Notes for John A. GRIER

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  John A. Grier; Born:  27
Feb 1855 near Davenport, Iowa.

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready:  "They came to the Unity
from the west, and I believe Oklahoma.  The two older boys did not stay long,
and do not believe they came to Estero.  Bessie and Jessie were twins.  They
came to Florida but soon left.  Ada was Lovelle's age. We never thought she
paid much attention to her school studies but, when she became angry at
someone, as often happened, and sounded off about that person, the big words
she used, and generally correctly, were amazing.  Everybody in the dormitory
would gather around for it was well worth listening to.  She married Carlton

1900 U. S. Federal Census; Calumet Township; Chicago, Cook, Illinois; Film
Roll No. 285; Page No. 285; SD No. 1; ED No. 986; Sheet No. 12; Ward of City: 
31; Enumeration Date:  13 June 1900; Enumerator:  Ernest E. Ellington;
Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 24 May 1999; Koreshan Unity:  John Grier;
Residence: 99th Street, Dwelling 133; Relation to head of family:  Boarder;
Color, white; Sex, male; Month of birth: August; Year of birth:  1855; Age at
last birthday:  44; Married; Number of years married:  22; Place of birth: 
Iowa; Place of birth of father:  Ohio; Place of birth of mother: Ohio;
Occupation:  Nothing listed; Can read, yes; Can write, yes; Can speak English,

1910 U.S. Federal Census; State:  Florida; County:  Duval; City: 
Jacksonville; ED:  84; Ward:  7; Enumeration Date:  23 Apr 1910; Enumerator: 
George F. Barth.  Name:  John Grier; Address:  West Adams Street (living with
A.C. Phillips family); Relation to head of family:  servant; Sex:  Male;
Color:  white; Age:  57; Marital status:  married; Number of years married: 
2; Place of birth:  Iowa; Place of birth of father:  Ohio; Place of birth of
mother:  Ohio; Language spoken:  English; Trade or profession:  farmer;
General nature of work:  Agriculture; Employer or worker:  worker; Can read
and write:  yes.

1930 U.S. Federal Census; Estero, Lee County, Florida; Election Precinct 12;
Koreshan Unity Home; Enumeration Date:  Enumerator:  William Howell; May 5,
1930; ED:  36-17; SD:  6; Page:  199; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff,
January 2003:  John Grier; Radio set:  none listed; Sex:  Male; Color:  white;
Age at last birthday:  75; Marital condition:  widower; Age at first marriage: 
26; Attended school since Sep 1, 1929:  no; Whether able to read and write:
yes; Place of birth:  Iowa; Place of birth of father:  Ohio; Place of birth of
mother:  Ohio; Whether able to speak English:  yes; Occupation:  Farmer;
Industry:  Farming; Whether actually at work yesterday (or the last regular
working day):  yes; Veteran:  no.

FLAMING SWORD; Community Current Events by D. J. Richards; January 1930:
"Speaking of beautifying the grounds, we wish to note the good work Brother
John Grier, another winter visitor, has been doing in the Unity Park since his
return from Iowa, where he spent the summer.  In trimming some of the date
palms he has revealed a beauty we were not conscious of before."

THE FLAMING SWORD; Community Current Events by D. J. Richards; January 1931: 
"Brother John Grier has returned to the Unity after an absence of several
months.  His son, Harry Grier, of Los Angles, Calif., accompanied by his wife,
paid the Unity a visit recently, with Mrs. Carlton Case of Fort Myers, a
daughter of Brother John.  Mrs. Case spent her girlhood in the Unity, both in
Chicago and Estero."

FLAMING SWORD; Community Current Events by Max E. Arendt; May 1931:  "Mr. and
Mrs. L.M. Boomer and children, who had been making their home at River Bend
for some weeks, have returned to their home in New York City. Brother John
Grier will act as caretaker of the River Bend estate during the summer."

FLAMING SWORD; Community Current Events by Alafae Stephens; September 1933: 
"Brother John Grier is at home again after spending the past six weeks in Fort
Myers at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Carlton Case, while she and her family
attended the fair in Chicago and visited other northern points.  Before
returning here Brother John spent a week at Mrs. Lillian Rugg's, where he had
the misfortune to fall, bruising his left eye.  It is now much improved, we
are glad to say."

