Notes for Edward HUBBARD


FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready:  HUBBARD, Elbert or Edward
(father)   "Mr. Hubbard always walked with a shuffle).  --William McCready

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1910; Koreshan Unity;
Enumeration date:  23 Apr 1910; Microfilm number:  Fl 1910-H, T624; ED:  80;
Enumerator:  Walter S. Turner, Jr.; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff,
January 1995:  Edward S. Hubbard; Sex:  male; Color:  white; Age 11; Single;
Place of birth: Rhode Island; Place of birth of father: Rhode Island; Place of
birth of mother; U.S.; Occupation:  Student; Language spoken:  English; No. of
months not employed:  0; Can read and write:  yes; Attending school:  yes.
Return to Edward HUBBARD

Notes for Willard G. HUBBARD

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Willard G. Hubbard;
Arrived Estero, April 1907; Died:  May 1913

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1910; Koreshan Unity;
Enumeration date:  23 Apr 1910; Microfilm number:  Fl 1910-H, T624; ED:  80;
Enumerator:  Walter S. Turner, Jr.; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff,
January 1995: Wilard G. Hubbard; Sex:  male; Race:  white; Age 56; Marital
status:  Widower; Place of birth: Rhode Island; Place of birth of father:
Conn.; Place of birth of mother: Rhode Island; Occupation:  Case maker; Nature
of trade:  Plush cases; Worker or employer:  worker; No. of months not
employed:  0; Can read and write:  yes.
Return to Willard G. HUBBARD

Notes for Charles H. HUNT

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  George H. Hunt; Born: 
23 Apr 1862 in Iowa; arr. Estero 1894, Died:  1 Mar 1943.

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Claude J. Rahn:  Brothers.  Charley was
official hunter in the early days.  George was captain of the Victoria.  Both
had good voices and sang at entertainments.

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1910; Koreshan Unity;
Enumeration Date:  25 Apr 1910; Enumerator:  Walter S. Turner, Jr.; Microfilm
No.:  Fl 1910-H T624; ED:  80; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, January
1995:  Charles H. Hunt; Sex:  male; Race:  white; Age 48; Marital status: 
divorced; Place of birth:  Iowa; Place of birth of mother and father: 
Indiana; Language spoken:  English; Occupation: Marshall; Employer or worker: 
worker; No. of months not employed:  0; Can read and write:  yes.

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1920; Enumeration date:  Jan 2,
1920; Enumerator:  Henry D. Silverfriend; ED:  109; SD:  1; Fourth Precinct;
Microfilm roll number:  1820221; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff; December
1994:  Charles H. Hunt; Relation to head of family:  head; Place of residence: 
Directors' meeting place; Age 57; widower; Place of birth: Iowa; Place of
birth of mother and father;  Indiana; Occupation:  Tour Guide/Estero.

U.S. Federal 1930 Census; Estero, Lee County, Florida; Precinct 12; Koreshan
Unity Home; Enumeration Date:  May 5, 1930; ED:  36-17; SD:  6; Page:  199;
Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff; January 2003:  Charles H. Hunt; Relation
to head of family:  head; Radio set:  none listed; Sex:  Male; Color:  White;
Age at last birthday:  68; Marital condition:  Widower; Age at first marriage: 
25; Attended school since Sep 1, 1929:  no; Whether able to read and write: 
yes; Place of birth:  Iowa; Place of birth of father:  Indiana; Place of birth
of mother:  Indiana; Whether able to speak English:  yes; Occupation:  hunter
and guide; Industry:  Guiding; Whether actually at work yesterday (or the last
regular working day):  yes; Veteran:  no.

Brothers' Laundry List:  Charles Hunt #75.

Court Record--Warranty Deed:  25 Apr 1924; Charles W.? Hunt; No. 26759; Deed
Book 70; Page 209; Entry Number 1.

