ED:  371;
Page:  154; Enumeration date: 7 Jan 1920; Enumerator:  Myrtle Smith; Address: 
6021 Calumet Avenue; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, Feb 2004; Name: 
Gorge Ordway; Relationship of this person to the head of the family:  Head;
Home owned or rented:  rented; Sex:  male; Color:  white; Age at last
birthday:  43; Marital status:  married; Whether able to read and write:  yes;
Place of birth:  Illinois; Place of birth of father:  New York; Place of birth
of mother:  New York; Able to speak English:  yes; Trade or profession: 
Manager; Industry business or establishment:  Board of (?); Employer or
employee:  W. (*Probably Annie Ordway's son)
Return to George T. ORDWAY

Notes for Henry William ORDWAY

The 1910 and 1920 Census records for Annie Glosson Ordway Graves states that
Annie Ordway is the mother of two living children. I believe Henry William
Ordway or William Ordway or Harry Ordway or Henry W. Ordway or William H.
Ordway (all names given on Census Records) is one of the children.  Joyce
Nelle Ratliff, 12 Feb 2004.

*1870 U.S. Census:  State:  Illinois; County:  Cook; Post Office:  Chicago;
Ward:  12; Page:  274; Enumeration date:  1 July 1870; Microfilm:  M593; Roll
No.:  206; Enumerator:  Geo. W. (?) (Heritage Quest); Line:  14; Name: 
William Ordway; Age at last birthday:  4; Sex:  male; Color:  white;
Occupation:  at home; Place of birth:  New Hampshire. (Transcribed by Joyce
Nelle Ratliff, January 2004) (*William Ordway is probably Annie Ordway's son)

*1880 U. S. Census; State:  Illinois; County:  Cook; Town:  Chicago; Page No.: 
306D; (FamilySearch, Internet); Name:  Harry Ordway; Color:  white; Sex: 
male; Age prior to June 1st:  14; Relationship to head of house:  son;
Profession, Occupation to Trade:  school; Place of birth:  New Hampshire;
Place of birth of father:  New Hampshire; Place of birth of mother: 
Massachusetts. (Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, January 2004) (*{Harry?}
Ordway is probably Annie Ordway's son)

*1900 U.S. Census; State:  Illinois; County:  Cook; Town or township:  Hyde
Park; Incorporated place:  Chicago; Ward:  32nd; SD:  1st Illinois; ED:  1026;
Sheet:  13; Page:  69; Series:  T623; Microfilm Roll No.:  286; Enumeration
date:  12 Jun 1900; Heritage Quest, Internet; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle
Ratliff, 2 Feb 2004; Address:  47? Calumet Avenue; Line:  6; Name:  Henry W.
Ordway; Relation to head of family:  head; Color:  white; Sex:  male; Month of
birth:  June; Year of birth:  1866; Age:  33; Marital status:  married; No. of
years married:  7; Place of birth:  New Hampshire; Place of birth of father: 
New Hampshire; Place of birth of mother:  Massachusetts; Occupation: 
Delicatessen Store; Can read and write:  yes; Can speak English:  yes; Home
owned or rented:  Rented; Farm or home:  Home. (*This is probably Annie
Ordway's son)

*1910 U. S. Census; State:  Illinois; County:  Cook; Series:  T624, Film roll: 
246; Township or other division of county:  Tract (part of); Name of
incorporated place:  Chicago; SD:  1; ED:  354; Sheet:  14; Page:  14; Ward: 
6; Enumeration date:  26 Apr 1910; Enumerator:  Albert J. Hass?; Address: 
4744 Indiana Avenue; Line:  15; Name:  William H. Ordway; Relation to head of
family:  head; Sex:  male; Color or race:  white; Age last birthday:  43;
Marital status:  Married 2 times; No. years of present marriage:  2; Place of
birth:  New Hampshire; Place of birth of father:  New Hampshire; Place of
birth of mother:  New Hampshire; Speaks English or other:  English; Trade or
profession:  Clerk; General nature of work:  County Treasure's office?;
Employer, Employee or works on own: W; Out of work Apr 15:  no; Weeks out of
work in 1909:  0; Can read and write:  yes; Home owned or rented:  Rented;
Farm or house:  House. (*Probably Annie Ordway's son) (Transcribed by Joyce
Nelle Ratliff, 2 Feb 2004.)