FLAMING SWORD; Community Current Events; September 1934:  "Sunday the 29th
some relatives and friends arrived from Iowa to visit Brother John Grier.  The
party consisted of Mrs. Grove Grier, Miss Margaret Grier, Mrs. John Pearson,
Doris, John and Ballard Pearson and Arthur Trimm."

FLAMING SWORD; Community Current Events; by Claude J. Rahn; December 1935: 
"Mr. John Greer (sic) who spent the summer visiting with relatives in Iowa is
at present staying with Mrs. Lillian E. Rugg in Estero."
Return to John A. GRIER

Notes for Annie B. GRIFFITHS

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Annie B. Griffiths;
Born:  29 Sep 1828, Rockville, Maryland.
Return to Annie B. GRIFFITHS

Notes for Caroline GRINNELL

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Caroline Grinnell.
Return to Caroline GRINNELL

Notes for Elizabeth GRISWOLD

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Elizabeth Griswold.
Return to Elizabeth GRISWOLD

Notes for Mr. GUNN

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Mr. Gunn  (no first name

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready:  Just given as "Also a Mr.
Gunn."--Vesta Newcomb
Return to Mr. GUNN

Notes for Ida Marie Wilhelmina HABERKORN

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Ida M. Fischer; Born: 
25 Jan 1871 Wisconsin; Died:  22 May 1945.

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready:  (Ida Fischer, mother) The
only ones of this family I remember are Ida and Mildred --Marie McCready. 
Irving, Jr. joined the Navy.  Arnold, who enjoyed hunting and often went
alone, was bitten by a rattlesnake and died before reaching the
hospital--William McCready.

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida/1910; Enumeration date:  23 Apr
1910; Koreshan Unity; Enumerator:  Walter S. Turner, Jr.; Microfilm number: 
Fl 1910-H T624; ED:  80; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 4 Jan 1995:  Ida
M. Fisher; Sex:  Female Race:  White; Age 39; Marital Status:  Widow:  Place
of birth:  Wisconsin; Place of birth of father: Michigan; Place of birth of
mother:  Germany; Occupation: Steward; Nature of trade:  Unity; Employer or
worker:  worker; No. of months not employed:  0; Can read and write:  yes.

U.S. Federal Census; Estero; Lee County; Florida; 1920; Enumeration date:  Jan
2, 1920; Enumerator:  Henry D. Silverfriend; ED:  109; SD:  1; Fourth
Precinct; Microfilm roll number:  1820221; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff,
Dec 1994:  Ida M. Fisher; Relation to head of family:  Head; Place of
residence:  Poultry yard road; Age 48; widow; Place of birth: Wisconsin; Place
of birth of father; Michigan; Place of birth of mother: Germany; Occupation: 
Laundress/Gen. Laundry.

U.S. Federal 1930 Census; Estero, Lee County, Florida; Precinct 12; Koreshan
Unity Home; Enumeration Date:  May 5, 1930; ED:  36-17; SD:  6; Page:  199;
Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, January 2003:  Ida M. Fischer; Radio set: 
none listed; Sex:  female; Color:  white; Age at last birthday:  59; Marital
status:  widow; Age at first marriage:  22; Attended school since Sep 1, 1929: 
no; Whether able to read and write:  yes; Place of birth:  Wisconsin; Place of
birth of father:  Michigan; Place of birth of mother:  Germany; Whether able
to speak English:  yes; Occupation:  Housekeeper; Industry:  House work;
Whether actually at work yesterday (or the last regular working day):  yes.

Burial:  Koreshan Unity Cemetery--lot 39; Inscription:  Ida Fischer--1871-May

Court Record--Warranty Deed, April 1924, No. 26759:  Deed book 70/Page 209,
List of Koreshan members including Ida Fischer.

THE FLAMING SWORD; Community Current Events by Max E. Arendt; June 1936:
"Sister Emily Bessemer, whom we all admired for the excellent work she did as
one of our two cooks, left on May 8, to visit with relatives in Washington,
D.C. for the summer.  Sister Ida Fischer remains as our stand-by as chief

FLAMING SWORD, Vol. 59, No.6, Community Current Events by Marie Fischer, June
1945, p.10 -- "And now once again I sadly report the passing of another
faithful and loyal member, Sister Ida Fischer, who passed away Monday evening,
May 21.  Sister Ida came into the Unity in 1907 with her husband, Emil, and
three children.  The husband passed away not long after their advent to the
Unity, but Sister Ida remained and put in many years of service to the
neighbor at the laundry in the earlier years, and more recently in the
kitchen, where she remained even after life had become a burden on account of
ill health, until about six months ago, when she was obliged to give up and
keep off her feet.  Like her own independent self, however, she refused to be
a burden to others and did for herself until the very end.  Sister Ida is
survived by a brother and sister in Wisconsin and her two children Erwin of
Fort Myers, Florida, and Mrs. Barager of Seattle, Washington."