Burial:  Koreshan Unity Cemetery--lot 36; Inscription:  Chas. Hunt; 1862-Mar

ELECTED POSITION/Estero, Florida, 1 Sep 1904; Charles H. Hunt, Marshall

MEMORIES, MEMORIES--DAYS OF LONG AGO chronicled by Marie McCready with
participation by Lovelle McCready:  George and Charley Hunt, Jesse Putnam and
Charley Faulkner were always popular as a singing quartet.--Page 83 Charley
Hunt was the official hunter and brought in much of the wild game eaten.--Page
83.  George Hunt played the organ or piano in the dining room and sang
numerous songs and everyone would crowd around to listen.--Page 84  George
Hunt rescued a sailing group.--Pages 84 and 85.

FLAMING SWORD, Vol.57, No.4, April 1943, p.10, Col.1 -- "Charles Hunt, who had
been bedridden for ten years from paralysis, died on Monday, March 4. He was
one of the oldest members of the Unity in point of residence, coming to Estero
in 1894.  Mr. Hunt was born in Delaware County, Iowa, April 21st, 1862, being
nearly 81 years of age at the time of his death.  With his brother, George,
who died last June, he came to the Unity in Chicago from Oregon in 1893,
having remained with the organization ever since. He was a great sportsman and
in earlier years did a great deal of hunting in Lee County.  He was a member
of the Tamiami Trail Blazing expedition in 1923. So far as known, he left no
near relatives, though there are many old friends who will miss him now that
he has passed away. Burial was in the local cemetery.

Notes from Evelyn Horn:  Brothers' George and Charlie Hunt Life-long members
of the Koreshan Unity, joining in Chicago.  They came with the Koreshan group
to Estero in 1896.  They were very strong believers in the teachings of Dr.
Cyrus R. Teed, the founder.  They both helped with the school in teaching the
young boys and guiding them in Koresh's teachings.  George did lectures on the
scientific doctrine.

Charles was with the trail blazers in 1923-1928.  They both were with the
Koreshan survey at Gordon's Pass, Naples in 1897, proving the curvature of the
earth with the rectilineator.  The two Hunt brothers loved hunting, teaching
the youth of the Unity how to hunt the Florida game, providing the Koreshan
family with wild turkey, deer, wild fowl, duck, pond birds, and (curleu?). 
They often took large parties on hunting trips in the Everglades.

George clerked in the Koreshan Unity store and assisted at the Standard Oil
Filling Station.  They both participated in plays and readings at the Art
Hall.  George died June 16, 1942, at Tampa Municipal Hospital and was entered
in the Koreshan cemetery.  Charles died from a long illness March 4,
1943,--buried in K. U. cemetery.  George served on the Koreshan Unity board
for many years from 1909-?.  The Hunt brothers were tall, and of medium build,
brown hair, blue eyes and very neat in their person.  They dressed in the
everyday khaki work
clothes and wore boots.  They lived above the old K. U. store building.

THE AMERICAN EAGLE; October 1990; Vol. 75; Page 5:  Koreshans Made Trek; "On
April 4, they picked up four men at Estero.  They were:  Koreshans Frank S.
Lewis (the only Trail Blazer to keep a daily record of their
cross-the-Everglades odessy),  Alfred Christensen, Charles Hunt and Allen
Andrews, editor of The American Eagle, the Koreshan newspaper.......
Return to Charles H. HUNT

Notes for George W. HUNT

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  George W. Hunt; Born: 
31 Dec 1864, Delaware Co., Iowa.  In Spring 1871 went to Oregon with his
parents; he and brother Charles H. Joined K. U. in Chicago, fall of 1892,
Died:  16 Jun 1942.

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready:  Brothers.  Charley was
official hunter in the early days.  George was captain of the Victoria.  Both
had good voices and sang at entertainments.

