The Flaming Sword
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The Varied Happenings, Social and Musical, That Make Our Lives Interesting
July 1921
THE American Defense Society, Inc., with headquarters in New York City, of which (In Perpetuum Memoriam) Theodore Roosevelt is its
First Honorary President, wrote to ask us if we would like to have placed in our schoolroom the portrait of Theodore Roosevelt, so as to keep forcibly before the mind of the rising generation the, foremost exponent of Americanism and the principles for which he stood. We replied that we would be pleased to have the portrait, and would consider it a privilege to hold a presentation service befitting the occasion. It was decided that the Fourth of July would be the logical day to honor, commemorate, and pay tribute to the memory of one of the great characters America has produced.
There was something so magnetic about the personality of Theodore Roosevelt that even now, two years and seven months after his demise, one can sense the aura of greatness with which he swayed the multitudes, and which seemingly still exists. It is no wonder that the A. D. S., in electing him, its First Honorary President, In Perpetuum Memoriam, did so because the psychology which is born only with greatness still seems to be a living reality.
No public man was ever eulogized by the Founder of the Koreshan Unity as was Theodore Roosevelt, and while he was greatly maligned by his enemies, KORESH declared he was a most consistent Christian, as he lived up fully to the principles in which he believed. In the article, "Roosevelt as President and Statesman," which was read at the meeting of July 4th (from THE FLAMING SWORD of July 12, 1904), KORESH said:
"Men are backed by the powers of the spheres, and that support is proportionate to the integrity of the material vortex which constitutes the physical apex of the combinations which they are promoting, and the achievements which they purpose. Roosevelt's religionconstitutes the foundation of his moral integrity, which is up to the best standard of what the world at the present time regards as the acme of virtue. He is characterized by a moral stamina commensurate with his conviction of a standard set by the most reliable standardmakers of the present age.
"We do not say that it is our standard, nor the highest to be achieved in the progress of the age; for ours is that of the character and life of the Son of God, whose integrity is the ensample of our aspirations and the sure promise of our attainment. Roosevelt is deeply religious, and his religion constitutes the foundation for the regulation of his life. He has moral convictions of a pronounced order, and a force of character equal to those convictions. . . ."
"As a Christian man Roosevelt deplores the necessity for war, and he would as quickly exert his influence toward the disarmament of the world, as any of the maudlin sympathizers with the principles of international arbitration as bases of settlement for the contentions which lead to conflict; but as the physician with his finger upon the pulse of his patient diagnoses his case, so the President, with his finger upon the public and international pulse, has guaged the character of the heartthrobs of the human race, and, knowing its vices, seeks to prepare for the crisis which threatens his charge.
"Time will show that his determination to place the United States in the front rank of military and naval powers is due. to his grasp of conditions which are more deeply seated than 'peace' doctors are aware, and which, in the crisis, will demand the aggressive force which the President has displayed in his public acts, and the ability to supplement such force with powers equal to the occasion. He may not foresee the climax, but he has that insight into human character which enables him to calculate the! fatality of neglect. ...
"From the common and orthodox point of view Roosevelt is great; and we will herewith present a resume of the elements which .conspire to constitute this greatness. First, then, he is a religious man of practical conceptions of its obligations. Again, he has a deep sense of moral obligation, which ho demonstrates in the devotion he displays in his observance of any function, either private or public, to which he is called, and his hard work in his function shows his fidelity to obligation. He is endowed with a force of tenacity superdominant above the machinations and conspirations which, either through policy or subversive interests, would be seductive against his own judgment, which the world must admit is of the superlative order, quick as lightning, and as sure as the arrow of the trained eye.
"He is farreaching in his conceptions of what must constitute the nation's greatness, involving those principles of expansion which include commercial interests of international character, with the military and naval occupations which give to the nation a commanding position, an attitude for the protection and augmentation of such interests. He has grasped the entire situation of what constitutes our relation to the world as its active force; and while he is thoroughly aggressive, his aggressiveness is so controlled by sound judgment as to make him a safe exploiter of American prowess."
The Art Hall was beautifully decorated with the American colors, and with a color scheme of red, white, and blue flow^ers and shrubbery such as are only grown in tropical and semitropical countries, and with which Estero is bountifully blessed. Roosevelt's picture, which rested on an easel draped with the American colors, was encased in a beautiful frame made of Florida eucalyptus, magnolia, and black walnut wood. Printed on the picture is Roosevelt's last public message, read in the Hippodrome in New York City the night before he died:
"Keep up the Fight for Americanism" "I cannot be with you, and so all I can do is to wish you Godspeed. There must be no sagging back in the fight for Americanism merely because the war is over. There are plenty of persons who have already made the assertion that they believe the American people have a short memory, and they intend to revive all the foreign associations which most directly interfere with the complete Americanization of our people.
