These photos were in the Koreshan Unity Archives (College of Life). They were transferred to the Archives of the State of Florida. Prior to the transfer, digital copies were made for the Koreshan State Historic Site.

This set is identified as the "Boomer" pictures, although not all of them refer only to the Boomer family.

boomerdock02_small.jpg boomerestateestero_small.jpg caretakercottage001_small.jpg caretakercottage001back_small.jpg
chickenhouseyardenlargedwest1926_small.jpg connershghwyapr1926berthaldineincar_small.jpg dodgesedanmarianoring1926_small.jpg georginaberthaldineboomerboomercar1920_small.jpg
harryboomerlauriebubbett_small.jpg luciusmboomer_small.jpg mirasol_small.jpg mirasolboomerestatew2men_small.jpg
mirasol001_small.jpg mirasol002_small.jpg mirasol004_small.jpg ruthboomerthomas1921_small.jpg
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