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1900; Koreshan Community;
Enumeration date:  27 Jun 1900; Enumerator:  A. A. Gardner; Precinct 6;
Microfilm number:  1240172; SD:  2; ED:  77; Sheet number:  16; Page number: 
26: Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff:  George W. Hunt; Relation to head of
family:  Partner; Color:  white; Sex:  male; Born:  Dec 1864; Age 35; Single;
Place of birth:  Iowa;  Place of birth of mother and father:  Indiana;
Occupation:  assistant; Can read and write:  yes; Can speak English:  yes.

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1910; Koreshan Unity;
Enumeration Date:  25 Apr 1910; Enumerator:  Walter S. Turner, Jr.; Microfilm
No.:  Fl 1910-H T624; ED:  80; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, January
1995:  George W. Hunt; Sex:  male; Race:  white; Age 45; Marital status: 
Single; Place of birth:  Iowa; Place of birth of mother and father: Indiana;
Occupation: Business agent; Employer or worker:  worker; No. of months not
employed:  0; Can read and write:  yes.

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1920; Enumeration date;
Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff; December 1994:  Jan 2, 1920; Enumerator: 
Henry D. Silverfriend; ED:  109; SD:  1; Fourth Precinct; Microfilm roll
number:  1820221:  George W. Hunt; Relation to head of family:  head; Place of
residence:  Estero River Front; Age 55; Single; Place of birth: Iowa; Place of
birth of mother and father:  Indiana; Occupation:  Boat Captain/transportation

U.S. Federal 1930 Census; Estero, Lee County, Florida; Precinct 12; Koreshan
Unity Home; Enumeration Date:  May 5, 1930; ED:  36-17; SD:  6; Page 199;
Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, January 2003:  George W. Hunt; Radio set: 
none listed:  Sex:  Male; Color:  White; Age at last birthday:  65; Marital
condition:  single; Attended school since Sep 1, 1929:  no; Whether able to
read and write:  yes; Place of birth:  Iowa; Place of birth of father: 
Indiana; Place of birth of mother:  Indiana; Whether able to speak English: 
yes; Occupation:  Business man; Industry:  (?);

Brothers' Laundry List:  George Hunt #92.

Court Record--Warranty Deed:  25 Apr 1924; George W. Hunt; No. 26759; Deed
Book 70; Page 209; Entry Number 1.

Burial--Koreshan Unity Cemetery--lot 33:  Inscription:  G.W. Hunt/June 1912.

ELECTED POSITION/Estero, Florida:  1 Sep 1904; George W. Hunt, Council Member.

ESTERO POST OFFICE; Established March 26, 1895:  The first Estero Post Office
was housed in the front of the Koreshan Unity General Store and it opened for
business on March 26, 1895.  The postmaster was George Hunt, a member of the
Koreshan Unity.

MEMORIES, MEMORIES--DAYS OF LONG AGO chronicled by Marie McCready with
participation by Lovelle McCready:  George Hunt, one of the leaders of the
band.--Page 81.  George and Charley Hunt, Jesse Putnam and Charley Faulkner
were popular as a singing quartet.--Page 83.  George Hunt was captain of the
launch Victoria.--Page 83.

Notes from Evelyn Horn:  Brothers' George and Charlie Hunt Life-long members
of the Koreshan Unity, joining in Chicago.  They came with
the Koreshan group to Estero in 1896.  They were very strong believers in the
teachings of Dr. Cyrus R. Teed, the founder.  They both helped with the school
in teaching the young boys and guiding them in Koresh's teachings. George did
lectures on the scientific doctrine.

Charles was with the trail blazers in 1923-1928.  They both were with the
Koreshan survey at Gordon's Pass, Naples in 1897, proving the curvature of the
earth with the rectilineator.  The two Hunt brothers loved hunting, teaching
the youth of the Unity how to hunt the Florida game, providing the Koreshan
family with wild turkey, deer, wild fowl, duck, pond birds, and (curleu?). 
They often took large parties on hunting trips in the Everglades.