"Our principle in this matter should be absolutely simple. In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed or birthplace or origin.
"But this is predicated upon the man's becoming in very fact an American and nothing but an American. If he tries to keep segregated with men of his own origin and separated from the rest' of America, then he isn't doing his part as an American.
"There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but is something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile.
"We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language, for we intend to see that the crucible turns our people out as Americans, of American nationality, and not as dwellers in a polyglot boarding house; and we have room for but one soul loyalty, and that is a loyalty to the American people."
The program was as follows:
1 MARCH--"Liberty Bell"--Sousa-- K. U. Orchestra
Helen Boszormeny and Floyd Moreland
4 HYMN--"How Firm a Foundation"--Roosevelt's Favorite--Words by Dr. Kirkham
Audience, Accompanied by K. U. Orchestra
5 READING--From Writings of Koresh--"Roosevelt as President and Statesman"--H. L. Silverfriend
6 FLUTE SOLO--"Long, Long Ago"--H. Steckmesi Floyd Moreland
7 RECITATION--"Freedom's Star Spangled Banner"--Ninette Lozvater, Helen Boszormeny
8 OVERTURE--"From Shore to Shore"--Bennett--.K. U. Orchestra
9 RECITATION--"The Flag, Boys" --
7. A. Elwood--Floyd Moreland
10. MARCH (Piano Duet) "In Lilac Time" Engleman--Prof. F. A. Schoedler and Helen Boszormeny
11. RECITATION--"Our Old Flag"--Tibor Wyka, Mace Stephens, and Alex Wyka
12. MARCH--"Dixie"--Emmet--Prof. F. A. Schoedler
13. RECITATION--"Written for Civil War Mothers"--Alafae Stephens
14. SONG--"The Star Spangled Banner"--Words by Francis Scott Key--Audience, Accompanied by K. U. Orchestra
The Unity orchestra at a recent concert was given unusual support when assisted by Professor Grella, band master of Fort Myers, and his first clarinetist, Signer Mazzeri. In addition to playing in the orchestra, the professor" played a baritone solo, "A Night in June," and for an encore played "Remember Me," by Balfe. Signer Mazzeri gave "Scene and Air," from "Luisa di Montfort," by Bergson, and Meyerbeer's "Cavatina," for an encore; needless to say their numbers were much appreciated. Prof. Frank A. Schoedler played on the piano the "Awakening of the Lion," by Kontski, and for an encore his own composition "A Storm at Sea," arranged to "Home Sweet Home." Each number was much enjoyed, and the audience considered it an unusually good treat.
Miss Annie Ray Andrews of New York City is at present on a visit to her mother, Sister Virginia, who has not been very well lately.
Miss Eunice Hussey of Havana, Cuba, her mother and sister Eula of Fort Myers, recently made the Unity a short visit.
When Florida solves the forage problem for cattle, which it almost has in the Napier and Merker grasses, the state will surely be able to claim that this is the land flowing with milk and honey. The Unity has an excellent herd of Jersey cattle, and it is our intention during the rainy season to set out several more acres of the above named grasses. The bees of the Unity apiary have done unusually well this season, and our dentist, Brother Frank Wilson, who also has charge of the apiary, expects to extract at least four barrels of honey from 50 hives.
A wonderful invention of the twentieth century is the motion picture machine, that has practically taken the place of the stage with its oldtime acting; at least in the smaller towns and rural districts, and has brought the happenings of the world right to our doors.
The Unity has been presented with a brand new Acme Motion Picture Machine, the gift of Miss Bertie Boomer and her mother, Sister Berthaldine. Miss Eula Hussey, who operates the picture machine at the Arcade Theatre, Fort Myers, and Mr. Charles Raby, also of Fort Myers, spent a day with us, getting things in readiness to operate that same evening. Four reels were exhibited; one showing the sights of Atlanta; another portraying the making of Stetson beaver hats; another devoted to good roads and what they mean to the development of the country, and the last a com edy. The evening was indeed one of unusual enjoy ment, and everything went off smoothly. Words really seem inadequate to express the Unity's appreciation to the donors for this gift, because pictures are a lan guage, if we may use the expression, that all can under stand, and as stated above, are the means of bringing the world right to our door.