Evelyn Horn's notes:  Ida Fischer
Sister Ida came to the Koreshan Unity in Estero in 1907 with her family.
Husband, Emil and three children:  Erwin and Arnold Fischer, one daughter,
Mildred Barager, who lives in Seattle, Washington.  Emil died at the Unity
after only a few years here.  Arnold, died a young man in his 20 ties, after a
rattlesnake bite on a hunting trip in the everglades. Erwin grew up in the
Unity and became a commercial fisherman, married a local girl, Bessie Johnson,
and they had six children.  They lived at Lover's Key Island, in the Estero

Ida worked in the laundry and was a cook for the Koreshan family for many
years.  She was well loved by all.  She loved to bake cakes, pies, and cookies
for Koreshan members and friends.  Cooked for Solar and Lunar Festival. She
died of heart dropsy May 21, 1945, and was buried in Koreshan Cemetery.

Ida was a very humorous person, always so friendly and smiling.  She had dark
brown eyes and hair.  She was a very large person and very neat in her
appearance.  Ida always wore dainty, small prints on white background for her
dresses which were handmade of soft voiles and batiste materials.  She also
wore white sweaters or shawls.
Return to Ida Marie Wilhelmina HABERKORN

Notes for Thankful H. HALE

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Thankful H. Hale;
Visited the Unity 1-15-1907; Died:  6-6-1907, Washington, D.C.
Return to Thankful H. HALE

Notes for Harry HAMBLY

Return to Harry HAMBLY

Notes for Judith T. Coon HAMBLY

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Judith T. Hambly (nee
Return to Judith T. Coon HAMBLY

Notes for Christine E. HAMILTON

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Christine E. Hamilton;
Born: 30 Apr 1850, Denmark; Died:  24 Jul 1922.

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready:  "Christine was a Dane who
still had a slight accent, and was the assistant matron at Beth Ophrah. Linda
did not live at Beth Ophrah after we came.  I think she lived outside but
often visited and played the violin in our orchestra. Minerva developed a
goiter which was becoming serious before she came to Florida, after which it
disappeared entirely."

1900 U. S. Federal Census; Calumet township; Chicago, Cook, Illinois; Film
Roll No. 285; SD:  1; ED:  986; Page:  285; Sheet:  12; Ward:  31; Residence: 
99th Street; Enumeration date:  13 Jun 1900; Enumerator:  Ernest E. Ellington;
Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 24 May 1999; Koreshan Unity:  Christine
Hamilton; Relation to head of family:  boarder; Color:  white; Sex:  male;
Month of birth:  April; Year of birth:  1852; Age at last birthday:  48;
Marital status:  Married; Number of years married:  *1; Mother of how many
children:  4; Number of children living:  4; Place of birth:  Denmark; Place
of birth of father:  Denmark; Place of birth of mother:  Denmark; Year of
immigration to U.S.:  1860; No of years in U.S.:  40; Naturalization:  Nothing
listed; Occupation:  Nothing listed; Can read and write:  yes; Can speak
English:  yes.  (*All but 5 married residents living in this dwelling listed
their number of years married as 1)

1910 U. S. Federal Census; Lee County; Koreshan Unity; Enumeration Date:  25
Apr 1910; Enumerator:  Walter S. Turner, Jr.; Microfilm No.:  Fl 1910-H T624;
ED:  80; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, January 1995:  Emilie C.
Hamilton; Sex, female; Race, white; Age:  62;  Marital Status;  Widow; Mother
of how many children:  3; No. of these children living:  3; Place of birth: 
Denmark; Place of birth of father:  Denmark; Place of birth of mother: 
Denmark; Year of immigration to U. S.:  1876; Naturalized;  Language spoken: 
English; Occupation:  sewing; Employer, worker, or own account:  Worker; No.
of months not employed:  None; Can read and write:  yes.