George clerked in the Koreshan Unity store and assisted at the Standard Oil
Filling Station.  They both participated in plays and readings at the Art
Hall.  George died June 16, 1942, at Tampa Municipal Hospital and was entered
in the Koreshan cemetery.  Charles died from a long illness March 4,
1943,--buried in K. U. cemetery.  George served on the Koreshan Unity board
for many years from 1909-?.  The Hunt brothers were tall, and of medium build,
brown hair, blue eyes and very neat in their person.  They dressed in the
everyday khaki work
clothes and wore boots.  They lived above the old K. U. store
Return to George W. HUNT

Notes for Frances HUNTER

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Mrs. Frances Hunter

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready; Frances Hunter, mother: 
Remembered mostly from Beth Oprah days.
Return to Frances HUNTER

Notes for Myrah HUNTER


FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready:  Remembered mostly from
Beth Ophrah days.

MEMORIES, MEMORIES--DAYS OF LONG AGO chronicled by Marie McCready with
participation by Lovelle McCready; Myrah Hunter:   "A quiet girl with big
brown eyes, and when Victoria (Annie Ordway) would suddenly turn to her for
one reason or another, poor Myrah would roll her eyes upward and gulp down
whatever she had in her mouth often a bite just taken."--page 44

1900 U. S. Federal Census/ Lake township; Chicago, Cook, Illinois; Film Roll
No 284; Page No. 14; SD No. 1; ED No. 970; Sheet No. 14; Ward of City:  31;
Enumeration date:  14 Jun 1900; Enumerator:  Martha H. Philpot; Transcribed by
Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 24 May 1999; Myra Hunter; Residence:  6310 Harvard
Avenue; Relation to head of family:  Boarder; Color, white; Sex, female; Month
of birth:  August; Year of birth:  1881; Age at last birthday:  18; Single;
Place of birth: Indiana; Place of birth of father:  Indiana; Place of birth of
mother:  Indiana; Occupation: Nothing listed; Can read, yes; Can write, yes;
Can speak English, yes.
Return to Myrah HUNTER

Notes for Thomas HUSON


1900 U. S. Federal Census; Calumet township; Chicago, Cook, Illinois; Film
Roll No. 285; SD:  1; ED:  986; Page:  285; Sheet:  12; Ward:  31; Residence: 
99th Street; Enumeration date:  13 Jun 1900; Enumerator:  Ernest E. Ellington;
Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 24 May 1999; Koreshan Unity:  Thomas
Huson; Relation to head of family:  Boarder; Color:  white; Sex:  male; Month
of birth:  October; Year of birth:  1869; Age at last birth:  30; Marital
status:  Single; Place of birth:  Ohio; Place of birth of father:  Ohio; Place
of birth of mother:  Ohio; Can read and write:  yes; Can speak English:  yes.
Return to Thomas HUSON

Notes for Eula R. HUSSEY

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Eula Hussey, Born: 

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready; Eula Hussey:  "Came from
Texas.  George was the schoolteacher for awhile.  Eunice became very much
interested in learning Spanish and, after leaving the Unity, worked for some
time in Cuba as a telegraph operator to perfect her pronunciation."

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1910; Koreshan Unity;
Enumeration Date:  25 Apr 1910; Enumerator:  Walter S. Turner, Jr.; Microfilm
No.:  Fl 1910-H T624; ED:  80; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, January
1995: Eula R. Hussey; Sex:  female; Race:  white; Age 7; Marital Status: 
Single; Place of birth:  Texas; Place of birth of father:  Illinois; Place of
birth of mother:  Texas; Language spoken:  English; Occupation:  student; No.
of months not employed:  0; Can read and write:  yes; Attending school:  yes.
Return to Eula R. HUSSEY

Notes for Eunice G. HUSSEY


FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready; Eunice Hussey:  "Came from
Texas.  George was the schoolteacher for awhile.  Eunice became very much
interested in learning Spanish and, after leaving the Unity, worked for some
time in Cuba as a telegraph operator to perfect her pronunciation."

