Notes for John Mansfield LANE

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  John Mansfield Lane;
Born: Sep 1848, England; Died:  15 May 1916

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1910; Enumeration date:  23 Apr
1910; Koreshan Unity; Enumerator:  Walter S. Turner, Jr.; Microfilm number: 
Fl 1910-H T624; ED:  80; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 4 Jan 1995; 23
Apr 1910:  John M. Lane; Sex:  Male; Race:  white; Age 60; Marital status: 
Married one time; Number of years married:  39; Place of birth:  England;
Place of birth of mother and father:  England; Language spoken:  English; Year
of immigration:  1871; Naturalized:  yes; Occupation: laundry; Nature of
trade:  Unity; Employer or worker:  worker; No. of months not employed:  0;
Can read and write:  yes.

BROTHERS' LAUNDRY LIST:  Mansfield Lane #131

Burial:  Horseshoe Bend on the River--Koreshan Unity Cemetery; Inscription: 
John M. Lane/Jan 1, 1918
Return to John Mansfield LANE

Notes for Loretta LANE

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Loretta Lane; Born:  3
Jun 1855, Hartville, Ohio.

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready; Loretta Lane, mother:
Loretta always looked like a Dresden figurine, tiny and delicate with snow
white hair but black brows and lashes; always sweet and smiling, I remember
the older girls had reading aloud sessions in her room, which was a large one,
and I sometimes attended with Catharine.  She was the first to die after we
went to Chicago.  Myran was also small, and prided herself on her sarcasm. 
She washed the individual sugars and creamers in the butler's pantry and I
dried for her, so heard much of this talent. She and Winn Sweet married after
leaving and both worked as telegraph operators."

1900 U. S. Federal Census; Calument Township; Chicago, Cook, Illinois; Film
Roll No. 285; Page No. 285; SD No. 1; ED No. 986; Sheet No. 12; Ward of City: 
31; Enumeration Date:  31 Jun 1900; Enumerator:  Ernest E. Ellington;
Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 24 May 1999; Koreshan Unity:  Loretta
Lane; Residence: 99th Street, Dwelling 133; Relation to head of family: 
Boarder; Color, white; Sex, female; Month of birth:  January; Year of birth: 
1850; Age at last birthday:  50; Married; Number of years married:  1*; Mother
of how many children:  2; Number of these children living:  2; Place of birth: 
Ohio; Place of birth of father:  Ohio; Place of birth of mother: Ohio;
Occupation:  Nothing listed; Can read, yes; Can write, yes; Can speak English,
yes.  (*Except for 5 married individuals living in this dwelling, all married
residents living in this dwelling listed their number of years married as 1.)
Return to Loretta LANE

Notes for May A. LANE

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  May A. Lane; 13 Sep
1845, Kent England; Died:  15 May 1916.

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready:  May Lane; "Came from
California.--Vesta Newcomb  I have no recollection of him, but remember her as
being excessively "proper."  She thought a woman should never mention
perspiration.  She said "Horses sweat, men perspire and ladies become all
aglow."  She also considered any infraction of the rules as next to criminal. 
She came downstairs one evening just as Harry, Laurie, Robbie, Ruth, Nina and
I were leaving the bakery room behind the kitchen, where we had been having a
snack and was apparently horrified.  She followed us girls upstairs as far as
the second floor, saying "Shame on you; shame on you," while we
disrespectfully giggled and went on to the third."

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1910; Enumeration date:  23 Apr
1910; Koreshan Unity; Enumerator:  Walter S. Turner, Jr.; Microfilm number: 
Fl 1910-H T624; ED:  80; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 4 Jan 1995: 
Name:  Mary? A. Lane; Sex:  Female Race:  White; Age 64; Marital status: 
Married one time; Number of years married:  39; Place of birth:  England;
Place of birth of mother and father:  England; Year of immigration:  1871;
Language spoken:  English; Occupation:  Housekeeper; Nature of trade:  Unity;
Employer or worker:  worker; No. of months not employed:  0; Can read and
write:  yes.
Return to May A. LANE

Notes for Myrran LANE


FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready:  Myran Lane;
Loretta always looked like a Dresden figurine, tiny and delicate with snow
white hair but black brows and lashes; always sweet and smiling, I remember
the older girls had reading aloud sessions in her room, which was a large one,
and I sometimes attended with Catharine.  She was the first to die after we
went to Chicago.  Myran was also small, and prided herself on her sarcasm. 
She washed the individual sugars and creamers in the butler's pantry and I
dried for her, so heard much of this talent. She and Winn Sweet married after
leaving and both worked as telegraph operators."

MEMORIES, MEMORIES--DAYS OF LONG AGO chronicled by Marie McCready with
participation by Lovelle McCready:  Ann O'Delia (Madam) DissDebarr encouraged
Myran Lane and Catharine (McCready) to leave with her.--Page 48
Return to Myrran LANE

Notes for Jacob LEBO

Return to Jacob LEBO

Notes for Bertha A. LEEMAN

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Bertha A. Leeman.
Return to Bertha A. LEEMAN

Notes for Charles LEMKE

Return to Charles LEMKE

Notes for Elsie LEMKE

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Elsie Lemke (daughter);
Born:  29 Mar 1897.
Return to Elsie LEMKE

Notes for Faustus LERCHER

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Faustus Lercher; Born: 
Kerle, Austria; Died:  1 Jun 1934 age 78 years

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1920; U. S. Federal Census;
Estero, Lee, Florida; Enumerator:  Henry D. Silverfriend; Enumeration Date:  5
Jan 1920; Microfilm number:  1820221-T625-221; ED:  109; Precinct 10; Outside
the Koreshan Colony; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, January 1995:  
Faustus Lercher; Living outside the Koreshan settlement; Age 64; Single; Year
of immigration:  1881; Naturalized:  1884; Place of birth:  Austria; Place of
birth of mother and father:  Austria; Occupation:  Farmer/House farm.
Return to Faustus LERCHER

Notes for Josephine H. LESTER

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Josephine H. Lester;
Born:  28 Nov 1855, Tennessee; Died:  8 Aug 1928 (H.B.)