The Varied Happenings, Social and Musical, That Make Our Lives Interesting
July 1921
THE American Defense Society, Inc., with headquarters in New York City, of which (In Perpetuum Memoriam) Theodore Roosevelt is its
First Honorary President, wrote to ask us if we would like to have placed in our schoolroom the portrait of Theodore Roosevelt, so as to keep forcibly before the mind of the rising generation the, foremost exponent of Americanism and the principles for which he stood. We replied that we would be pleased to have the portrait, and would consider it a privilege to hold a presentation service befitting the occasion. It was decided that the Fourth of July would be the logical day to honor, commemorate, and pay tribute to the memory of one of the great characters America has produced.
There was something so magnetic about the personality of Theodore Roosevelt that even now, two years and seven months after his demise, one can sense the aura of greatness with which he swayed the multitudes, and which seemingly still exists. It is no wonder that the A. D. S., in electing him, its First Honorary President, In Perpetuum Memoriam, did so because the psychology which is born only with greatness still seems to be a living reality.
No public man was ever eulogized by the Founder of the Koreshan Unity as was Theodore Roosevelt, and while he was greatly maligned by his enemies, KORESH declared he was a most consistent Christian, as he lived up fully to the principles in which he believed. In the article, "Roosevelt as President and Statesman," which was read at the meeting of July 4th (from THE FLAMING SWORD of July 12, 1904), KORESH said:
"Men are backed by the powers of the spheres, and that support is proportionate to the integrity of the material vortex which constitutes the physical apex of the combinations which they are promoting, and the achievements which they purpose. Roosevelt's religionconstitutes the foundation of his moral integrity, which is up to the best standard of what the world at the present time regards as the acme of virtue. He is characterized by a moral stamina commensurate with his conviction of a standard set by the most reliable standardmakers of the present age.
"We do not say that it is our standard, nor the highest to be achieved in the progress of the age; for ours is that of the character and life of the Son of God, whose integrity is the ensample of our aspirations and the sure promise of our attainment. Roosevelt is deeply religious, and his religion constitutes the foundation for the regulation of his life. He has moral convictions of a pronounced order, and a force of character equal to those convictions. . . ."
"As a Christian man Roosevelt deplores the necessity for war, and he would as quickly exert his influence toward the disarmament of the world, as any of the maudlin sympathizers with the principles of international arbitration as bases of settlement for the contentions which lead to conflict; but as the physician with his finger upon the pulse of his patient diagnoses his case, so the President, with his finger upon the public and international pulse, has guaged the character of the heartthrobs of the human race, and, knowing its vices, seeks to prepare for the crisis which threatens his charge.
"Time will show that his determination to place the United States in the front rank of military and naval powers is due. to his grasp of conditions which are more deeply seated than 'peace' doctors are aware, and which, in the crisis, will demand the aggressive force which the President has displayed in his public acts, and the ability to supplement such force with powers equal to the occasion. He may not foresee the climax, but he has that insight into human character which enables him to calculate the! fatality of neglect. ...
"From the common and orthodox point of view Roosevelt is great; and we will herewith present a resume of the elements which .conspire to constitute this greatness. First, then, he is a religious man of practical conceptions of its obligations. Again, he has a deep sense of moral obligation, which ho demonstrates in the devotion he displays in his observance of any function, either private or public, to which he is called, and his hard work in his function shows his fidelity to obligation. He is endowed with a force of tenacity superdominant above the machinations and conspirations which, either through policy or subversive interests, would be seductive against his own judgment, which the world must admit is of the superlative order, quick as lightning, and as sure as the arrow of the trained eye.
"He is farreaching in his conceptions of what must constitute the nation's greatness, involving those principles of expansion which include commercial interests of international character, with the military and naval occupations which give to the nation a commanding position, an attitude for the protection and augmentation of such interests. He has grasped the entire situation of what constitutes our relation to the world as its active force; and while he is thoroughly aggressive, his aggressiveness is so controlled by sound judgment as to make him a safe exploiter of American prowess."
The Art Hall was beautifully decorated with the American colors, and with a color scheme of red, white, and blue flow^ers and shrubbery such as are only grown in tropical and semitropical countries, and with which Estero is bountifully blessed. Roosevelt's picture, which rested on an easel draped with the American colors, was encased in a beautiful frame made of Florida eucalyptus, magnolia, and black walnut wood. Printed on the picture is Roosevelt's last public message, read in the Hippodrome in New York City the night before he died:
"Keep up the Fight for Americanism" "I cannot be with you, and so all I can do is to wish you Godspeed. There must be no sagging back in the fight for Americanism merely because the war is over. There are plenty of persons who have already made the assertion that they believe the American people have a short memory, and they intend to revive all the foreign associations which most directly interfere with the complete Americanization of our people.