U. S. Federal Census--Estero/Lee County/Florida--1910; Koreshan Unity;
Enumeration Date:  25 Apr 1910; Enumerator:  Walter S. Turner, Jr.; Microfilm
No.:  Fl 1910-H T624; ED:  80; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, January
1995:  Eunice G. Hussey; Sex:  Female; Race:  White; Age 17; Marital status: 
Single; Place of birth:  Texas; Place of birth of father: Illinois; Place of
birth of mother: Texas; Language spoken:  English; Occupation:  Student; No.
of months not employed:  0; Can read and write:  yes; Attending school:  yes.

MEMORIES, MEMORIES--DAYS OF LONG AGO chronicled by Marie McCready with
participation by Lovelle McCready:  Julia Wright, Rosalea, Ruth Wallace and
Eunice Hussey learned the Highland fling from Johnny Horne.--page 76
Return to Eunice G. HUSSEY

Notes for George F. HUSSEY

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  George F. Hussey and
wife Mattie

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready; George Hussey, father:  
"Came from Texas.  George was the schoolteacher for awhile. Eunice became very
much interested in learning Spanish and, after leaving the Unity, worked for
some time in Cuba as a telegraph operator to perfect her pronunciation."

MEMORIES, MEMORIES--DAYS OF LONG AGO chronicled by Marie McCready with
participation by Lovelle McCready:  George Hussey was a teacher--page 58.
Return to George F. HUSSEY

Notes for Marvin C. HUSSEY


FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready:  "Came from Texas. George
was the schoolteacher for awhile.  Eunice became very much interested in
learning Spanish and, after leaving the Unity, worked for some time in Cuba as
a telegraph operator to perfect her pronunciation."

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1910; Enumeration date:  23 Apr
1910; Koreshan Unity; Enumerator:  Walter S. Turner, Jr.; Microfilm number: 
Fl 1910-H T624; ED:  80; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 4 Jan 1995:  C.
Marvin Hussey; Sex:  male; Race:  white; Age 11; Marital status:  Single;
Place of birth:  Texas; Place of birth of father: Illinois; Place of birth of
mother: Texas; Language spoken:  English; Occupation:  None; No. of months not
employed:  0; Can read and write:  yes; Attending school:  yes.
Return to Marvin C. HUSSEY

Notes for Mattie M. HUSSEY

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  George F. Hussey and
wife Mattie.

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready; Mattie Hussey, mother: 
"Came from Texas.  George was the schoolteacher for awhile. Eunice became very
much interested in learning Spanish and, after leaving the Unity, worked for
some time in Cuba as a telegraph operator to perfect her pronunciation."

U.S. Federal Census--Estero/Lee County/Florida--1910; Koreshan Unity;
Enumeration Date:  25 Apr 1910; Enumerator:  Walter S. Turner, Jr.; Microfilm
No.:  Fl 1910-H T624; ED:  80; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, January
1995:  Mattie M. Hussey; Sex:  Female; Race:  white; Age:  44; Marital status: 
Married one time; Number of years married:  13; Mother of how many children: 
4; No. of these children living:  4; Place of birth:  Texas; Place of birth of
father:  South Carolina; Place of birth of mother: Tennessee; Language spoken: 
English; Occupation:  Domestic; Employer or worker:  worker; No. of months not
employed:  0; Can read and write.
Return to Mattie M. HUSSEY

Notes for Roscoe E. HUSSEY


FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready; Roscoe Hussey: "Came from
Texas.  George was the schoolteacher for awhile.  Eunice became very much
interested in learning Spanish and, after leaving the Unity, worked for some
time in Cuba as a telegraph operator to perfect her pronunciation."