Burial:  Horseshoe Bend on the River--Koreshan Unity Cemetery--lot 22;
Inscription:  Josephine Lester/Aug. 8-1928

COMMUNITY CURRENT EVENTS--SEPTEMBER 1928 - Died at age 72.  Her name listed as
Josephine K. LESLER.  She came to the Unity in 1923 and was a school teacher.

Return to Josephine H. LESTER

Notes for Edith LEWIS

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready:  Edith Lewis
Return to Edith LEWIS

Notes for Edward LEWIS

Return to Edward LEWIS

Notes for Frank S. LEWIS

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Frank S. Lewis; Born: 
1869; Died:  7 Dec 1945; Married.

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready:  Frankie Lewis.

THE AMERICAN EAGLE; October 1990; Vol. 75; Page 5:  Koreshans Made Trek; "On
April 4, they picked up four men at Estero.  They were:  Koreshans Frank S.
Lewis (the only Trail Blazer to keep a daily record of their
cross-the-Everglades odessy),  Alfred Christensen, Charles Hunt and Allen
Andrews, editor of The American Eagle, the Koreshan newspaper.  Lewis and his
wife, Anna, later retired to the little white bungalow just north of the
Koreshan Library/Museum.......

BURIAL:  Koreshan Unity Cemetery--lot 40; Inscription:  Frank Lewis; 1869-Dec.

FLAMING SWORD, Community Current Events by Adah Price, January 1946: "Brother
Frank S. Lewis died at Lee Memorial Hospital, Ft. Myers, Friday, Dec. 7. The
deceased was born in Port Dickinson, a suburb of Binghamton, N. Y., July 3,
1869.  He became a telegrapher by profession, serving first with the Lehigh
Valley Railroad, and several years later with the Western Union Telegraph Co. 
in New York City with whom he remained until coming to Florida in 1922. In
1923 he participated in the now historic Tamiami Trail Blazing trip with a
party of men who took the first cars across from Ft. Myers to Miami before the
Trail was completed.  Shortly thereafter he became associated with the Barron
Collier organization at Everglades, serving as telegrapher and accountant in
the general offices until he retired and moved to Estero in December 1943.  He
was also secretary of the Tamiami Trail Masonic Lodge in Everglades.  For
nearly two years past he had served as bookkeeper and treasurer of The
Koreshan Unity at Estero.  He left no immediate family, other than his widow,
Mrs. Anna Lewis.  Mr. Lewis was a man of genial and kindly disposition whom to
know was but to admire, and leaves a host of friends to mourn his loss. 
Burial was in Estero."
Return to Frank S. LEWIS

Notes for Nelson LILYGREN

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Nelson Lilygren.
Return to Nelson LILYGREN

Notes for Elbert W. LINDBECK

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Elbert W. Lindbeck.

FLAMING SWORD, Community Current Events by D. J. Richards, February 1927:
"It gives us great pleasure to record in this issue the return of Brothers
Elbert W. Lindbeck, of Rock Island, Illinois, and Frank Rahn of Baltimore,
Maryland.  They are both happy to be back in the Unity again, and we are glad
to have them.  Brother Elbert is a Linotype operator, but understands the
technique of job printing as well, and his assistance in this department of
the publishing house is very much needed and will be appreciated.  Brother
Frank Rahn fits in wherever needed; it will be good to see him at his old
place in the Koreshan Orchestra, playing the clarinet, or it may be the
saxophone, as we understand he brought a saxophone with him.  Both brothers
are en rapport with the Master and his work, and proved it by coming back.
Return to Elbert W. LINDBECK

Notes for James (Jimmie) LINTON

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  James Linton; Born:  17
Feb 1906


Return to James (Jimmie) LINTON

Notes for Mabel LINTON


Return to Mabel LINTON

Notes for Mary LINTON

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Mary Linton married

Return to Mary LINTON

Notes for William E. (Billie) LINTON

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  William E. Linton; Born: 
1874; Died: 1926; entered K. U. Chicago, 1897 and at Estero 1917 for two

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U.:  Billie Linton (father)

1900 U.S. Federal Census/Lake Town./Chicago, Cook, Illinois; Film Roll No.
283; Page No. 115; SD No. 1; ED No. 949; Sheet No. 12; Ward of City 30;
Enumeration Date:  11 Jun 1900; Enumerator:  John M. Heimbach; Transcribed by
Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 25 Oct 1998:  William E. Linton; Residence:  West 63rd
Street; Relation to head of family:  Partner; Date of birth:  May 1872; Age: 
28; Single; Place of birth:  Pennsylvania; Place of birth of father: England;
Place of birth of mother:  Pennsylvania; Occupation:  collector; No. of months
not employed:  0.
Return to William E. (Billie) LINTON