"Our principle in this matter should be absolutely simple. In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed or birthplace or origin.
"But this is predicated upon the man's becoming in very fact an American and nothing but an American. If he tries to keep segregated with men of his own origin and separated from the rest' of America, then he isn't doing his part as an American.
"There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but is something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile.
"We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language, for we intend to see that the crucible turns our people out as Americans, of American nationality, and not as dwellers in a polyglot boarding house; and we have room for but one soul loyalty, and that is a loyalty to the American people."
The program was as follows:
1 MARCH--"Liberty Bell"--Sousa-- K. U. Orchestra
Helen Boszormeny and Floyd Moreland
4 HYMN--"How Firm a Foundation"--Roosevelt's Favorite--Words by Dr. Kirkham
Audience, Accompanied by K. U. Orchestra
5 READING--From Writings of Koresh--"Roosevelt as President and Statesman"--H. L. Silverfriend
6 FLUTE SOLO--"Long, Long Ago"--H. Steckmesi Floyd Moreland
7 RECITATION--"Freedom's Star Spangled Banner"--Ninette Lozvater, Helen Boszormeny
8 OVERTURE--"From Shore to Shore"--Bennett--.K. U. Orchestra
9 RECITATION--"The Flag, Boys" --
7. A. Elwood--Floyd Moreland
10. MARCH (Piano Duet) "In Lilac Time" Engleman--Prof. F. A. Schoedler and Helen Boszormeny
11. RECITATION--"Our Old Flag"--Tibor Wyka, Mace Stephens, and Alex Wyka
12. MARCH--"Dixie"--Emmet--Prof. F. A. Schoedler
13. RECITATION--"Written for Civil War Mothers"--Alafae Stephens
14. SONG--"The Star Spangled Banner"--Words by Francis Scott Key--Audience, Accompanied by K. U. Orchestra
The Unity orchestra at a recent concert was given unusual support when assisted by Professor Grella, band master of Fort Myers, and his first clarinetist, Signer Mazzeri. In addition to playing in the orchestra, the professor" played a baritone solo, "A Night in June," and for an encore played "Remember Me," by Balfe. Signer Mazzeri gave "Scene and Air," from "Luisa di Montfort," by Bergson, and Meyerbeer's "Cavatina," for an encore; needless to say their numbers were much appreciated. Prof. Frank A. Schoedler played on the piano the "Awakening of the Lion," by Kontski, and for an encore his own composition "A Storm at Sea," arranged to "Home Sweet Home." Each number was much enjoyed, and the audience considered it an unusually good treat.
Miss Annie Ray Andrews of New York City is at present on a visit to her mother, Sister Virginia, who has not been very well lately.
Miss Eunice Hussey of Havana, Cuba, her mother and sister Eula of Fort Myers, recently made the Unity a short visit.
When Florida solves the forage problem for cattle, which it almost has in the Napier and Merker grasses, the state will surely be able to claim that this is the land flowing with milk and honey. The Unity has an excellent herd of Jersey cattle, and it is our intention during the rainy season to set out several more acres of the above named grasses. The bees of the Unity apiary have done unusually well this season, and our dentist, Brother Frank Wilson, who also has charge of the apiary, expects to extract at least four barrels of honey from 50 hives.
A wonderful invention of the twentieth century is the motion picture machine, that has practically taken the place of the stage with its oldtime acting; at least in the smaller towns and rural districts, and has brought the happenings of the world right to our doors.
The Unity has been presented with a brand new Acme Motion Picture Machine, the gift of Miss Bertie Boomer and her mother, Sister Berthaldine. Miss Eula Hussey, who operates the picture machine at the Arcade Theatre, Fort Myers, and Mr. Charles Raby, also of Fort Myers, spent a day with us, getting things in readiness to operate that same evening. Four reels were exhibited; one showing the sights of Atlanta; another portraying the making of Stetson beaver hats; another devoted to good roads and what they mean to the development of the country, and the last a com edy. The evening was indeed one of unusual enjoy ment, and everything went off smoothly. Words really seem inadequate to express the Unity's appreciation to the donors for this gift, because pictures are a lan guage, if we may use the expression, that all can under stand, and as stated above, are the means of bringing the world right to our door.