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1910; Koreshan Unity; Microfilm
roll number:  Fl 1910-H; 163 T624; Enumeration date:  23 Apr 1910; Enumerator: 
Walter S. Turner, Jr.; ED:  80;  Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, January
1995:  Roscoe E. Hussey; Sex:  male; Race:  white; Age 13; Marital status: 
Single; Place of birth:  Texas; Place of birth of father: Illinois; Place of
birth of mother: Texas; Language spoken:  English; Occupation:  student; No.
of months not employed:  0; Can read and write:  yes; Attending school:  yes.
Return to Roscoe E. HUSSEY

Notes for O. W. IDEN

THE FLAMING SWORD; Community Current Events by Alafae Stephens; December 1933: 
"Mrs. Flora Ackers and daughter, Mrs. O. W. Iden, of Maysville, Missouri, are
visiting with Mrs. Lillian Rugg.  Mrs. Ackers is well known here, having been
a member of the Unity about twenty-five years ago."
Return to O. W. IDEN

Notes for Jane C. IRVING


FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready; Jane Irving:  "These were
Irish brother and sisters.  John was a fine machinist and head of the machine
shop at Estero.  Jane was a quiet little woman, but Mary, on the other hand,
was on the overly plump side and talked continually; could be very pleasant
and just as much the other way."

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1910; Microfilm Roll number: 
Fl 1910-H T624; Koreshan Unity; Enumeration Date:  25 Apr 1910; Enumerator: 
Walter S. Turner, Jr.; ED:  80; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, Jan 1995: 
Jane C. Irving; Sex:  female; Race:  white; Age 55; Marital status:  Single;
Place of birth: Ireland: Place of birth of father:  Scotland; Place of birth
of mother:  Ireland; Year of immigration:  1883; Naturalized:  yes; Language
spoken:  English; Occupation:  Laundress; Employer or worker:  worker; No. of
months not employed:  0; Can read and write:  yes.
Return to Jane C. IRVING

Notes for John IRVING

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  John Irving; Born 3 Mar
1854, Ireland; Died:  26 Sep 1939.

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready; John Irving:  "These were
Irish brother and sisters.  John was a fine machinist and head of the machine
shop at Estero.  Jane was a quiet little woman, but Mary, on the other hand,
was on the overly plump side and talked continually; could be very pleasant
and just as much the other way."

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1910; Enumeration date:  23 Apr
1910; Koreshan Unity; Enumerator:  Walter S. Turner, Jr.; Microfilm number: 
Fl 1910-H T624; ED:  80; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff:  John M. Ervin?;
Sex:  Male; Race:  white; Age 55; Marital Status:  Single; Place of birth: 
Ireland; Place of birth of mother and father:  Ireland; Year of immigration to
U. S.:  1881; Naturalized; Occupation:  Machinist; Nature of trade:  General
machinist; Employer or worker:  Worker; No. of months not employed:  0; Can
read and write:  yes.

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1920; Enumeration date:  Jan 2,
1920; Enumerator:  Henry D. Silverfriend; ED:  109; SD:  1; Fourth Precinct;
Microfilm roll number:  1820221; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, Dec 1994: 
John Irving; Relation to head of family:  Boarder; Residence:  Log Cabin
Place; Age 65; Single; Year of immigration to U.S.:  1881; Alien; Place of
birth:  Ireland; Place of birth of mother and father:  Ireland; Occupation: 
Machinist/K.U. Shops.

U.S. Federal 1930 Census; Estero, Lee County, Florida; Precinct 12; Koreshan
Unity Home; Enumeration Date:  May 5, 1930; Enumerator:  William Howell; ED: 
36-17; SD:  6; Page:  199; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, January 2003: 
John Irving; Radio set:  none listed; Sex:  Male; Color:  white; Age:  81;
Marital condition:  single; Attended school since Sep 1, 1929:  no; Whether
able to read and write:  yes; Place of birth:  N. Ireland; Place of birth of
father:  N. Ireland; Place of birth of mother:  N. Ireland; Language spoken in
home before coming to the U.S.:  English; Year of immigration to U.S.:  1881;
Naturalized:   yes; Occupation:  machinist; Industry:  machine shop; Whether
actually at work yesterday (or the last regular working day):  yes; Veteran: 

Burial:  Koreshan Unity Cemetery--lot 28; Inscription:  John Irving/1853-Sept.