*1920 U.S. Federal Census; State:  Illinois; County:  Cook; Township: 
Chicago; City:  Chicago; Ward:  13; Enumeration date:  2 Jan 1920; Enumerator: 
Mrs. Blanche Sullivan; Microfilm T625, Roll:  322; SD:  22; ED:  765; Sheet: 
1; Page:  209; Address:  3461 (?) Jackson Blvd.; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle
Ratliff, Feb 2004; Line:  15; Name:  Harry W. Ordway; Relationship of this
person to the head of the family:  Head; Home owned or rented:  Owned; If
owned, free or mortgaged:  Free; Sex:  male; Color:  white; Age at last
birthday:  53; Marital status:  married; Whether able to read and write:  yes;
Place of birth:  New Hampshire; Place of birth of father:  New Hampshire;
Place of birth of mother:  New Hampshire; Able to speak English:  yes; Trade
or profession:  Secretary; Industry, business or establishment:  Masonic
Order; Employer or Employee:  W. (*Probably Annie Ordway's son)
Return to Henry William ORDWAY

Notes for Robert E. ORDWAY

1920 U.S. Federal Census; State:  Illinois; County:  Cook; Township:  6th ward;
City:  Chicago; Ward:  6; Microfilm T625 Roll:  310; SD:  1; ED:  371; Page: 
154; Enumeration date: 7 Jan 1920; Enumerator:  Myrtle Smith; Address:  6021
Calumet Avenue; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, Feb 2004; Name:  Robert E.
Ordway; Relationship of this person to the head of the family:  Son; Sex: 
male; Color:  white; Age at last birthday:  5; Marital status:  single; Place
of birth:  Illinois; Place of birth of father:  Illinois; Place of birth of
mother:  Illinois; Able to speak English:  yes.

*FamilySearch U.S. Social Security Death Index; 30 September 2000; Name: 
Robert Ordway; Birth date:  8 June 1914; Death Date:  Aug 1985; Social
Security Number:  336-09-2740; State or Territory where number was issued: 
Illinois; (Death Residence Localities)  Zip:  60430; Localities:  Homewood,
Cook, Illinois.  (*Probably Annie Ordway's grandson)
Return to Robert E. ORDWAY

Notes for Virginia M. ORDWAY

1920 U.S. Federal Census; State:  Illinois; County:  Cook; Township:  6th ward;
City:  Chicago; Ward:  6; Microfilm T625 Roll:  310; SD:  1; ED:  371; Page: 
154; Enumeration date: 7 Jan 1920; Enumerator:  Myrtle Smith; Address:  6021
Calumet Avenue; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, Feb 2004; Name:  Virginia
M. Ordway; Relationship of this person to the head of the family:  Daughter;
Sex:  female; Color:  white; Age at last birthday:  8; Marital status: 
Single; Attended school since  9/1/1919:  yes; Whether able to read and write: 
yes; Place of birth:  Illinois; Place of birth of father:  Illinois; Place of
birth of mother:  Illinois.
Return to Virginia M. ORDWAY

Notes for Belle ORME

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Belle Orme, sister of
Evelyn Bubbett
Return to Belle ORME

Notes for Hiram OVERTON

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Hiram Overton; Born:  18
Jan 1859, Knoxville, Iowa.
Return to Hiram OVERTON

Notes for Samuel OVERTON

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Samuel Overton.
Return to Samuel OVERTON

Notes for J. B. PARMELEE

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Rev. J. B. Parmelee.
Return to J. B. PARMELEE

Notes for Albert PARSONS

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn: Albert and Vienna Parsons.
Return to Albert PARSONS

Notes for Vienna PARSONS

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Albert and Vienna Parsons
Return to Vienna PARSONS

Notes for Jesse PASTERMACK

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Jesse Pastermack

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready; Jesse Pastermack:  "A
printer.  His son fought in the Spanish Civil War on the loyalist side and was
killed.--William McCready"
Return to Jesse PASTERMACK

Notes for Monroe PASTERMACK

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Monroe Pastermack.
(Possibly Jesse Pastermack's son)
Return to Monroe PASTERMACK

Notes for PATSY

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Patsy (colored). (No
surname given)
Return to PATSY

Notes for Sarah E. PATTERSON

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Sarah E. Patterson; She
was of the Moravian colony;  Died:  19 Dec 1889.

  "IN MEMORIAM.--   Mrs. Sarah E. Paterson, Treasurer of the Society
Arch-Triumphant, and faithful co-worker on the GUIDING STAR, has suspended her
career on earth. She passed away from our visible presence Dec. 19. 1889,
after a long and unmistakable devotion to her espoused cause.
  She did not quite consummate in the body, the matured fruit of the tree of
life, but her culture in the laws and doctrines of immortality, carried over
into the domain of spirit, makes her the GUIDING STAR of that spiritual sphere
now ready to descend into the body of the resurrection.
  Did we not know that she continues with us in a realm demanding her presence
for the progress of our work, her departure would be an in-calculable loss.
   We deeply sympathize with those, her earthly friends, who view her
departure and mourn her loss from the common orthodox conception, for they
mourn not as Koreshans.
Return to Sarah E. PATTERSON

Notes for James PAUL

Return to James PAUL

Notes for Fred PAULSON

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Fred and Fredericka

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready:  "Husband and wife from
Norway.  She helped when Mamma and I were both ill in the little cottage among
the mulberry trees."
Return to Fred PAULSON