1920 U.S. Federal Census; Estero, Lee, Florida; Enumeration date:  Jan 2,
1920; Enumerator:  Henry D. Silverfriend; ED:  109; SD:  1; Fourth Precinct;
Microfilm roll number:  1820221; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, December
1994:  Christine Hamilton; Residence:  Planetary Court; Relation to head of
family:  Boarder; Sex:  female; Color:  white; Age:  69; Marital status: 
widow; Year of immigration to U.S.:  1883; Naturalized or Alien:  Alien; Can
read and write:  yes; Place of birth:  Denmark; Place of birth of father: 
Denmark; Place of birth of mother:  Denmark; Can speak English:  yes;
Occupation:  Seamstress at the K.U. home.

Burial:  Horseshoe Bend on the River--Koreshan Unity Cemetery--lot 9;
Inscription:  Christine Hamilton/21 Jul 1922.

MEMORIES, MEMORIES--DAYS OF LONG AGO chronicled by Marie McCready with
participation by Lovelle McCready:  Christine Hamilton was the assistant
matron at Beth Ophrah and spoke with a Danish accent.  One of her beliefs was
that "Children and dogs are all right in their place, but their place is not
in the house".   Her daughters were Linda and Minerva--page 43.
Return to Christine E. HAMILTON

Notes for J. Lindhart HAMILTON

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  J. Lindhart Hamilton;
Born 26 Jun 1880, Oakland, California.

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready; Linda* Hamilton: 
"Christine was a Dane who still had a slight accent, and was the assistant
matron at Beth Ophrah.  Linda did not live at Beth Ophrah after we came.  I
think she lived outside but often visited and played the violin in our
orchestra.  Minerva developed a goiter which was becoming serious before she
came to Florida, after which it disappeared entirely." (I believe J. Lindhard
Hamilton is the same person as Linda Hamilton.--Joyce Nelle Ratliff, Jan 1999)
Return to J. Lindhart HAMILTON

Notes for Minerva C. HAMILTON

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Minerva C. Hamilton;
Born: 2 Aug 1882, Clinton, British Columbia.

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready; Minerva Hamilton:
"Christine was a Dane who still had a slight accent, and was the assistant
matron at Beth Ophrah.  Linda did not live at Beth Ophrah after we came.  I
think she lived outside but often visited and played the violin in our
orchestra.  Minerva developed a goiter which was becoming serious before she
came to Florida, after which it disappeared entirely."
Return to Minerva C. HAMILTON

Notes for Georgia HAMPTON

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready:  Georgia Hampton; "Georgia
was only three months old when they came but apparently missed her mother when
put in the children's cottage as she howled all night and kept the rest awake. 
Shortly thereafter when Rose Gilbert came with little Dean, he mad a duet of
it.--Rosalea McCready  The Hamptons did not stay very long."
Return to Georgia HAMPTON

Notes for Lulu HAMPTON


FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready; Lulu Hampton:  "Georgia was
only three months old when they came but apparently missed her mother when put
in the children's cottage as she howled all night and kept the rest awake. 
Shortly thereafter when Rose Gilbert came with little Dean, he made a duet of
it--Rosalea McCready.  The Hamptons did not stay very long."
Return to Lulu HAMPTON

Notes for Magdalene HAMPTON

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Magdalene Hampton.
Return to Magdalene HAMPTON

Notes for Mark HAMPTON

Return to Mark HAMPTON

Notes for Robert HAMPTON

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Robert Hampton.

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready; Robert Hampton:
"Georgia was only three months old when they came but apparently missed her
mother when put in the children's cottage as she howled all night and kept the
rest awake.  Shortly thereafter when Rose Gilbert came with little Dean, he
made a duet of it--Rosalea McCready.  The Hamptons did not stay very long."
Return to Robert HAMPTON

Notes for Samuel HAMPTON

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Samuel Hampton.

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. compiled by Marie McCready:  (father),
Hampton.  (No first name given--possibly father of Lulu, Robert, another son,
Wade, Georgia--Joyce Nelle Ratliff, January 1999)
Return to Samuel HAMPTON

Notes for Shelly HAMPTON

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn:  Shelly Hampton.
Return to Shelly HAMPTON

Notes for Wade HAMPTON

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready:  Wade Hampton; "Georgia was
only three months old when they came but apparently missed her mother when put
in the children's cottage as she howled all night and kept the rest awake. 
Shortly thereafter when Rose Gilbert came with little Dean, he mad a duet of
it.--Rosalea McCready  The Hamptons did not stay very long."
Return to Wade HAMPTON