Return to John IRVING

Notes for Mary IRVING

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Mary Irving; Born:  12
Jul 1851, Ireland; Died:  6 Feb 1929; Buried H.B., Estero.

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready; Mary Irving:  "These were
Irish brother and sisters.  John was a fine machinist and head of the machine
shop at Estero.  Jane was a quiet little woman, but Mary, on the other hand,
was on the overly plump side and talked continually; could be very pleasant
and just as much the other way."

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1910; Microfilm Roll number: 
Fl 1910-H T624; Koreshan Unity; Enumeration Date:  25 Apr 1910; Enumerator: 
Walter S. Turner, Jr.; ED:  80; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, Jan 1995: 
Mary Irving; Sex:  Female Race:  white; Age 63; Marital Status:  Single; Place
of birth: Ireland; Place of birth of father:  Scotland; Place of birth of
mother: Ireland; Year of immigration to U. S.:  Nothing listed; Language
spoken:  English; Occupation:  student; No. of months not employed:  0; Can
read and write:  yes; Attending school:  yes.

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1920; Enumeration date:  Jan 2,
1920; Enumerator:  Henry D. Silverfriend; ED:  109; SD:  1; Fourth Precinct;
Microfilm roll number:  1820221; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, Dec 1994: 
Mary Irving; Relation to head of family:  Boarder; Place of residence:  Dining
Hall and ladies dormitory place;  Age 60; Single; Year of immigration:  1883;
Alien; Place of birth:  Ireland; Place of birth of mother and father: 
Ireland; Occupation:  Laundress/General Laundry.

Burial:  Horseshoe Bend on the River--Koreshan Unity Cemetery--lot 24;
Inscription:  Mary Irving/1851-Feb. 6-1929
Return to Mary IRVING

Notes for Franklin JACKE

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Franklin F. Jacke; Born: 
12 Jan 1875, Woodland, Wisconsin; Died:  31 Mar 1936.  Joined the K.U. 1903.

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready:  Operated the Unity store
for many years.  he was a hunchback, but very active and efficient in his

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1910; Enumeration date:  23 Apr
1910; Koreshan Unity; Enumerator:  Walter S. Turner, Jr.; Microfilm number: 
Fl 1910-H T624; ED:  80; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 4 Jan 1995: 
Franklin F. Jacke; Sex:  Male; Race:  White; Age 35; Marital status:  Single;
Place of birth:  Wisconsin; Place of birth of mother and father:  Wisconsin;
Language spoken:  English; Occupation: clerk; Employer or worker:  worker; No.
of months not employed:  0; Can read and write:  yes.

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1920; Enumeration date:  Jan 2,
1920; Enumerator:  Henry D. Silverfriend; ED:  109; SD:  1; Fourth Precinct;
Microfilm roll number:  1820221; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, December
1994:  Franklin F. Jacke; Place of residence ___?____Grove; Dwelling number: 
14; Family visitation number:  16; Relation to head of family:  Head;  Age 44;
Single; Place of birth: Wisconsin; Place of birth of father:  unknown; Place
of birth of mother: Wisconsin; Occupation:  General store clerk/general store.

U.S. Federal Census 1930; Estero, Lee County; Florida;  Precinct 12; Koreshan
Unity Home; Enumeration date:  May 5, 1930; Enumerator:  William Howell; ED: 
36-17; SD:  6; Page:  199; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, January 2003: 
Franklin F. Jacke; Radio set:  yes; Sex:  male; Color:  white; Age at last
birthday:  55; Marital status:  single; Attended school since Sep 1, 1929: 
no; Whether able to read and write:  yes; Place of birth:  Wisconsin; Place of
birth of father:  U. S.  Place of birth of mother:  Wisconsin; Whether able to
speak English:  yes;   Occupation:  Store keeper; Industry:  General Store;
Whether actually at work yesterday (or the last regular working day):  yes;
Veteran:  no

Burial:  Koreshan Unity Cemetery--lot 18; Inscription:  Franklyn Jacky/ Jan
1875-Mar 1936

Court Record/Lee County Court House--WARRANTY DEED:  25 Apr 1924; Deed Book
70, Page 209, Entry number 1.

BROTHERS' LAUNDRY LIST:  Franklin Jacke #89

THE FLAMING SWORD; Community Current Events by Alafae Stephens; March 1934: 
"On February fifteenth Brother Franklin Jacke was visited by his sister, Mrs.
Anna Eaton of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, whom he had not seen for over thirty
years.  With Mrs. Eaton were her daughter, Miss Naomi, a nephew, Wayne, and
Mr. Eaton.  They remained here overnight, then went on their way to

THE FLAMING SWORD; Community Current Events by Claude J. Rahn; December 1935: 
"On Tuesday, the twenty-sixth, we had the pleasure of a visit from Brother
Franklin F. Jacke's folks from Wisconsin; his mother, Mrs. Theresa Wendt, his
sisters, Mrs. Annie Eaton and Mrs. Alice Vollstedt, and his niece, Miss Naomi
Eaton, all from Fond du Lac except Mrs. Vollstedt who lives in New Holstein,
Wisconsin.  Brother Franklin had not seen his mother for more than thirty
years and the meeting was naturally an enjoyable affair.  They arrived by
automobile and left on the thirtieth."

FLAMING SWORD--v.50, No.5, May 1936, p.13 -- "The sudden and unexpected death
of Brother Franklin F. Jacke which occurred on Tuesday, March 31st, cast a
pall of sorrow over our community and among his many friends in the county. 
Failing eyesight which presaged the possibility of total blindness, and the
mounting cares of the Unity store of which he had been the active manager for
many years were doubtless the immediate factors responsible for his passing. 
Brother Franklin who was of a kindly and friendly disposition was born in
Woodland, Wisconsin, sixty one years ago, and joined the Unity in 1903, at
which time he came to Estero. Except for a short absence while employed in the
activities of the Koreshan Unity Co-operative in Bristol, Tenn. he had been in
continuous management of our local store, and had developed it into being one
of the best arranged and stocked rural general stores in southwest Florida. 
He was buried in our local cemetery, and the management of the  store was
placed in the care of Mr. Marion F. Strickland who for some time had been
managing our gasoline filling station, and who has had considerable experience
in a similar business in this state."

Notes from Evelyn Horn:  Franklin F. Jacke
"Franklin came to the Koreshan Unity at Estero in 1903 from Chicago.  He was a
strong believer of the Koreshan doctrine.  Franklin was the manager and store
keeper of the Koreshan Unity General Store, serving the people of Estero and
surrounding communities.  People came as far as Sarasota and Punta Gorda for
the Koreshan home baked bread, fresh country eggs, and vegetables raised by
the Koreshans.

The first store was built in 1905 of wood and was two story.  The general
store was on the ground floor and the brothers' rooms were on the second
floor.  They outgrew the store building and built a new concrete two-story
building. Franklin Jacke moved in the new store December 8, 1924, and managed
it until his death on March 31, 1936.  His death was a tragedy to all who knew
and loved him.  Due to failing eyesight, he committed suicide by drowning in
the Estero River leaving a note as such.  Age 61 years.

Franklin Jacke was a short man of medium build, a hunchback.  He had dark hair
and dark brown eyes.  Everyone loved him.  He was a kind, loving, caring
Return to Franklin JACKE

Notes for Amy Jordan JACKSON

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Amy Jordan Jackson;
Born: 24 Jan 1870, San Francisco, California.
Return to Amy Jordan JACKSON